All the people were in a daze.

"Who is talking?"

"It's like talking with a loudspeaker!"

"Who is so bold? Don't you know we are here

People hummed and moaned and were very unhappy.

The people of Zhangjia have no idea.

Only a few masters such as big eagle changed their faces.

"Doctor Lin? The battle of Tianjiao? Who is this coming from? " The people next to Mr. Lei cried out.

"Dr. Lin?"

Mr. Lei was stunned, and his face was very ugly.

This name... No matter who it is, it's like thunder.

But it seems that Dr. Lin is dead, right?

At least that's what ray got.

Since Dr. Lin is dead! Who was that to? Even if Dr. Lin didn't die, would he still be here?

All of them knew nothing about the situation.

But the eagle gazed at Lin Yang and said, "are you a miracle Doctor Lin?"

"Sir, are you kidding? This is our family's inverted gate, a pure waste, nothing, completely dependent on his wife! This waste can do with his own idleness. This time, he has made his wife unconscious. He is just scum in the scum, even worse than the maggots in the toilet Wang Xiaoman couldn't help it, pointing to Lin Yang and shouting.

"Back door?"

The eagle was stunned.

"Big eagle, don't be scared. Everyone in Zhangjia knows him! It's not a miracle Doctor Lin! " Someone reminded me.

The big eagle frowned.

But at this time, a crisp sound of footsteps sounded.

People looked at the gate.

But a man in a white robe came in.

The man's face was cold and stern, his eyes were calm, his left hand held a sword, and he stepped towards this place. His sharp eyes were directly locked on Lin Yang inside. At the same time, he also called out: "Why are you hiding here? Now, can we fight against Tianjiao? "

"Not very convenient."

Lin Yang light road.


The visitor looked at the scene strangely, and glanced at Lei ye, Zhang Zhonghua, Zhang Laotai Jun and others, and said with a cold hum: "what's the matter? You're stuck with dogs and cats? How could these people have dealt with you? Why not get rid of them quickly? Why waste time? "

Lin Yang did not speak.

But the people on Ray's side are angry.

"Cat and dog? Who do you mean? " One could not suppress his anger and went to ask coldly.

"Of course it's you. Am I?" It's a light way to come.

"What do you say?"

"You are... Too presumptuous!"


The people were furious.

"Get him out of here!"

The last thing ray likes most is the arrogant! Especially if this man is still arrogant in front of him, how can he tolerate it? Immediately side to the side of humanity.

However, at this time, the man with a goatee beard suddenly stepped forward and said eagerly, "Mr. Lei, no...

" what do you mean? " Ray looked at him unexpectedly.

"This person... Or not easy!"

"Not easy? Where do you see that? "

"Big eagle..." the man said hoarsely.

Lei Ye was stunned, and then he looked at the eagle.

But saw the eagle staring at the man, eyes flashing confusion, confusion, and a trace of uncertainty.

Can let the eagle show such an expression, enough to show that the other side should not be ordinary.

"Eagle, who is this man?" Lei Ye realized something was wrong and asked.

"I... I'm not sure..." Big Eagle hesitated.

"Not sure what?"

"In a word, Mr. Lei... Don't act rashly first." The eagle whispered.

Mr. Lei heard the sound and thought for a moment. Then he said to old prince Zhang over there: "old lady, how can anyone run into the wild? We are your guests. Aren't you afraid to disturb your guests in Zhangjia? "

As soon as he said this, Mr. Zhang was overjoyed.

If Lei Ye talks to her instead of talking to Zhang Zhonghua directly, he recognizes her identity. In this way, the relationship between Zhang Jia and Lei ye can be eased.

"Don't worry, Mr. Lei. How can we make you feel wronged? We're going to blow some clowns out of nowhere! " Mrs. Zhang was busy.

"Good, grandma!"

The people of Zhangjia should go down.

"Grandfather, for the sake of Zhang Jia, stop these people from provoking that guy." Lin Yang side head, to Zhang Zhonghua low voice.

Zhang Zhonghua was stunned and asked, "Lin Yang, do you know this man?"


"Who is he?""Zhangjia invites people who can't be provoked." Lin Yang light road.

Zhang Zhonghua breathed heavily and immediately said, "old lady! Don't mess with me

"You old fool! It's all bad for Zhangjia. It's no part of your talk! You stay away Mrs. Zhang hummed.

"Old lady! You... Didn't you say before that you don't interfere in family affairs? Is the previous lesson not enough? This time you come again? Who is harming Zhang Jia Zhang Zhonghua's old face turned red and he was very excited.

"It was before, now it is now! Mr. Lei is sitting here. If I don't show up, do I have to wait for you to harm my family? You old fool, do you know what you're doing Mrs. Zhang angrily said, and no longer paid attention to Zhang Zhonghua. She waved her hand: "go! Blow this guy away

The people of Zhangjia immediately came forward to drag the visitors away.

But they just got close to the people.


A burst of Qi suddenly shocked the people of Zhangjia.

Bang bang bang!

There was a dull noise.

Several Zhangjia people were shocked to fly out, fell heavily on the ground, fainted on the spot.


Everyone was shocked.

They didn't see the man do it!

I can only see that the people of Zhangjia are shot as soon as they get close.

The scene is just weird, like a magic trick...

"the true spirit is released?"

The eagle suddenly realized something and shuddered wildly.


Zhang Zhonghua's old face changed.

"Asshole! Asshole! Somebody, give it to me! Get him out of here! Get out of here Mrs. Zhang doesn't care about it. She yells in anger.

The people of Zhangjia clenched their teeth, so they approached and started.

But at this time, the Big Eagle over there suddenly realized something. He knelt down on one knee and made a fist salute to the man.

"Big... Big Eagle meet Tianjiao!"


There was an uproar at the scene.

Countless eyes are incredible...

"is this man Tianjiao?"

Some people in Zhangjia lost their voice.

"Big Eagle! What are you doing here? Even if he is Tianjiao, what can you fear? Don't you say you have the strength to fight against Tianjiao? " Lei Ye was particularly displeased with the eagle's behavior and snorted coldly.

However, the eagle was trembling and said in a trembling voice, "Lord Lei, this one is... The pride of the last ten days!"

Lei ye heard it, so scared that the teacup in his hand was not stable, and he banged it on the ground.

"Top ten... Tianjiao?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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