The Su family did not expect such a result.

Their script is to climb the big tree of Yanghua group with the help of Su Yan, and then make a big fishing. Even if they can't make a lot of money, at least Shenghua group has to absorb blood from Yanghua group.

However, several people did not expect that the blood had not begun to suck, the money had not begun to earn, and even Su Yan's power had not been taken back, everything... Had collapsed.

The Su family couldn't accept it.

Even Su Yan can't accept it!

She glared angrily at Mrs. Su and her party. She was shaking with anger.

If these people didn't stir up trouble here and annoy Mr. Lin, how could everything be like this?

And she's not a fool. She understood what she meant when she appeared at the meeting.

She wants to distribute Su Yan's power to Su Zhen and Su Hui. After all, Su Guang is the most filial and obedient mother. How cunning old lady Su is, how can she deal with Su Guang? Once Su Guang takes over, Su Yan is unable to recover. After all, most of the company's shares are in the hands of suguang.

"Xiaoyan, you have to save the company, save the Su family! If the company goes bankrupt, we'll be dead! The Liu family won't let us go! "

Finally, Su Zhen couldn't help it any more, rushed to the past, took Su Yan's hand and cried.

"How can I save it?" Su Yan was in great pain.

"You go to ask Lin Dong, you go to ask him. Don't look at him saying that he doesn't want to marry you. In fact, he is just angry with us! He still cares about you, otherwise why does he help you many times? Right? " Su Zhen said in a hurry.

"You want to ask me for help now? There is no business for you in this meeting, but you come in without permission and change the contract I prepared! Why didn't you think about me before? You've done all this! " Su Yan said angrily.

"Su Yan, what's your attitude? I am your aunt Su Zhen was angry: "the company is over! Can you get over it? Oh... I see, you are relying on yourself to have a Yueyan group, so you have no fear, right? I'll tell you su Yan, if you really think so, you are totally wrong! Even if our Su family is going to die, we will surely lead you to the funeral! "

Su Zhen almost screamed.

Su Bei and Su Hui are also ugly.

"Su Guang, is this the good daughter you taught?" Mrs. Su asked coldly.

"Mom, this thing... You are really not very authentic..." Su Guang's face was embarrassed.

"What do you mean? So you're still blaming me? Don't the old lady also want to fight for more betrothal gifts for your family? Isn't that for your family? Oh, now it's all right. Do you still bite back? What do you mean? " Su was so angry that she kept pestering the ground with a cane.

"Don't be angry, mom! Don't be angry! We don't mean that! " Su Guang was busy. He glanced at Su Yan and said in a low voice, "Xiao Yan, do you want to do something about it? Do you really want the Su family to die?"

"Dad, I can't help it. What do you want me to do? Do you want me to kneel down in front of Lin Dong and beg him? "

Su Yan had a headache.

"Then go to your knees." Old lady Su rebuked angrily.

Su Yan's face turned white. She didn't know how to retort.

Lin Dong looked at all this coldly. He did not speak, but looked at it quietly.

Thanks to Su Yan's good temper, if you want to change to other people, how can you manage the life and death of these people?

At this moment, however, several men in suits suddenly came into the conference room.

As soon as he entered the meeting room, he directly asked, "who is Su Dong?"

"I am. May I help you?"

Su Yan was frightened, afraid that this was the person of Yanghua group.

However, the man held out his hand and said with a smile: "Hello, Miss Su, I am the general manager of Shangyu international group. My name is Zhang Qingheng. I come here to continue several projects that your company is about to stop, and I want to inject 200 million into your company in the name of our Shangyu international group. I wonder if Miss Su Yan is willing to negotiate?"


As soon as the words fell, the people in the conference room were in a daze.

It also includes Lin Dong and Ma Hai.

What's going on?

Where did Shangyu International Group kill Cheng Yaojin?

At this time, Ma Hai's mobile phone vibrated, he quickly connected, a moment later his face changed greatly.

"What's going on?" Lin asked.

"Mr. Lin, our acquisition of Su's enterprises was not smooth. Some people started to do so at this time. They did not buy them, but injected capital and supported them. If we forcibly acquired them, I'm afraid we would lose a lot! It will have a very adverse impact on our company's next operation! " Ma Haining's voice.

"Someone? I'm afraid this is the Shangyu international group? " Lin Yang cold road.

Zhang Qingheng's appearance is like a straw, which makes all the Su family see the hope.People were overjoyed and cheered.

Even Su Yan was relieved.

"Lin Dong, it seems that there is no way out of heaven. You can't look down on our Su family. Naturally, some people can! You see, our Su family is alive again Subei stood up, staring at Lin Yang, who had not left, and said with a cold smile.

"Shangyu international group? This is a multinational company. Why is it suddenly interested in Shenghua group Lin Yang said faintly, "I'm afraid you are from the southern school, aren't you?"

"So what? What if not? Lin Dong! Since you have provoked the southern faction, you must be responsible for what you have done! " Zhang Qingheng said with a smile.

"Well, the Su family is just a piece of chess that you use to deal with me." Lin Dong shook his head.

"Well, what about tools? Lin Dong, since you Yanghua group has abandoned us, don't blame us. If you don't give us a way to live, we will never let you have a better life! " Old lady Su said grimly, her face full of anger.

Thinking of the heartless feeling just now, old lady Su looked at Lin Dong with hatred in her eyes, and completely forgot all the things she had done to him.

"Grandma, how can you do this? Yanghua group has also helped us a lot. Should we revenge the hand that feeds us? " Su Yan was busy.

"It was to help you, not to help us!" Old lady Su snorted, "Su Guang!"

Su Guang shuddered.

"You go and sign these contracts for me. From today on, Northern Jiangsu will be the chairman of the company." Mrs. Su said. She took out the contract and spread it on the table.

Su Guang's face changed with fright.

Mrs. Su was going to ask Su Guang to sign the "betrothal gift" between Lin Dong and Su's family. Now that so many things have happened suddenly, she is at a loss, but she still comes back to her point.

"Mom, this..." Su Guang's face changed.

"What do you mean, grandma?" Su Yan is also anxious.

"Girl, grandma originally wanted to hand over the company to you and let you lead the company to rise, but I didn't expect that you would ruin the company almost to bankruptcy. I was blind to give the company to you! Now, you go away. You are no longer a member of Shenghua group. You are fired! " The old man said.

Su Yan was shocked.

"Mom, i... I can't sign it!" Su Guang gnawed his teeth.

"What are you talking about? You don't sign it? " Su Lao Tai was angry, and directly slapped Su Guang in the face.


A crisp sound came out.

Su Guang remained motionless and lowered his head like a child who had made a mistake.


Old Mrs. Su drank sternly.

Su Guang trembled and wavered.

However, at this time, Zhang Qingheng said with a smile: "in fact, it doesn't matter whether we sign or not. We will directly invest in the Su family in this investment. We will jump over the person in charge of the company and go directly to the project. We will draw up a contract. Those who should not be in charge of it can not get involved."

There's something in it.

Hearing this, Su Guang knew that it was no use being stubborn.

After a long sigh, Su Guang walked over and signed.

With his pen down, Shenghua group ushered in a new life.

Su Yan and Su Guang were also kicked out of the company.

Lin Dong watched all this in silence.

"Sir, please get out of here at once." At this time, Su Zhen pointed to Lin Dong's nose and yelled.

People were shocked.

Su Zhen wanted to revenge Lin Dong and blow him out of the company.

"Su Zhen, what do you say?" Ma Hai was furious.

"Get out of here Su Zhen pointed to Ma Hai's nose and growled again! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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