Hearing Lei Peng's words, Lei Ye was furious and glared coldly at the zhangjias.

"Zhang Zhonghua! Don't you know my tactics Lei asked coldly.

Zhang Zhonghua got up quickly with a serious look and explained, "Mr. Lei, I think you'd better investigate this matter and find out which is right and which is wrong. I believe you have your own judgment."

"It's my son's fault!"

"Mr. Lei is really wise."

"But what?" Ray immediately added.

Zhang Zhonghua looks stiff.

"Even if my son obviously wants to target your family, what can you do? I'm not afraid to tell you that if my son wants to beat your family, you should stick your head out for me. What's your family? How dare you fight back at my son? " Lei Ye patted the table and hummed.

The faces of the people in Zhangjia changed.

"Lei ye..."

"unload these people's hands and feet!" Lei Ye points to Zhang's humanity who wants to drag Lei Peng away.


The people behind Lei Ye immediately stepped forward.

"Stop it!"

There are Zhangjia people to stop.

But a man from Lei Ye's side actually rushed past like a gust of wind, and his backhand was two slaps.

Pa Pa!

The man was immediately fanned to the ground, his cheek was swollen and his mouth was bleeding.


The crowd was shocked.

"What are you? How dare you behave here? Anyone who dares to be presumptuous again will be abandoned! "

With that, the man kicked.


The man's body immediately flew out and hit the pillar behind him heavily. The bone broke and passed out in a coma.

The people of Zhangjia were shocked.

"Ah! Ah! Ah... "

bone fracture sounds.

The hands and feet of those people were all broken...

Zhang Zhonghua was full of anger and glared at him.

"What? Our father Zhang seems to be angry? " Lei Ye lightly left him, a pair does not care.

"Mr. ray, are you too much? Your son came to make trouble! I just kicked him out! There is nothing excessive. Why is Mr. Lei so aggressive? " Zhang Zhonghua sinks.

"Boom? What qualifications do you have to blow up my son? " Leiye hums coldly.

"You..." Zhang Zhonghua blew his beard and glared.

But then the old lady opened her mouth.

"Mr. Lei, please don't be angry. It's just a misunderstanding. It's caused by my old man's obstinacy. On behalf of Zhang Jia, I'd like to express my sincere apology to you."

"Oh?" Mr. Lei looked at the old lady lightly.

However, the old lady said: "listen, from today on, Zhangjia is no longer led by Zhang Zhonghua. I will personally lead it. As for this matter, we in Zhangjia will give you a satisfactory reply!"

"What are you going to do, old lady?" Mr. Zhang asked angrily.

"Zhang Zhonghua, you are a fool! Even Lei Ye dares to offend him. Isn't this pushing our family to the fire pit? Songhong! Huage


"Your father may have a bad head. In the next six months, let him take a good rest in his room and forbid him to step out of the door for half a step!" Cried the old lady.

"You..." Zhang Zhonghua pointed to the old lady and exclaimed, "are you going to rebel?"

But the old lady ignored him and continued to say to Mr. Lei: "in addition, my family will compensate 30 million in cash and two pieces of beautiful jade. A Dragon carving will be used to frighten Mr. Lei. What do you think of this?"

"Make a living." Lei ye said.

"Come, prepare the wine, set up the banquet! Treat Mr. Lei, and then treat the old fool! "


Zhang Songhong and Zhang Huage went forward immediately.

"Asshole, you let me go!"

"How brave you are! Let go of me

Zhang Zhonghua immediately struggled.

But he is old, how can he break free from his young and strong arm? It's going to be taken down at once.

"Wait a minute!"

At this time, a big drink sounded.

Everyone was stunned.

Looking at the sound source, it is Lei Peng who talks!

"What's the matter, Peng? Do you have any complaints?" Ray asked.

He attaches great importance to his son and will naturally meet all his needs.

"Of course not! Dad, what's going on? The old man's life is over in half a year? Then I can't swallow it! " Lei Peng hummed.

"What do you want?" Ray asked.

"I want this old coffin to live in a wheelchair for the rest of my life, just like this old woman." Lei Peng's face was ferocious and said with a light smile.

As soon as the words came out, the faces of all the people in Zhangjia changed.

Even the old lady was stunned."That's right. We should teach the old man a lesson!"

Next to Wang Xiaoman also stood out, air rushed.

"Xiao man, how do you talk?" Some people in Zhangjia scolded.

Although Wang Xiaoman is a member of the Su family, she is still close to Zhang Jia because of Su Yan's relationship. The reason why she is here is to take care of Su Yan on behalf of the Su family.

"How do I speak? What I said is fair! What did Mr. Lei do in your family? It's to help you and protect Su Yan, but it's better for you! Bite the hand that feeds you, and deal with Mr. Lei! Are you still human? You are not as good as animals Wang Xiaoman said.

"How could you say that?"


Many people in Zhangjia are very angry.

"I'm just telling the truth!" Wang Xiaoman has no expression.

"Is it?" Mr. Lei nodded: "in that case, good! Just follow what a Peng said

The voice falls to the ground, a man on the left side of Lei Ye goes to Zhang Zhonghua.

"What are you going to do?" Zhang Zhonghua was shocked.

"Mr. Lei said," waste your legs! " Said the man, cold and murderous.

"Stop it!"

"Don't hurt the old man!"

Zhang Songhong and others immediately stepped forward and stopped the man.

They can accept the old man's house arrest, but they can't accept his legs being abandoned.

If a person of such an age has suffered such heavy losses, the consequences will be unimaginable.

"Looking for death!"

The man was angry and slapped with his back.

Slapping is like wind and thunder, but they can't react.

Pa Pa!

Two slaps severely fan in the past, two people were fanned to the ground on the spot, two teeth were spit out.

All around, the people of Zhangjia were shaking with fear.

"These are all people who have practiced martial arts. We are definitely not rivals!"

"How can the warriors of our zhangjias deal with them?"

"These are all the masters around Lei Ye!"

A shaking voice came out.

Everyone was scared.

They can't resist such people.


The man disdained his face and raised his hand to catch him.

Mr. Zhang's eyes widened and he retreated again and again. He was at a loss.

But at this critical moment, a hand suddenly clasped the man's wrist.


When the man was stunned, he found a young man standing beside him.

"Who made you wild here?"

The young man said, his arm shook.


A clever force shocked the man to retreat, blood standing unsteadily www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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