"Netherworld poisonous fire?"

Yan Sankai breathed a stagnation, his face suddenly pale, as if thinking of something extremely terrible.

But many people around don't know what the netherworld poisonous fire is.

It was not until Lin Yang slapped the captain of the guard fiercely that the world understood what the nether poisonous fire meant.


Slapped on the guard captain.

He didn't have time to dodge. He slapped his forehead directly, and then he fell to the ground without any movement.

"No breath!"

The elder of Yaowang village lost his voice when he saw the dim pupil of the guard captain.

"Kill with one slap... What is this ghost fire? How terrible is the lethality

There was a constant cry of alarm.

But even more shocking is yet to come.

Just look at the body of the guard captain who fell to the ground suddenly appeared a large number of cracks, cracks like cobwebs, covering his whole body, dense, like broken glass, and then, his flesh and blood began to peel off inch by inch.

In the blink of an eye, a good corpse is actually split into a piece of a piece, dead without a whole body! 1


The world was shocked.

Everybody's freaking out!

A slap in the face!

And... There's no whole body!

Is it still within human reach?

"What is this? Xiao Hong! What means did you use? " They were surprised and angry, and they asked questions again and again.

But Lin Yang did not answer.

He didn't want to use it.

He seldom uses drugs.

Or, he doesn't like poison.

"Can you go?" Looking back, Lin Yang asked.

"Should... Can..."

the first life hoarse way, with the help of the next partner, difficult to get up.

The silver needle on Xiong Jietian's body was also pulled out, and the man stood up.

"Listen to my arrangement later. Don't mess around. I'll let you go!" Lin Yang murmured.

The head nodded.

The strength shown by Xiao is beyond the imagination of outstanding people.

Maybe he can really save people from leaving.

"Younger martial brother Xiao, we will try our best to cooperate with you." The first way.

Lin Yang did not speak, staring at the front, he would take these people away from the scene.

"Treacherous thief, do you think you can leave?"

Yan San opened and drank coldly with a wave of his hand.


a large number of people from Yaowang village gathered here.

All of them are elite elders.

There are hundreds of people.

Even if Lin Yang dealt with these people, they would be hard to fight for the first time, and they would never be able to protect them.

First life, Yan Ke'er's face is not very natural.

"Yan Sankai! Are you trying to kill us all? " Lin Yang drinks lightly.

"If you betray the village, how can I keep you? But if you surrender, maybe you'll die! " Yan San Kai hums.

"Yan Sankai, you seem to have made a mistake. You are not in charge of this medicine king village! Am I a traitor or has the final say? You need to be on the spot before you can make a decision! " Lin Yang said without expression.

"Superior?" Yan San opened his eyebrows and frowned: "what? You betrayed the village, and you have the face to look for the superior? "

"All I have done is for the sake of Yaowang village. It is against humanity and hindering the development of Yaowang village to offer sacrifices to the living. It is not up to you to decide whether we are traitors. If we come to the top, we will have justice." Lin Yang light road.

"Ha ha ha ha, you seem to want to delay time? Good! In that case, I'll leave you speechless Yan San waved his hand and sneered: "please go to the upper level and let the superior judge the life and death of these traitors!"


The people next to him nodded immediately.

But at this time, a great voice spread.

"You don't have to go. I'm here!"

Then I saw a cloud like voice flying into the open space at a low altitude and landed on the top of the white jade platform in the center.

The breath is gone.

A man with white hair and jade face appeared in the public's sight.

The man is dressed in a white robe, dressed very luxurious, but the face is particularly strange and frightening.

His face was jade. It is true that it looks like inlaid with a layer of jade. Not only that, the exposed skin is also jade colored. The eyes are red with blood. There are two bulges on the shoulders, and the eyebrows are completely bare. There are three blue veins between the forehead. The feet are very large, which is twice as big as the feet of adults. It is strange and tight.

Lin Yang takes a look at this superior position, and looks slightly tight.

Medicine man!

This is the purest medicine man!

Lin Yang can see that.

This person's whole body is all medicine refining increase. And because of overuse of drugs, many parts of his body are different from ordinary people."See you up there!"

All the people in Yaowang village all knelt down and cried to the figure on the white jade platform.

"Get up." Upper light road.

"Thank you."

Shout again.

Looking at Lin Yang, he said calmly, "disciple Xiao Hong, I want to help you open your bones and make you become the strongest and most gifted person in Yaowang village. Why do you want to make an enemy of Yaowang village for some medicine offering?"

"It is not the supreme kingcraft to sacrifice the living, which is against ethics and humanity! How can I accept it? " Lin Yang shook his head.

"You are still young. I don't know what the strongest thing in the world is. I help you. I hope you can defeat the strong enemies, crush all living beings, and win all the fruits of victory for Yaowang village. I hope you can help me become the strongest village in the world, instead of asking you to talk to me about the supreme kingcraft." Shake your head.

Lin Yang looked at him faintly: "the superior seems to have made a mistake. This supreme kingcraft is not proposed by me, but by my ancestor of Yaowang village!"

"Oh? You mean the stone tablet at the entrance of the village? Do you have a new insight? " Interest came from the top.

"Yes." Lin Yang nodded.

"Excellent!" "Xiao Hong, come up and tell me in detail. What's the discovery on the stone tablet?"


Lin Yang's eyes twinkled with sharpness and went straight to the jade platform.

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