The world stared at it with a big eye, and looked at the fist with a heart beating, and the broken tea cup under the fist.

But see Yan Ke'er slowly raise his hand, take away some of the residue of the palm, but see that his hand is intact, still beautiful and delicate.

Even the marks of previous injuries have been diluted.

"Miss, do you feel the pain in your hands?" Asked Lin Yang.

"No pain! It doesn't hurt at all, and... I think my hand is very strong! " Yan Keer excited.

"Yes!" "

Linyang nodded, turned around and looked at the stunned Joe and fought north, and said calmly:" if Miss smashed the cup with the hand you gave her, I'm afraid... It's not the same. "

"This..." Joe and North Face ugly.

"Although I am free to move, I still have slight pain. It is certainly OK to take something or do some basic actions, but I'm afraid I can't do it without my hand." Yan Keer squeezed out a smile.

No one around us spoke.

It is not that they believe Yan Ke'er, but they can not refute Linyang's needle method!

If this' Xiao Hong 'is really a flying flower needle... It is not too simple to treat a hand!

Joe and north of the idea of needle in front of this flying flower needle... Not enough to see.

One is needle method, the other is divine needle, and the gap is here.

"Elder four, I think the victory has been divided?" Light road, Linyang.

"This... This..." the four elder faces changed, dare not to be down.

"No way! impossible! It must be a fake! There must be a problem with this! "

At this time, a disciple on the side of elder two could not accept it, and he cried out directly.

Qiao Zhan frowned at the north, and hurriedly borrowed the donkey down the slope and said, "younger brother, have you found anything wrong?"

"If you doubt the healing degree of these two hands, please ask the elders of the family to come to test. I think the healing degree of these two hands is not concealed from the elders in the family." Light road, Linyang.

"Er... This..." br >

the disciple doesn't speak.

Everyone has no voice.

"Win! Win

Xue Fu here was excited, bouncing and dancing, clapping.

But no one was happy except for her accident in the whole room.

The two elder elders' vote was lost, and their faces were unnatural, unwilling and helpless.

But cangmiao this side of the people, the face is hot and spicy, all feel that was severely slapped face.

In particular, cangmiao is a dilemma and a loss.

What is his regret!

If he insists, at least the reputation, he has made it! You can also raise your eyebrows.

It's a pity that everything was ruined by his wrong choice.

He will be criticized for fear of the incident coming out...

cangmiao sighed and shook his head in secret.

"My pattern... Is still too small!"

After that, he was going to leave.

He can't stay in this place, and he has no face to face Xiao Hong again.

"Where are the elders going?"

At this time, Lin Yang suddenly opened his mouth and shouted at him.

"Xiao Hong, I am very glad that you can achieve this day, but I am not worthy of being your master. I have chosen to protect myself and abandon you. Now you win, of course, it has nothing to do with me! I'm going back first! " Cangmiao is hoarse.

"Is elder to fight alone?" Linyang looked at him and said.

Cangmiao was very surprised.

All the disciples looked at him in surprise.

But I saw this disciple Xiao Hong, who was serious and said in righteousness: "elder, you would have chosen to protect yourself before. I can understand that you are the elder and the pillar of my medicine king village. You can't be humiliated. You represent not only you alone, but also the countless disciples behind you! So I don't blame you! But you should understand why I offended elder two and why I chose to fight north I with Joe! It's because they insulted me! Insulted us, but also to step on my elder head! I can't stand it! Now I won. I don't ask for elders. I just ask the elder to follow me to the two elders and ask for justice! "

This words fell, cangmiao was dazzled.

He never thought that Xiao Hong had thought about it in this way...

please help me, ask the elder for justice and dignity from the second elder Lin Yang is respectful and shout, and his attitude is very sincere.

Cangmiao looked at him stupidly, and looked at the disciples behind him, and his heart was extremely complex.

At this time, his apprentice didn't blame himself, and said such a thing.

Cangmiao is moved by his heart?

finally, he gnawed his teeth and said, "good!"!! Xiao Hong! Since you say that! Then can I retreat again? You are my disciple at last! This time, Wang Qiao bullied us! Can we still keep up with the sound?? Where are the disciples"I'll wait!"

All the disciples called out.

"Follow me to the two elders and ask for justice."

With a big wave of his hand, Cang Miao led the people to walk out.

"Elder cangmiao! Elder cangmiao

Qiao Zhanbei cried out for advice.

But people have ignored it.

"Come on, go and inform the elder. It's serious!" Qiao Zhanbei can only be anxious to the side of humanity.

The disciples rushed out.

The four elders Qiu you stood by and watched the scene from the beginning to the end. After all the others left, he took a chill.

"Check this Xiao Hong!" Qiu you said to his disciples in a hurry.

"Elder, what can I do for Xiao Hong? A lot of people know him. " Next to the disciple puzzled way.

"Yes? How about understanding? Do you know what he has done now? " Qiu you clenched his teeth and growled: "he is arched the fire! He is instigating a fight in the village of Yaowang

As soon as he said this, the disciple was stunned.

Yan Ke'er, sitting next to him, can't help shaking...

is this the purpose of Lin Yang?

I'm afraid it's not as simple as this...

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