"Good fight!"

"Elder martial brother Xiao! Good job

"Come on, let him know how good you are!"

Xue Fu and others saw that Lin Yang was so relaxed in dissolving the attack of Xiong Jietian. They were immediately overjoyed and excited.


Xiong Jietian roars and still refuses to admit defeat. He gets up again and rushes to Linyang.

Lin Yang murmured, some impatient, and then did not leave his hands, a punch hard hit Xiong Jietian's abdomen.


As soon as bear Jie Tian's abdomen was closed, his face twisted.

Obviously, the power of this punch is not trivial.

However, Xiong Jietian's body was modified with medicine, and the intensity was amazing. Although he suffered severe pain, his action was not affected. His backhand was a blow to Lin Yang.

Lin Yang's eye is quick, immediately raises another hand to resist.


The muffled sound came out.

Lin Yang glided back several meters with his feet on the ground.

It has to be said that the strength of Xiong Jietian is really amazing.


He roared again and rushed to Lin Yang.

Lin Yang's eyebrows moved.

If you are hard to fight with the bear, you will consume too much physical strength. If you are afraid that it will affect your plan later, you'd better use silver needle.

Think about it, and immediately your fingers flash.


several silver needles flew away and stuck them on Xiong Jietian.

Bear is still reluctant to stop, like a mad bull, toward Linyang.

This is already desperate and desperate...

Lin Yang dodged sideways.

Bang Dang!

A lot of medicinal materials were smashed by Xiong Jietian. The scraps of medicine are in disorder.

Those who knelt beside the medicine and were locked were scared to flee.

"That's unreasonable!"

Some elders couldn't look down and yelled: "come on, somebody's going to stop the bear from heaven!"

"Yes, elder!"

Immediately, some elite disciples rushed out and surrounded Xiong Jietian.

"Those who stop me will die!"

Bear shouts and his fists roar.




every time a fist hits a person, one falls to the ground, just like the God of war.

"Asshole! Go! Keep going for me

The elders roared.

More and more people rushed forward to stop, and even the company commander stepped forward.

Lin Yang relaxed a little and stood by to watch.

The whole ceremony was in chaos.

However, Lin Yang suddenly felt something was wrong.

The bear was fighting against the people around him like he was fighting for his life, and his sight was completely out of his body.

He seems to have forgotten Xiao Hong and why he started it himself.

It was as if he had come forward to deliberately trigger the riot.

What's going on?

Lin Yang's eyes shake, thinking about the reason.

Until then, he suddenly realized something and looked to the right.

Only then discovered that originally kneeling on the right side of the seven or eight prisoners disappeared.


Lin Yang was stunned and looked at the remaining prisoners.

It turns out that there are a group of people taking the prisoners away!!

Are these people with Xiong Jietian?

Xiong Jietian deliberately creates chaos and gives them the opportunity to take away the people who are to be used as drug guides?

Lin Yang thought deeply and stopped speaking.

However, seeing those men rushing forward, they directly caged the prisoners in the sack filled with medicine, and then turned outward.

All the disciples around were attracted by Xiong Jietian, and no one noticed them.

The operation went well.

Lin Yang has been watching silently.

However, at this time, a figure suddenly appeared in front of them and directly kicked on the shoulder of the first woman.

The woman was caught off guard and was kicked to the ground, and the prisoners in the sack rolled out.

Only when such a change happened, did the world come back to God and focus on the past.


"That's my first life, elder martial sister!"

"Why is she here?"

"How did the prisoner get into the sack?"

The disciples were stunned and talked.

However, the village head led a large number of elites of Yaowang village into the ceremony.

Yan Sankai, the head of the village, looked at his life coldly and cried out: "stop all of them!"

All those who fight back.

The bear of the bull over there stopped looking at this one coldly.

"First life! How brave you are! How dare you release the prisoners! Against Yaowang village! Are you going to betray me, Yaowang village? " Yan Sankai drinks and roars."What?"

There was an uproar at the scene.

Emotional first life and Xiong Jietian, the self-directed and self-directed play, is to save these captives??

"Yan Sankai, Yaowang village takes people as the guide, violates the ethics of heaven, and people and gods are indignant! The so-called superior is a madman! If you believe in him and continue to be stubborn and do such things that cause harm to nature, you will only ruin Yaowang village and your lives! " Said the first man, biting his teeth.

This is a very heroic woman with short hair. She looks about thirty years old. She looks pretty. Her eyes are very firm.

"Presumptuous! First life, you are my chief disciple and one of the geniuses of Yaowang village. How much manpower and material resources have been spent in cultivating you in Yaowang village over the years. In the end, you are cheating your teacher and destroying your ancestors, betraying Yaowang village? You are... Damn it Yan Sankai was extremely angry and roared: "come, take them down!! They let these prisoners go. Today, I will use them as medicine! To achieve Xiao Hong

"Yes! Village head

All the people around him gathered around.

"Younger martial brother Xiao, don't be stubborn!"

The first life here shouts at Linyang, then rushes forward recklessly and kills the master of Yaowang village.

"Younger martial brother Xiong, take them to break through the encirclement and leave Yaowang village, quick!"

"Elder martial sister

The crowd cried.

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