That breath is too sharp!

Flesh and blood touch, will only be cut through it!

Never stop!

Lin Yang in a hurry, can only a donkey roll, to avoid the past.

But with such a turn, there was a big gap.

The superior will swing his arms downward.


Blood splashed.

Lin Yang rolled to the side, side by side, bleeding.

When he stopped to get up, he saw a deep cut in his abdomen.

You can see it all.

Lin Yang's face turned white and covered his wound. He couldn't stand straight.

He was busy to give himself a few needles, just to stop the blood.

But the state is very bad.

"Dying." Shake your head.

"Xiao Hong! Don't you get down on your knees and go to the top Yan San Kai swears.

"Get down on your knees and get caught with your bare hands!"

"Get down on your knees!"

People in Yaowang village around him drank and yelled.

At the moment, Lin Yang has no way out, desperate and helpless.

"Younger martial brother Xiao, this is the matter. We will not let you fight alone! Let's go together! It's a big deal to die here The first life is difficult to get up, gritted his teeth and walked to Lin Yang's side, and whispered.

"Yes, it's death! What are we afraid of? "

The bear also came and roared.

Death is the death of all men.

"Well, a bunch of traitors! When you're dying, you're still tough! When I kill you later, I'll peel off your skin and hang it up at the head of the village Yan San opens angry way.

"Skinning? How boring is that? The most annoying thing in this room is traitors. I will make them worse than death! Even if you die, I will call you alive, and I will make you suffer endlessly forever Looking at these people with a smile from the top, his eyes are full of ferocity.

As soon as this word came out, the people were in a state of panic, and their scalp trembled.

They don't dare to question what's going on at the top.

Because Yaowang village has this strength.

If the people in Yaowang village really want to torture these people and not let them die, they can definitely do it.

For a moment, a fear that can't be contained emerged from the heart of Shouming and others!

This is the ultimate fear!

If a person can't even hold the power of death in his own hands, how hopeless and helpless is it?

The crowd trembled.

"Get out of the way

At this time, Lin Yang whispered.

"Xiao younger martial brother..." the first life side head.

"Back away!"

Lin Yang again pricked a few silver needles on his body, then took a deep breath and walked toward the upper level.

The crowd was shocked.

"What? You're not convinced? The gap between you and the superior is too big, you are not qualified to challenge the superior position at all! " Yan Sankai hums coldly.

"Not qualified?"

The corner of Lin Yang's mouth suddenly rose, his eyes twinkled with a sharp color, and then he took a needle and pricked it into his eyebrow.


The upper position looks slightly tight.

"Let's see if I'm qualified."

Lin Yang light road.


And suddenly they disappeared.

"What?" Yan Sankai lost his voice immediately.

Everyone was in a state of consternation.

Lin Yang has such a fast speed?

But see the upper side, suddenly appeared the figure of Lin Yang, all over the sky like spray of fist shadow toward the upper cover.

And each fist, only toward the upper body of the acupoints and lifeblood hit.

Although it's not fierce, it's lethal. If you touch it, you'll die.

"Interesting! significant! I look down on you

The upper part also moved open, the body rotated, the arms danced wildly, and slapped each other to block Lin Yang's fist.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang...

there was a muffled sound even denser than firecrackers. The action is faster, can't see clearly at all, the person with better eyesight can only see a little shadow.


"How could Xiao Hong catch the attack from the upper position?"

The crowd was stunned, and they were all amazed.


A loud noise came out.

Then they separated again.

But this time the upper position didn't stand still, but the body retreated wildly, and there was some unsteadiness.

There was an uproar at the scene.

"Up position!"

"Are you all right?"

Yan San Kai a crowd rushed forward, supporting the nearly fallen superior.

"Get out of here

Drink low.

The crowd stopped and trembled.

However, he saw his superior staring at Lin Yang and said coldly: "I didn't expect that you could activate the potential of the body with a needle and fight with me forcibly. It's good to have a good life. But even if you activate the potential of the body, you can't bear it, right? I think all the bones in your arms are broken now! Is it true or not? ""It was broken just now, but now, it's fine again!" Lin Yang raised his hand.

Breathe tightly on the upper part.

But soon it was relieved.

"It was, it was... You also used silver needles to enhance your physical recovery ability! Even if bones break, immune systems and self-healing abilities will allow them to heal in a very short time! It seems that you have a lot of research on your own physical development. " Upper level light way.

"I am now enough to deal with you?" Lin Yang smiled.

"That won't be!" Head head: "to deal with strong body, the most direct and effective method is to use poison! And just this seat is the best at is poison! Now, I will destroy you with my poison! "

Upper level light way, arms up, master into boxing.


The moment the fist is held, it seems that the surrounding space is distorted...

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