At one stroke, they were four villagers from Yaowang village.

No disciples, all elite.

After all, it is the one who has defeated the second elder. Which one can deal with?

However, the four underestimated Lin Yang's strength.

They just rushed over, and Lin Yang raised his hand.

"Watch out for the flying needle!" The old man exclaimed.

It's too late.

Whew! Whew! Chi...

when the silver needle pierced into these people's bodies, they fell to the ground one by one and couldn't move.

Second kill!

At the scene, there was a cold sound.

"Xiao Hong is really good at strength."

"I have never seen this needling technique used by elder cangmiao. I think the skill he learned on the stone tablet should be more than" flying flower needle. "

The two elders whispered.

Yan Sankai hummed out his voice and said coldly, "it seems that ordinary people can't help these traitors! In that case, guard team, you go on

"Yes, village head!"

The guards walked towards Linyang with a smile on their faces.

Everyone's manner is particularly indifferent, seems to take Lin Yang seriously.

"Younger martial brother Xiao, go quickly! These guards have extraordinary strength. They can't be dealt with by ordinary people. You should go quickly and leave us alone. Let's go! " The first life bit his teeth and cried out with all his might.

"I'm gone. Nothing can change. I'll stay and do what I can." Lin Yang light road.

"Why die?" He shook his head and bowed his head, feeling powerless.

"To die? Not necessarily. "

Lin Yang said hoarsely.

"Is it? Then try it. "

The guards laughed and suddenly got into trouble.

One of them waved his hands.

The silver needle flew out and stabbed at Linyang.

But this is not an ordinary silver needle, but a poisoned one.

Green one by one, it's amazing to see.

This kind of silver needle can never be blocked, it can only be avoided.

But the silver needle flew so fast that Lin Yang didn't have time to dodge at all. In addition, a man rushed from the side, and a punch went to Lin Yang's chest.

This man's boxing style has red powder floating. Obviously, this is also a poison fist. It may not have any impact on breaking the liver and intestines when hit by it, but the poison powder on it is enough to kill people!

The eyes of the people around him were wide open and did not dare to speak.

Who can escape such a suffocating attack?

The guard team is worthy of the guard team!

"This Xiao Hong is going to be planted!"

I don't know who whispered.

Sure enough, I can't escape!

Chi Chi!

Only the wonderful and faint sound was heard.

The green poisonous needle from the flying shuttle went directly into Lin Yang's body.


Someone exhaled with joy.

Yan San opened his eyes in anger also subsided several minutes.

The man is not far away from death.

However, Lin Yang didn't feel the stab in his hand.


The sound of a broken bone came out.


The guard gave a shrill cry.

Lin Yang directly kicked him in the chest and abdomen.


The man flew out upside down, fell heavily on the ground, rolled several laps to Yan Sankai's front...


The crowd turned pale.

But Yan Sankai is not flustered.

"Ha ha ha, it's very powerful. Xiao Hong, your medical and martial arts attainments are so high. It seems that we underestimate you!" The captain of the guard slapped and squinted.

"If you don't want to die, just do as I say and release all the prisoners in the village." Lin Yang said quietly.

"Ha ha ha ha, Xiao Hong, you are so naive! Do you really think you won? " The guard captain laughed.

"Did I lose?" Lin Yang asked.

"Oh, look at your hands and arms." The guard captain sneered.

Lin Yang glanced at random.

However, his palms were now bright red, as if to drip blood. As for the arm, it was a piece of black and purple, and the meat on it was rapidly deteriorating, and the bones were slowly eroding.

"The poison used by our guard team is the most powerful poison in the whole village. The last one among ordinary people will surely die. But now you have two kinds of poisons in your body. I'm afraid the big Luo Jinxian will come and you will die here too!" The guard captain said with a smile.

There was a scream around.

"Younger martial brother Xiao, alas..." the first life sighed and couldn't bear to see it."Xiao Hong! You... "Cang Miao was angry, blowing his beard and staring.

"Elder martial brother Xiao! How stupid you are

She burst into tears.

"He will die this time."

"If you're poisoned, you can't be saved."

"Well, he had a good future!"

"It's too much of a man to try to fight against the village."

"He is the one to blame himself!"

People in Yaowang village pointed out, or ridiculed or ridiculed.

Even if there is a bit of blame from all sides.

Only Xue Fu cried into tears.

"You are a fool."

Yan Ke'er here took a deep breath and quietly took the knife on the table in front of him.

If something happened to Linyang, she would not let the people of Yaowang village succeed...

but at the moment of boiling, Lin Yang suddenly made a noise.

"Can this poison really kill people? Are you kidding me

The scene was silent for an instant. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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