This voice can shake the people of Zhangjia at the scene.

"Thunder elder brother, you this is..." Zhang Hu hurried forward, a face flattering.

"Zhang Hu?" The man who called Lei Ge glanced and snorted: "where is Lin Yang? Tell him to get out of here! Come on

"Isn't Lin Yang in the hall?" Zhang Hu pointed to the back of Wang Xiaoman and Lei Ge.

Lin Yang turns around.

"Ha ha, now we can settle accounts slowly." Wang Xiaoman immediately sneered.

"Little man! Mr. Lei, what are you doing Mr. Zhang stood up and asked with his eyebrows locked.

"Is master Zhang here? That's it

The man named Leige stepped forward, pointed to Lin Yang and said, "this ungrateful dog! Kill me! Mr. Zhang, how do I have to discuss this matter? What do you say? " Ray Ge light says.

"Kill you?"

Lin Yang frowned.

At the scene, the people of Zhangjia were also in an uproar.

"What's going on?"

"Lin Yang wants to kill thunder boss?"

"Is he crazy? I don't know who ray is? "

The relatives of Zhangjia talked about it.

"Mr. Lei, is there any misunderstanding? My grandson-in-law has never met you. Why does he want to kill you Mr. Zhang quickly got up and asked.

How can he not see the clues in his life when he is so old? It must be the exaggeration of the surname Lei, but he can't pierce it. He can only ask about the situation first.

"Master, you have to ask this man whose surname is Lin! Xiao Yan became so because of him. I didn't allow him to get close to Xiaoyan. I was afraid that he would hurt Xiaoyan, but I didn't expect this guy to scold me! Mr. Lei said a few words of justice, and he said evil words to him. He even wanted to fight and kill him! Master, I Wang Xiaoman suffered a little loss and suffered a little injustice, but childe Lei was wronged in Zhangjia. If I don't bring him to ask for justice, what face will Wang Xiaoman have to stay in Guangliu province? " Wang Xiaoman hummed.

Mr. Zhang looked ugly and looked at Lin Yang: "Lin Yang, is this really true?"

"Yes, but I'm not going to kill him." Lin Yang said quietly.

Mr. Zhang naturally knew that, but since Lin Yang admitted it, there was nothing to say.

"Mr. Lei, what do you want?" Mr. Zhang asked.

"Simple, ask this person to kneel down to apologize, and then lick the soles of my shoes. That's it!" Mr. Lei said without expression.

The people of Zhangjia were shocked.

Mr. Zhang frowned: "Mr. Lei, is this too much? I can ask Lin Yang to kneel down and apologize to you. It's not appropriate to lick the soles of shoes, isn't it? "

In front of so many people to make such a thing, then Linyang in this life do not want to look up.

"Master Zhang, you know me! Although Lei Peng was not a famous person in Guangliu, I also had some faces. Today, I was beaten up by such a son-in-law, and my face was completely destroyed. I didn't get back to the court today. Things spread out in the future. How can I get a foothold in front of others? " Lei Gongzi Dao.

Mr. Zhang frowned and said hoarsely, "so, Mr. Lei must humiliate my grandson-in-law today, and make me lose face?"

"Mr. Zhang, I don't mean that I can't get along with you. I didn't want to intervene in Miss Su's accident, but Xiaoman asked me to come here! Now, how do you like my son-in-law, Zhang? Does the old man despise me Mr. Lei's face was slightly heavy.

"I don't mean that, but this is Zhangjia! No one can be presumptuous Mr. Zhang drank heavily.

"Master, I think in your face, I just like to say, if not for you, do you think I would be so polite?" Mr. Lei hummed.

"You..." Mr. Zhang was very angry.

"Rego, stop talking nonsense! If we delay further, the man named Lin thinks we are afraid of him! " Wang Xiaoman hummed.

Rego nodded and said, "do it! Since he won't lick it, press him on the ground and pull out his tongue. I'll do it myself

"Yes, boss!"

The people on the left and right immediately went forward to catch Lin Yang.


Mr. Zhang was so angry that he patted the tea table and suddenly got up and drank: "Lei Peng! What do you mean? Is it true that I don't care about the old man? "

"Mr. Zhang, I have enough face for you! Don't drink, eat or drink in your family! " Lei Peng was also angry and cried out.

"You... Somebody! Come on Mr. Zhang was so angry that he kept shouting.

After a while, many people came to Zhangjia and surrounded the main hall directly.

Lei Peng looked around and raised his mouth.

"It seems that Zhang Jia wants to fight with me today...

" no, no, no, Mr. Lei, that's not what our father meant! Don't get me wrong"How can we not get along with you?"

"You and your father should take good care of this province."

The relatives of Zhangjia stopped, and they stood out and said with a smile.

They would not have offended such a distinguished person for the sake of a useless grandson-in-law, like Mr. Zhang.

"What are you doing?" Mr. Zhang blew his beard and glared.

"Dad! Can't you say less? "

"For the sake of Linyang, is it worth taking our family in?"

Mr. Zhang's children urged one after another.

"Dad, I don't care about being a mother-in-law. What do you care about? What's more, what kind of identity energy is Lei jiadang in Guangliu province? Do you want us to have a meeting with Mr. Lei? " Zhang Qingyu snorted and rushed to the old man.

"Big thunder?"

Lin Yang thought.

He had come to Guangliu Province before, but he had never heard of the thunder boss. Where did he come from?

"What do you mean? Call old man, I watch others bully my family at will, but I can only do it? I can't bear it! If he wants to fight, I'm not afraid of him! " The old man's face is red.

He has a hard temper and a short temper. How can he tolerate such a thing?

"Zhang Zhonghua! Do you really think Lei Peng is afraid of you? " Lei Peng was furious and cried in a deep voice.

"I know you are not afraid of me, but I have to let you understand that I am not a bully in Zhangjiakou! I'll give you 10 seconds now. Get out of here with your men! If your men don't leave in ten seconds! Don't blame me for being rude! " Mr. Zhang pushed aside the people who were dissuaded nearby and cried out.

All the people in Zhangjia are stupid. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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