The poison pours into the colorful poison cloud and disappears.

All the people around were wide eyed, holding their breath and staring at the poison cloud.

However, many people shudder from time to time when they hear the strange sounds coming from the poison cloud.

"It's dead. It must be dead!"

"Don't say it's Xiao Hong. I'm afraid even if the gods come, they'll have to be poisoned by the poisons in our village!"

"This is the end of fighting against the village!"

"I don't know if Xiao Hong has a whole body."

People around were talking, and their faces were full of fear.

Yan Ke'er looks as if she were dead gray.

Schaeff was almost out of breath.

"Younger martial sister Xue, don't cry. It's the fool who takes the blame. Originally, he has a future that countless people envy, but he wants to die by himself! Who can blame? Don't cry. If you let the village leaders see it, it will be bad! " When elder martial sister Fang came, she did not know whether she was comforting or mocking Xiao Hong.

She was so desperate that she had to cry silently.

The poison cloud tends to calm down.

People's nervous heart also eased down.


"Eight nine is ten!"

"Hum! Must be dead! After removing the poison cloud, check the corpse! "

The crowd said, then began to disperse the poison cloud.

"Listen, if the traitor's body is still there, don't dismember it. I'll soak it into wine and make a specimen! Stand at the head of the village! As a warning Yan Sankai drinks and shouts coldly.

"Yes, village head!"

The people of the guard team called out, that is, fish in, disperse the colorful poison cloud, and run to the inside.

However, the pace of the guards slowed down after the colorful poison clouds dispersed.

People were staring at the middle of the colorful poisonous clouds.

There is still a figure standing there.

So... It's Lin Yang.

He stood upright like a pillar, his whole body intact.

And beside him, there are a lot of toxic bodies.

Every poison fell to the ground and did not move.

But if you look carefully, you can see that there are no scars on the whole body of these poisons, but their blood red eyes are black at the moment.


The guards cried out.

"This... What's going on?"

"Xiao Hong is not dead!! He's not dead

"How can it be?"

"No poison like that can kill him?"

"No way! Absolutely impossible

"Something must be wrong! It must be! "

People trembled and yelled, each of them could not believe what they saw.

Everyone's brain is crazy.

"How could it be so? How could it be so? " Yan Sankai was also shocked.

No one can bear such a terrible and virulent attack! Even if he was in it, his skin would crack, his bones would melt, and there would be no bones left.

However, Xiao Hong stood on her feet without any hair loss?

Yan Sankai can't think.

But seeing Lin Yang step forward, he came out.

All the guards stepped back.

"What are you panicking about? Don't... Don't be afraid! He's just a man! Just one person! We can deal with him Guard captain's voice some trembling said.

"Even these poisons can't kill him. What else do we have to do to kill him?"

The guard's man shuddered.

"Who said there was no way to kill him? He is also a man, I don't believe he is really invincible! I'm sure he's very poisonous now, but he didn't show it on purpose. Right! He must be at the end of his tether now, and I'll try to get him out! "

The guard captain clenched his teeth and rushed up with a low roar.

He's going to test the guy's state to see if he's bluffing.

In fact, there are a lot of people who think the same way as the guard captain.

That terrible toxin, can't invade this person's body?

How could it be?

It must be bluff! By all means!

The captain of the guard yelled, a blow in front of him. The green lines on his fist twinkled. A stream of venom immediately wrapped his fist and hit Lin Yang's face.

Although the boxing is not amazing, it is extremely fast and powerful.

One more breath, dead look around.

However, at this time, people's breath froze, and the heart seemed to stop completely.

Suddenly, Lin Yang stopped at the distance of his fist.

Fixed his eyes and looked, Lin Yang actually raised an arm, stretched out a finger, against the blow to the fist.It's hard to get in half an inch.

The captain's pupils are trembling.

"Is that all?" Lin Yang looked at him calmly.

"Don't look down on me! Five poisons God palm

The guard captain yelled again and shot Lin Yang in the chest.



When the hand moved away, a black and ferocious palm print fell on it.

The captain of the guard was overjoyed and said with a smile, "you are finished! Xiao Hong, you are in my five poison God palm! You'll be poisoned and killed later! Ha ha ha... "

" I have to say many times that your poison does not kill people! "

Lin Yang light road.

The guard captain's smile froze.

But Lin Yang picked up a silver needle and pricked it gently toward his chest.

In an instant, the poison on Lin Yang's chest immediately disappeared.


The guard captain is stupid.

Around also sounded innumerable pour the cool sound.

"The poison... Was neutralized by him?"

"Just one shot and it's gone?"

"No way! Impossible

The captain of the guard didn't believe it. He looked at his palm and then took a crazy picture of Lin Yang's chest.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang...

every slap carries the power of terror.

But... No matter how much poison Lin Yang ate, it didn't help.

Each poison remained on Lin Yang for less than three seconds, and he was forced out of the body by his silver needle, and was eliminated completely...

the people in Yaowang village were completely crazy.

Yan San opened a few steps forward, staring like a commander.

The guard captain has been scared to the ground, unable to get up.

"What kind of strange person is this younger martial brother Xiao Hong? Can you ignore the poison of the guard captain? " The first life is also muddled.

At this time, Lin Yang raised his hand, calmly looked at the guard captain and said faintly:

"I'll let you see what the real poison looks like

"The real poison?"

The captain of the guard suddenly raised his head and his eyes were dull.

But Lin Yang's five fingers suddenly opened.


A dark green flame was lit on the palm of Linyang.

"What is this The guard captain murmured.

"It's called netherworld poisonous fire!"

Lin Yang said quietly. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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