The spirit of Lin Yang's spirit suddenly changed.

If we say that it was not profound before, it is now the most hegemonic.

It's hard for anyone who's close to you to breathe.

The four sides were surprised.

"Well?" There's a bit of an accident at the top.

But he was not flustered.

He raised his arm slightly and blocked the falling unicorn.


A dull explosion spread.

The huge image of the unicorn is hard to resist by the upper hand.


Lin Yang's face was stunned.

He knew how terrible his blow was!

Even a tank in this hit will become powder, completely crushed.

But the upper position of the cloud light breeze light catch.

And without any other factor.

No silver needles, no medication.

Simply with his flesh and blood, with his brute force...

what a strong strength!

Lin Yang eyes a Lin, deep drink.


The kylin shadow regenerates the vision, its huge claws straight up, mercilessly grabs to the upper waist.


A thunderbolt came out again.

It seems that the sky is shaking.

The people below were startled and all stepped back.

When we stopped to see it, everyone was stupid.

The terrifying unicorn's paw stopped a few inches in front of the upper waist.

I saw the upper hand gently against the unicorn claw.

It's hard for the claws to advance half a point.

Lin Yang's pupils trembled wildly.

"What? Xiao Hong, is that all you have The superior shook his head: "I'm really disappointed. It seems that you got some inheritance from the ancestors of Yaowang village, and you began to drift away and forget yourself. You are a frog in the well, you must be punished well!"

With that, the superior reached out again and grasped the claw of the unicorn.

Not good!

Lin Yang's face changed and he immediately withdrew.

It's too late!

The master gave a strong grip.

A clever force like electric current burst out from his five fingers and instantly covered the whole kylin virtual image.


The huge Unicorn image was immediately covered by a large number of cracks, and then burst like broken glass on the spot.

Lin Yang was also hard to escape. He was attacked by skillful force. He retreated and his body trembled wildly.

Wait for a good time.


Lin Yang's chest heaved for a while, and then he spat out a mouthful of blood.

Everyone was stunned.

Is this the strength of the top?

Random two arms, beat this demon genius who defeated two elders in such a mess.

How terrible?

"The superior God is mighty! It's unique in the world. We'll admire you! "

Yan Sankai was particularly excited. He immediately knelt down on the ground and worshipped his superior position.

"I'll see you later!"

All the remaining villagers of Yaowang village also knelt down and worshipped.

"The superior is so powerful, what can we fight against it? This time, we all have to die here. " First life autumn eyes stare big, stupidly looking at that terrible figure, the heart has already half cut.

"Elder martial sister, I'm sorry, it's us who got you in trouble."

The disciples behind cried.

"No, I did harm to you. If I hadn't instigated you to save these prisoners, you would not have been killed. I'm sorry."

Shouming took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

In her opinion, it is impossible for Lin Yang to defeat the superior position.

Today, people are afraid that they will die here...

"mole ant, do you know how fierce this seat is Upper light road.

Lin Yang wiped off the blood from the corner of his mouth and snorted: "but so!"

"Hard mouth!"

Shake your head and step a little.


People disappear in the same place.



The disciples exclaimed.

But Lin Yang knew that the other party was not lost because of some magic. The reason why he disappeared was very simple. The speed was too fast. The naked eye could not keep up with his speed.


In Lin Yang blinked an eye in the Kung Fu, the superior directly appeared in front of him.

The hand, which was not thick, came straight to his neck.

The superior wanted to subdue him.

Lin Yang hummed, his arms collided, and his blood power was released.


The upper arm was flicked open and let out a light Yi.

Lin Yang raised his feet and kicked him hard in the abdomen.But the speed of the upper position is even more ridiculous. The sole of the upper position has just been kicked to the abdomen of Linyang.

It all happened between the electric light and flint.

Bang bang!

They each hit the other.

Lin Yang repeatedly retreated, retreating more than ten steps before stopping.

And the upper position is slightly shaking a little, actually is not a step back.

Lin Yang's eyes widened in disbelief.

At the moment, his abdomen is like a river and a sea, incomparable pain, as if all the viscera were cracked by that foot.

But the other party just shakes slightly...

How can it be?

At the moment, even Lin Yang felt something was wrong.

You know, he is now the state of the spirit of blood!

In this case, the other person would have been punched in the abdomen by him.

However, the upper level is intact...

it's against common sense!

"It's amazing that your power can still shake me. It seems that you are indeed the greatest genius in the world." The superior gently nodded and felt a bit sorry in his eyes: "it's a pity that you are stubborn and ambitious! I have to destroy you myself! But it doesn't matter. When I plunder your body, I will deprive you of your talent. "

"Plunder the body?"

Lin Yang's face suddenly changed: "do you...

" that's right! "

The superior untied his robe and exposed his pale body.

Only to find a lot of stitching on his body.

"My body, except my brain and heart, is used by others! The strongest arms, the strongest feet, the strongest lungs, the strongest blood vessels... I took them all and sewed them together! The strength of my body is the strongest in the world at present, so I can beat you only by brute force Upper light road.

Lin Yang was shocked and angry.

"How many people do you have to kill?"

He growled coldly.

It's impossible for such a thing to violate the law of heaven!

"What does it matter how many people are killed? This world is the survival of the fittest world! I'm better than them, and I can take anything from them, including their lives, right? "

"If you are unjust, you will die! You can't live forever Lin Yang sinks.

"I have to give this to you. Well, I don't want to waste my time. I'll take your head first."

The upper level drank and rushed again. His hands were like eagle's claws, and they grabbed Lin Yang's head.

Lin Yang breathed, and immediately raised his arms and danced wildly.

But resist the difficulties.

A confrontation, Lin Yang's arms are all claw marks, meat has been deducted several pieces, blood dripping.


The superior refused to give up, and roared in a low voice. He cut his arm and hit Lin Yang's neck.

The arm full of blue veins suddenly burst out a terrible air blade, trying to cut off the whole neck of Lin Yang.

Lin Yang's brain trembled wildly.

This blow... Can't stop!! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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