Cangmiao gave up!

After all, kneeling in public is ridiculous.

He is also a man of face.

What's more, Qiao Zhanbei is right. It was Xiao Hongyuan's fault. He didn't have to wipe his ass for Xiao Hong.

Now the two elder's proud disciples give themselves a step down. If they borrow from others, perhaps the relationship between the two elders can be eased a lot.

Cangmiao's mind.

In fact, he didn't want to offend the two elders.

No one spoke.

"Five elders, how hard you used to be? You didn't say that you could only knock your head. Why are you afraid now? It's capricious and disappointing. " Lin Yang shook his head.

"Asshole! Are you teaching the elder? "

"Xiao Hong, what are you? How dare you reprimand the elder here? I think you want to die! "

The disciples couldn't see it, and they all drank and scolded.

Lin Yang shook his head.

"Xiao Hong, we can't be blamed for this. It's really you who have made a lot of trouble! And you can't give the elder any hope. If you have a little chance to win, I will go with you at least. But if you look at the strength of Qiao's battle with North, you may have little hope! " Cangmiao sighs.

In fact, the reason why he gave up is that the strength gap between the two is too big.

Xiao Hong is his apprentice, although he did not teach his medical skills, but his apprentice what level he can not know? He can't be Joe's opponent against North.

It's a shame.

"The five elders seem to despise me too much." Lin Yang light road.

"Xiao Hong, the elder doesn't despise you... In short, if you lose later, you should make a good mistake. The elder will save your life. That's all I can do." Five elder cangmiao shakes his head and sighs. His face is helpless.

"I haven't used a needle yet. How can the elder think I'm losing?"

"At this time, do you have a hard word?" Cangmiao frowns.

"Let me have a try." Lin Yang turned around and went over to give Yan Ke'er a needle.

"There's no cure!"

"This guy is so stubborn!"

"I see, it's his head that has a problem!"

"Well, let him be stubborn, when he cries!"

"When the two elders are angry, you can see that he is not afraid."

The disciples hummed with anger.

This time, except for Xue Fu, almost no one was standing beside Xiao Hong.

But... Xiao Hong, also known as Lin Yang, ignored the sound around him.

He directly offered a silver needle and both palms came out.

The silver needles flew out of his hand.

Control the needle with Qi!

A lot of people were staring, but not surprised.

Because it is not too difficult for people in Yaowang village.

It's just that... These silver needles fly so fast, so steady... That's not what ordinary people can do.

People are dazzled and magical. They feel that the silver needles are like fairies...


Cangmiao, the five elders, was stunned slightly, and felt that the needling technique was particularly unique.

After watching it for a while, I suddenly realized that it was very mysterious.

Is this the needling skill of Xiao Hong, his apprentice?

Isn't that right?

When was he so good at needling?

All of a sudden, the four elders who had been watching him exclaimed: "this is the flying flower needle?"

"What? Flying flower needle

The audience was shocked.

"Isn't that a lost needlework? How did Xiao Hong learn it? "

"What's this... What's going on?"

"How could he do that?"

The people were astonished and wide eyed.

Joe and North are breathing.

Cang Miao was stunned.

No one expected Lin Yang to have such a card...

but he saw that more than a dozen silver needles were constantly rotating around Yan Ke'er's other hand. Vaguely, it seemed that there was air flow at the tail of each needle, which was extremely mysterious.

It lasted about a minute.

"Wear it!"

Lin Yang drank low.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh...

all the silver needles actually fell into Yan Ke'er's palm, and then passed through from the other side.

It looks particularly painful.

But Yan Ke'er did not have any reaction.

After the silver needles were worn, Lin Yang put out his hands and fished all the silver needles in his hands and put them away.

But Yan Ke'er's palm actually has the grain red spot, sets off a plum blossom pattern.

It's gorgeous and beautiful.

The people were surprised.

"Miss Yan Ke'er, try your hand gently." Lin Yang road.


Yan Ke'er nodded, shook his hand and went to get something. Then he said in surprise: "Lin... elder martial brother Xiaohong, my hand is OK!! I feel it's good, it's OK! "People around him exclaimed.

"Hum! I can't believe you have this skill! It seems that this match is a draw Qiao Zhan Bei snorted.

"Who told you that we just tied?"

Lin Yang glanced at him, then took out the tea cup beside him and put it on the table. He said, "Miss Yan, please use your hand to smash this cup!"


Yan Ke'er is confused.

The disciples around were in a great uproar.

"Are you crazy?"

Qiao Zhanbei almost didn't flash his tongue off.

"Xiao Hong, miss, this hand has just been cured, you ask her to do this kind of action! Are you the key lady? " Cang Miao also feels incredible, solemnly shouts.

Lin Yang shakes his head, does not explain, only looks at Yan Ke'er.

How can Yan Ke'er hesitate?

A bite of silver teeth, palm into a fist, hard to hit the tea cup.

Bang Dang!

The teacup broke at once. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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