"Bastard! Do you dare to fight back? " The people of Zhangjia are angry.

"This piece of trash is quite capable of fighting." There are people who don't know what they want.

"What's the use of playing? If you really want to move your hand, Lei Shao is afraid that he can not be crushed to death with a little finger! " Wang Xiaoman disdains a way.

Even Zhang was angry and angry! Go! Get him for me! Take him


More and more Zhangjia thugs rushed forward.

"Stop it! Stop it

Mr. Zhang cried out in a hurry.

But it didn't help.

Mrs. Zhang appeared. Obviously, the people of Zhangjia only listen to her.

However, Lin Yang's fists were not only swift and violent, but also powerful. After a few punches and a few feet, he knocked down all the four Zhang people who had rushed up.


One after another, surprise came and went.

"Sunny and rainy, what happened? When was this son-in-law so bad? " The person next to asked a dull face Zhang Qingyu.

"I... I don't know!" Zhang Qingyu was also confused and surprised.

She knows that Lin Yang can fight, but if he can fight again, it is based on ordinary people. How can he deal with these well-trained bodyguards raised by Zhang Jia?

For a while, the people of Zhangjia did not dare to come forward.

Wang Xiaoman here was also surprised: "how can this trash beat? I haven't heard of it before

"Yes? Oh, stop fooling people here! Do you really think I'm an idiot? " Lei Peng disdains to sneer and stares at the scene of Zhang Jiaren: "you are just acting for me."

"Acting?" Zhang Songhong and others were stunned.

"Lin Yang, with his thin arms and legs, can beat these three big and five thick strong men with one move? Hehe, when this is a martial arts play? "

"Lei Shao, you misunderstood. Why should we act with Lin Yang?"

"You just don't want to offend me, and you want to save Lin Yang, so you look like you're killing your family for justice! You want to deceive me by such a mean means? Ridiculous

"Lei Shao, it's not what you think..."

"don't talk nonsense. All of you in Zhangjiakou should get out of the way and let me come!" Lei Peng waved.

The people next to him sprang in at once.

But Linyang which can always stand in the same place passively beaten?

He directly stepped on the ground, and rushed forward, instantly close to Lei Peng.

It's so fast that everyone has no time to react.


Lei Peng breathes a shudder, the person has not yet responded, Lin Yang directly slapped in his face.


Lei Peng made a turn and fell heavily on the ground.


Wang Xiaoman screamed with fright.

"Young master!"

"Damn it, I want you to die!"

The thugs came back and pressed on Lin Yang.

Lin Yang had no place to hide from the encirclement.

However, the next second, an old figure rushed into the crowd, and put down those thugs who surrounded Linyang.


The crowd looked at the figure in astonishment.

This is the housekeeper of Zhangjia.

The housekeeper had studied martial arts in his early years, and his foundation was very good. It was not a problem to deal with these thugs.

As soon as he appeared, he represented the attitude of Master Zhang.

"Zhang Zhonghua! What are you doing Old lady Zhang's face turned red with anger.

"Throw these people out! Including Lei Peng! Get out of here

Mr. Zhang blew his beard and glared, and roared at the housekeeper.

The housekeeper nodded.

"Zhang Zhonghua! You are crazy! Zhangjia is over! Zhangjia is over! I must make your family disappear in Guangliu province! Certainly Lei Peng covered his face and cried hysterically.

"Throw Lei Peng first. If you dare to resist, fight me!" Master Zhang roared.

This time he's completely free!

"Yes, sir

The housekeeper nodded and immediately went to catch Lei Peng.

"Don't touch me! Believe it or not, I killed you

With the roar, Lei Peng began to struggle.

Pa Pa!

Two crisp slaps in the face.

Lei Peng was immediately hit by a blow, and he was very angry.


Wang Xiaoman was too scared to move.

"Throw it out!" Mr. Zhang growled.

The housekeeper immediately dragged Lei Peng out.

Lei Peng still wants to resist, but his strength is not as strong as the housekeeper. He can only struggle and roar at the same time.

"I want you to look good! You wait! Zhang Zhonghua! You wait

The sound of hysteria seemed to pierce the clouds.

Endless resentment rippled in Lei Peng's mind.

But at this moment, an indifferent voice came in."Zhangjia people, what are you going to do to my son?"

The voice dropped to the ground, and the whole hall was suddenly quiet.

All of them were staring out of the gate.

"Dad! Dad! Here you are! Dad! You are here at last

Lei Peng was overjoyed, and the whole excited man trembled wildly. He broke free of the shackles of the housekeeper and rushed out in a rolling manner.

The middle-aged man came into the room wearing a suit.

With a cigarette in his mouth and brown glasses, the man walked into the main hall and sat down directly.

And behind him, there are people with extraordinary aura.

These are all men's fighters, different from the previous ones. All of them are martial arts...

"Lord Lei?"

Mrs. Zhang here lost her voice.

"Dad! You have to breathe for me! To rebel against Zhang Jia! They are going to rebel! "

Lei Peng pounced on the middle-aged man's leg and wailed.

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