"Who are you?"

Lu Nongchao was discontented immediately. He frowned and looked at the back.

"Who am I and do I have a necessary connection to this matter?" The man did not look back, only lit a cigarette, asked lightly.

"In that case, what do you do with it?"

Lu Nongchao snored coldly, turned his head and looked at Qin baisong and said, "what? Lao Qin! You arranged this man? "

"It's... It's..." Qin baisong said embarrassed.

"Tell him to get out of here! I don't have time to talk to such people! " Lu Nongchao was angry and slapped the way.

"Lao Lu, you should be calm! I asked you to come here to solve this matter of Yanghua! "

"Solve? What else needs to be done? I'll tell you Lao Qin! I can come, that is to give you face! Otherwise, what do you think Yanghua is? Dead bones in the grave! If we want to be willing, in the blink of an eye, we can make your Yanghua disappear! Do you believe it or not? " Lu Nongchao was not polite at all. He clapped his hands and yelled angrily.

Qin baisong's face was extremely ugly and did not say anything.

But it was the man who turned his back to Lu Nongchao and spoke again.

"Lu Nongchao! Since you say that Yanghua can be destroyed, why do you have to come to Jiangcheng again and again to force Ma Hai and others? "

"We just don't want to make things so out of control! If Ma Hai is interested, Yanghua can still keep it, but he is stubborn and loyal to a dead man! What a shame! I'll tell you the truth. The people above me are very dissatisfied with Ma Hainai and Lao Qin! They would have died if I hadn't dealt with it! Like Lao Qin, how could he sit here drinking tea so leisurely Lu Nongchao hums coldly.

"In this case, do Yanghua people have to thank Mr. Lu?"

"That's not necessary. I just hope you guys can listen to us. It's better to follow our ancient sect than to follow the dead Doctor Lin! Don't be stubborn any more Lu Nongchao sneers.

"How do you know Doctor Lin is dead?" Asked the man after a sip of tea.

"Ah, Dr. Lin used the reversal needle recklessly, and the sequelae of this needle can be said to be unexplained. Once used, it is difficult for the immortal to be saved, and Dr. Lin will surely die! What can be doubted? " Lu Nongchao shook his head and sneered.

"If Dr. Lin didn't die and learned that you ancient school treated Yanghua like this, would you not be afraid of Dr. Lin's revenge?" The man asked again.

"Hehe, there are so many ifs in life? What's more, even if Dr. Lin is not dead, the ancient sect will not be afraid of it! I don't think it's possible for Dr. Lin to offend Yaowang village and fight with my ancient sect at the same time? So Dr. Lin didn't kill himself? He's a smart man. He won't do it! What's the use of talking about it now? Dr. Lin is dead! Do you think you are Doctor Lin? " Lu Nongchao sneered, his face full of pride and arrogance.

"In that case, please ask Mr. Lu to go back. Please tell the lower ancient school for us, and ask the people of the ancient school to return all the things that originally belonged to Yanghua and compensate for all the losses caused to my Yanghua in this incident." The man put out the cigarette end and said faintly.


Lu Nongchao was furious, patted the table, got up and glared: "Stinky boy, who do you think you are? How dare you criticize the ancient school? You can't die! "

"So Mr. Lu refused?" The man asked.

"I tell you! Don't say it's you who come out of nowhere. It's useless to say that, even if Dr. Lin is sitting here! I don't like him! What is it? " Lu Nongchao yelled angrily, and his attitude was particularly arrogant.

"Is it? Lu Nongchao, it seems that my Yanghua is in your eyes, and it's really nothing! "

The man said faintly and turned slowly.

Lu Nongchao looks at him at will, and suddenly he looks at the man with his mouth open.

"Are you... Lin... Lin... Lin... Dr. Lin?"

Lu Nongchao is totally stupid.

"Mr. Lu, long time no see!" Lin Yang calmly looked at him, but his voice had killing intention: "I really didn't expect to see you again, we have become the enemy!"

Lu Nongchao's scalp is numb and his heart is beating wildly.

How could he have expected that a man who should have been dead stood safe and sound in front of him.

"This, this, this... This is... What's going on?"

Lu Nongchao's words are not clear.

"I'll give you the old school three days!"

Lin Yang lit a cigarette again and calmly said, "in three days, you ancient school will return all my Yanghua things immediately! Do you understand? "

"Three days..."

"I only wait for three days!"

Lin Yang waved, indicating that Lu Nongchao could leave.

Lu Nongchao's face was ugly, and some people couldn't recover.

He couldn't figure out why the miraculous Doctor Lin was still alive.

"I'll tell the doctor from above."

LV Nongchao didn't dare to wait. He got up in a hurry and left in a hurry."Get wet!"

Qin baisong gets up to shout, but is stopped by Lin Yang.

"Let him go."

"But, teacher... The ancient school will never give up easily. If you expose your identity in this way, how can we not limit our actions everywhere?" Qin baisong worried.

"So far, no matter what we do, the ancient school will not stop! So we'd better take the initiative. We Yanghua can't be beaten passively any more! "

Lin Yang, without expression, got up and said.

"Teacher, what should we do now?"

"Inform Kang Jiahao, now follow me to Xuanyi school! I'm going to take back the land! "

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