
Xiong Jietian's eyes suddenly turned red. He knocked the disciples around him, then took out a large number of silver needles and stabbed them into his body.



his silver needles are very thick and long, and they are completely embedded in his body.

When the silver needle goes into the body, Xiong Jietian is about to burst.


He gave a deafening roar, his muscles swelled, his veins seemed to burst, his strength was increased again, and he was like a giant bear, pounding forward.

He ignored the fists, feet, swords and swords of the disciples of Yaowang village around him.

He is not a body that can't be stabbed, but a body that doesn't feel pain.

He didn't respond to the barrage.

Xiong Jie was born to rush out.


The first life is on the front cover.

"Go A roar came out, and the remaining disciples immediately ran away with Xiong Jie.

However... How can they break out of the encirclement of Yaowang village only by the two of them?

What's more, it's still the scene of the ceremony.

How many old men of medicine gathered here?

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh...

seven cold lights suddenly came from behind the crowd, just like a meteor, puncturing Xiong Jietian's body.

In an instant, the irascible Xiong Jietian immediately stopped at the same place, and then fell to the ground. Although he opened his eyes and opened his mouth, he could not move any more...

"Seven Star God needle?" A breath of life here.

"Yaowang village, you are not allowed to be reckless! Don't you kneel down to your knees Several men and women in black robes walked out of the crowd.


The crowd exclaimed.


The first few people's faces were extremely pale, their pupils trembled wildly, and their faces were full of despair.

The guard team is the strongest guard force in the village. Facing such a force, they have no chance to fight against it.

I think so. How can the guards not participate in such a grand ceremony?

The first life clenched his teeth and refused to give up, intending to kill.

But the strength of the other side is obviously stronger than the first life.

But there were a few moves.

Bang, bang, Bang...

his first life was knocked out and fell heavily on the ground. His arms were poisoned and he was paralyzed and unable to move.

"Elder martial sister!"

The crowd rushed around.

The first life clenched his teeth and glared at the village head, especially unwilling.

"First life! Bear out of heaven! You led your disciples to betray the village. Now that things have come to light, what else can you say? " Yan San, the head of the village, walked forward and drank coldly.

"We have nothing to say, but Yaowang village is no longer the former Yaowang village. Yaowang village will exist soon!" First life silver teeth clench, extremely resentful.


Yan San opened a big hand and angrily said to heaven: "go, use all these people as medicine guides, live sacrifice on the spot, and help disciple Xiao Hong to open bones!"

"Yes, village head!"

Immediately someone picked up all kinds of equipment and stepped forward.

The disciples around were terrified.

The equipment in that man's hand is not simple, such as gouging out the eyes, taking out the heart, taking bone, peeling and other equipment. If all these things are used, they will be disassembled into parts...

people stare at the first life.

The first life as if death, bear Jietian can not move, the rest of the people are also a gray face, closed eyes and no language.

From the moment they rebelled against Yaowang village, they had imagined the consequences of failure.

Perhaps, this time, the odds of success are not high!

But there is nothing to do.

They have no other choice.

"Start with the first life!" Yan San Kai cheered.

"Yes, village head!"

The villagers of Yaowang village went straight to the first life with equipment, and then they had to cut their throat first.

However, just then, a cool voice came out.

"Wait a minute!"

People were stunned.

But look at this side of the crowd slowly came out of a person, standing in front of Shouming and others.

"Xiao Hong"

"What are you doing?"

The crowd exclaimed.

It was Xiao Hong who stood up! That is Lin Yang!

The first life opened his eyes and looked in amazement.

"Village head, these people, don't kill them." Lin Yang said quietly.

"Do you pity them? Hum, what we pursue in Yaowang village is the way of immortality. Don't you still have the benevolence of a woman? " Yan San Kai hums coldly.

Lin Yang shook his head.

"If you don't have a woman's heart, you should get out of the way. The traitors in these villages must not be lenient." Yan Sankai to drink.However, Lin Yang stood still.

"Be bold! Xiao Hong! Are you going to rebel with them Yan Sankai was furious and pointed to Lin Yang and roared.

Cangmiao immediately rushed forward, accompanied by a smile: "village head, don't be angry! Don't be angry, village head! Xiao Hong is young and ignorant. He made such a rash move. We will try to persuade him. We will do it well! "

"Pull him away quickly." Yan San opened his hand and hummed.

"Yes, yes..."

cangmiao quickly pulled Lin Yang's sleeve and was extremely anxious: "what are you doing? Let's go! Go

"Elder martial brother, don't be impulsive

"If it's too bad, you can't be classed with them!"

Elder martial sister Fang, Xue Fu and others rushed to persuade.

Lin Yang looked at these people and said faintly, "so, can you watch these people use living people as drug guides and do things that violate ethics and are not allowed by nature?"


Xue Fu was dumb.

"What do you do with that? Today is a good day for you to open your bones. You should come back soon and wait for the arrival of your superiors. If you open your bones, your future will be limitless! What do these traitors have to do with you? " Cangmiao stomped his feet and roared.

However, Lin Yang shook his head and said without expression: "future? future? If you live as an animal, what is the best future and future? What I want is that I can stand here as a person! Not a beast

As soon as this word came out, the world was silent.

All of them were staring at the disciple "Xiao Hong".

The scene was particularly quiet.

"What do you mean, then?" Yan San Kai took a deep breath and asked.

"Release these disciples, and release all the people who serve as drug guides in the village!" Lin Yang said quietly.

"So you want to betray me like these people in Yaowang village?" Yan San Kai's face is cold and cold.

The temperature around it began to drop.

Lin Yang's hands were attached behind him, and he looked faintly.

"Good! Good! Since you have made such a choice, I can't blame me. I wanted to cultivate myself in you, but I didn't expect that you would be so stubborn and not loyal to Yaowang village. No matter how good your talent is, it will not help. I will destroy you! " Yan San Kai raised his hand and waved: "hands, all captured, with dangyao lead execution!"

"Yes, village head!"

All the people from Yaowang village rushed forward.

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