"Rego! are you all right? How are you? "

Seeing this scene, Wang Xiaoman was frightened and rushed forward to help him.

Regor fell into a mess.

When he got up, his suit was covered with dust.

Lei's face is gray.

"Rego, I'm sorry, you're scared. I'll give that guy a look!" Wang Xiaoman angry way.

"I don't have to come back. I don't have to lose face."

Leige glanced at Lin Yang's direction coldly, and said in a voice, "don't you say this guy is a waste, a useless thing? I didn't expect that he was so bold! "

"I'm also very strange, this dog has always been in my su family not to fight back, scold not to fight back! He's a worthless trash. Why is he so bold today? It's against the sky Wang Xiaoman stomped angrily: "no, I must find the court! Wang Xiaoman didn't dare to call him such a thing? He wants him to look good! "

"Revenge is not overnight! Nobody dares to do this to me in Guangliu province! You don't have to meddle in this. How can I get along with me if I'm a woman? "

Ray Ge Leng hum, take out the cell phone directly, dial a number.



after entering the gate of Zhangjiakou, Lin Yang went directly to find Su Yan.

"Are you... Lin Yang? How did you come? " My cousin Zhang Hu said unexpectedly.

"Zhang Hu, where is Su Yan?" Lin Yang Li asked.

"Su Yan?" Zhang Hu snorted coldly: "you still have the face to ask where my cousin is? But for you, would my cousin have suffered so much? As for the end? Now you dare to run here! Lin Yang, you are not timid

"Zhang Hu, if there is anything I will explain to you later. Now you can take me to Xiaoyan." Lin Yang sinks.

Zhang Hu originally wanted to say something, but seeing Lin Yang's anxious face, he hesitated and said faintly, "she's in the Tang Gu!"

Zhang Aiqi?

When Lin Yang heard the sound, he immediately rushed there.

A few minutes later, Lin Yang opened the door of a room.


The people in the room gave a fright and made a sound at once.

Lin Yang looked at her eyes and saw that Zhang Aiqi was standing by the bed. On the bed, there was a woman with a pale face and her eyes covered with gauze.

The woman was unconscious. Beside the bed were several medical instruments. Several catheters were inserted into the woman's arms. On the other side of the room, a nurse was sitting. She was dozing.

"Lin Yang, is it you?"

Zhang Aiqi lost his voice and called out. She was annoyed: "do you still have the face to stay here? Get out of here! Go away

Lin Yang does not want to explain, just quickly walked to the bedside, checked under Su Yan.

"Jue Ming Hua's poison is under control at present, and his eyes are recovering. There are no other injuries on his body. It's OK, ok..."

knowing that Su Yan is still stable, Lin Yang is relieved.

It seems that Gong Xiyun and others are really well protected.

"Lin Yang! Didn't you hear me? Get out of here Zhang Aiqi almost screamed. Seeing that Lin Yang didn't pay any attention, she immediately opened her voice and called out, "come on! Come on

"What's going on?"

"What's the matter?"

A lot of people came in at once.

They are all the thugs of Zhangjia.

"Get rid of this trash! If he wants to hang on, call me! Fight to death Zhang Aiqi was angry and scolded.


The crowd immediately came forward.

"You don't have to do it! I will go myself

Lin Yang side head, facial expressionless way.

The thugs stopped and looked at each other.

Su Yan is all right. Lin Yang is relieved. There is no need to stay here. He must seize the time to develop a medicine to remove the poison of Jueming flower, and to solve the troubles of the ancient school, so as to calm everything down.

We must not be soft hearted in dealing with the ancient school this time!

He must make an example of him!

Let everyone be afraid of themselves, dare not provoke themselves again!

Lin Yang's eyes were firm and his fists clenched.

However, when Lin Yang was about to leave the house, Zhang Aiqi was suddenly angry.

"Stop! Lin! Where are you when Zhang Jia? Do you come and go when you say so? You hurt Xiaoyan so badly, how can you leave so easily? Break his leg for me! Throw it out! Let him know what will come of bullying my Zhangjia people? " Zhang Aiqi said angrily.


The thugs came at once.

"Do you believe what Zhang Qingyu said? Well, I don't seem to have to explain it! "

Lin Yang facial expression is expressionless way, originally angry he at this moment simply can't bear any more!

However, when he was about to start, an old shout rang through."Stop me all!"

Everyone was stiff and looked out.

"The owner?"

"Dad, how did you come?"

Zhang Aiqi was shocked: "what are you doing when you don't have a good rest?"

"I hear the tiger say, Lin Yang is here! Come and see, ah Qi, what are you doing? Why do you want to beat my son-in-law for no reason? "

Zhang's face was icy and went into the room.

Lin Yang glanced at Zhang Laozi, his eyes were not looked at by his fingers, and suddenly his heart was pumping.

Several fingers of the old man have been cut off.

This is all linked by Linyang...

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