"Grandson in law? Dad! You don't see what this guy has done! Do you see what your favorite granddaughter looks like now? This is due to your grandson-in-law! What else do you do to protect such a man? " Zhang Aiqi rushed to the road.

"I have to ask about it! The rain just came back, and so did the little sun! In that case, call all the big guys here, and I can sort out the whole story of the matter! "

The old man sank and said to the next Zhang Hu, "go and call your aunt! Xiao Yang, come with me, go to the main hall

"Good!" Lin Yang thought about it and nodded.

Soon, many people gathered in the main hall of Zhangjia.

Zhang Qingyu is here too. Su Guang doesn't know where to go.

Mr. Zhang is sitting in the hall drinking tea, but his fingers are missing and his tea is not stable.

As for the people of Zhangjia, they stare at Lin Yang with indignation and anger on their faces.

The look in his eyes would devour him alive.

"Dog! You still have the face to come to my family? I killed you

Zhang Qingyu, a ferocious figure, was actually going to attack Linyang.

"Sunny and rainy!"

The old man drank.

Zhang Qingyu is stiff, this just has convergence.

Lin Yang looks at Zhang Qingyu without expression.

In his heart, Zhang Qingyu is not as good as a stranger.

But for Mr. Zhang, he still felt guilty.

"This is Zhangjia. You are all from my family! Then you have to obey the rules of Zhangjia! If anyone dares to mess around here, he doesn't pay attention to me! Do you hear that? Behave yourself The old man hummed.


People exclaimed, especially respectfully.

The old man nodded and looked at Lin Yang.

"Lin Yang! Your mother-in-law said, "Xiao Yan, it's all your fault. Is there such a thing?"

"Grandfather, why did you say that?"

"Your mother-in-law said that you have provoked a big man!"

"Who can I provoke?"

"Just the people from Yaowang village! Don't you admit it? " Zhang Qingyu screamed.

"It's Dr. Lin who provoked Yaowang village. What's the matter with me?" Lin Yang said faintly.

"Why is it none of your business? It's the people in Yaowang village that you provoked, and then you called Dr. Lin in the name of Xiaoyan to make things big. Yaowang village hated Xiaoyan and let her suffer! How dare you say it has nothing to do with you? You son of a bitch! You are better than a dog! You are not a man Zhang Qingyu yelled and scolded, then cried: "my daughter's life is hard!"

People at the scene were angry and angry.

Lin Yang sneered.

"How about the strength and energy of people in Yaowang village? I think you can see it through live broadcast? Even Dr. Lin couldn't deal with it. Yanghua was hit by the other side one after another at this time. He was a man of all hands and eyes, Zhang Qingyu! You said that I provoked the people in Yaowang village. Then I asked you, can I be more powerful than Dr. Lin? Even Dr. Lin's whereabouts are unknown, but I can stand here safe and sound! Do you mean Dr. Lin is inferior to me

As soon as the words came out, Zhang Qingyu stopped crying and was speechless.

"Besides! Grandfather, I want to ask you, what is Xiaoyan's situation now? " Lin Yang asked Mr. Zhang.

"It's so poisonous! I asked the grand doctor of Guangliu province to see it, and the people from Xuanyi school also gave a report, and sent someone to do nursing! The poison has no solution for the time being Mr. Zhang said.

"Well, has anyone ever told you how Xiaoyan was poisoned?" Lin Yang asked again.

As soon as he said this, everyone was stunned.

The crowd looked at each other.

The old man frowned.

"You did it There are people in Zhangjia.

"Why do I hurt Xiaoyan?" Lin Yang asked.

"How do I know that?" The man hummed.

"I think how Xiaoyan poisoning this question, or let Zhang Qingyu to answer everyone!" Lin Yang light road.

Zhang Qingyu's face changed with fright at the sound.

People at the scene were stunned and looked at Zhang Qingyu.

"What are you talking about? How can I know about you, me Zhang Qingyu stammered a little and said busily.

"Why don't you know? Don't you give Xiaoyan the poison medicine? " Lin Yang hums coldly.


There was an uproar.

"Rain! What's going on here? "

Mr. Zhang suddenly got up and looked at Zhang Qingyu seriously.

"Dad, i... I..." Zhang Qingyu looked like he wanted to cry without tears. He didn't know how to explain it.

"Is this really something to do with you?? You'd better recruit me from the facts! Otherwise, I will never let you off

Zhang shouts in anger.

"Dad, things are not what you think. Xiaoyan is my daughter. How can I think of hurting Xiaoyan? As for the poison... The poison... I... I just... "Zhang Qingyu hesitated, but could not say why.When the people of Zhangjia saw it, they knew it.

I'm afraid it's something else.

Maybe it's just like what Lin Yang said.

"You..." Mr. Zhang was half dead.

"Master, it's not good!"

Just then, there was a quick cry.

All the people of Zhangjia looked at it in unison.

However, the bodyguard who should have stood guard at the door suddenly rushed in, and behind him, there was a large group of people in black.

It is Wang Xiaoman and Lei Ge who are just now the leaders...

"Xiaoman? Ray

Zhang Aiqi exclaimed unexpectedly.

"Where is Lin Yang? Tell him to get out of here

Thunder big brother facial expressionless drink a way, then stride into the main hall.

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