"What? Is Dr. Lin alive? "

In a dark room, a rickety old man's teacup shook and the hot tea splashed on his hand. However, he did not pay attention to it. Instead, he glared at the ugly Lu Nongchao in front of him. His shock could not be concealed.

"Yes, president. I'm shocked too." Lu Nongchao shook his head.

"Are you sure you read it correctly?"

"No mistake! The miracle Doctor Lin is sitting not far away from me. Although I'm 60 years old this year, I haven't lost my eyes yet! "

"That's amazing!" The old man took a breath, and his eyes were full of Horror: "Doctor Lin used the reverse needle in front of everyone. According to the principle, the sequelae of the reversal needle will definitely make him die. But why is he still alive?"

"Maybe the miracle Doctor Lin used some secret method to treat the sequelae of his body!" LV Nongchao pondered for a moment and said, "after all, his miraculous Doctor Lin has disappeared for a period of time! Maybe he's hiding somewhere to heal

"Isn't there a rumor that the ancestral medicine garden of Yaowang village was stolen recently? Maybe it has something to do with Dr. Lin, and I have received news that Yaowang village is not peaceful recently! It may be that the Doctor Lin is playing tricks. " Meeting Changsha dumb road.

"President, in any case, Dr. Lin is not dead, which completely disrupts our plan. This man has great strength. If he wants to fight against our ancient school, we will suffer a lot of losses." Lu Nongchao holds his fist.

"What do you mean..."

"based on what we have done to Yanghua, it is impossible to make peace with Dr. Lin. in this way, we'd better start first! Take advantage of the situation to get rid of Dr. Lin! " There is a slight obliteration in LV Nongchao's eyes.

The president said nothing and thought.

After a moment, he said in a quiet voice, "I'll write a report immediately and submit it to it. Please send someone from above to deal with Dr. Lin. according to what you said, take some extreme measures! After all, it doesn't matter if you lose. There is Yaowang village there. It's a big deal. We divided Dr. Lin with Yaowang village! "

"That's what I mean, president!" Lu Nongchao said with a smile.

This surnamed Lin offended Yaowang village and came to look for the assassins of the ancient school. What is it?

There is no reason for the ancient school to be empty. If you want to fight, it is!

"OK, you go to deploy first! I'm going to write the report now! " The president said.

"President, why deploy? We should send someone directly to solve this problem! I think Dr. Lin should have just returned to Jiangcheng, and his foothold is not stable. This is the best time to deal with him. If we wait for him to call in experts like forget worry island and Qilin gate, we may invest a lot in dealing with them. "

Lu Nong Chao road.

The chairman thought about it and nodded: "what you said is reasonable! In that case, I'll call you right away! You will leave for Jiangcheng at once. I will apply to the superior. I don't think the superior will object to it! "

"Good! President, I'm going to prepare now

Lu Nongchao turned and left directly.

The president turned to write the report at once.

But at this time, a figure rushed in.

The president looked up and saw that he was secretary Wu.

"President, emergency information!" Wu's face was startled.

"What's the matter, so flustered?" The president frowned.

"President! Just received the news, Yaowang village... No more! " Secretary Wu's voice was almost shaking.


The pen in the president's hand fell directly on the ground, and the man suddenly stood up and gaped: "what do you say?"

"The person sent to Yaowang village to investigate the news called! Yaowang village is gone! The whole Yaowang village has been leveled! Most of the villagers were killed and injured, and half of the territory of Yaowang village has become a poison zone! Yaowang village! It's over

The president heard the sound and sat down on the chair. The whole person almost didn't collapse.

"Who did it? Tell me who did it

It took a long time for the president to shout.

"It's not sure yet, but according to some investigations, it's... It's Dr. Lin!"

"What? Dr. Lin? "

The president almost screamed.

"President, there is no signal in Yaowang village, the telephone can't be reached, and the network data can't be transmitted. When we got the news, it was already very late. I asked people to investigate the monitoring on the road outside the mountain in xiayaowang village, and found that only Dr. Lin appeared there..." secretary Wu said, and his voice was shaking.

However, the president stepped forward a few steps, grabbed his collar, and roared: "you don't want to tell me... Doctor Lin killed Yaowang village?"

"President... I... I don't know... But maybe it's related to Dr. Lin...

secretary Wu shook his head and stammered.

As soon as he said this, the president shivered and felt cold from head to foot...

"in this way, you can't move Dr. Lin at will..."

the president suddenly raised his head and exclaimed, "quick! Give me a call to LV Nongchao! Call him back! Come on"Good, good president!"

Secretary Wu took out his mobile phone and dialed the number.

But no one called.

"The President... The phone can't get through..."

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