"Pride in the first ten days? How is that possible? Big... Big eagle, you must be wrong! There must be a mistake! " Leiye didn't care about the hot tea pouring on his body. He suddenly got up and asked with his eyes wide open.

"Pride in the first ten days? Big eagle, are you kidding? It's all God like existence

"How can a man of this level appear in front of us at will?"

"You must have been mistaken

The people around Lei ye said one after another, everyone is an unacceptable look.

After all, it's impossible for people of this level to appear in such places.

However, the eagle is firm.

"There can be no mistake! Mr. Lei, I have seen the heroic demeanor of Tianjiao before, but he was not dressed in this way, so I couldn't recognize him for a while. Now I can confirm that he is really angry! This adult is the ninth Tianjiao in Tianjiao list! Ice king

"What? Ice... Ice king? "

"He... How did he come here?"

People were so shocked that they all stared at the man.

"Big eagle, is he really the king on the ice?" Lei ye came back from surprise and asked in a low voice.

"Absolutely not Big eagle is determined.

Lei Ye's face changed constantly. For a long time, he suddenly got up and solemnly walked over and clasped his fist to the king on the ice: "Lei Fu has seen the king on the ice proud! I didn't know Tianjiao's identity before. I've been neglecting him. Please forgive me! "

"Who are you?" Ice king looked at the eye, Lei ye asked.

"I'm lower ray." Leiye is busy smiling.

"No! I'm not interested. These are your people? " Ice king looked at the eye, big eagle and others asked.


"What are you doing here?" The king on the ice asked.


Lei Ye didn't know what the purpose of the king of ice came here. After thinking about it, he could only say, "we... We just came to discuss something with the people of Zhangjia. There was no other meaning, no other meaning."

"In that case, get out with your men. I don't want to dirty my hands." Ice King Road.

"Good! Good! Let's get out of here! Get out of here

Lei Ye nodded quickly.

He doesn't dare to fight against ice king!

After all, the top ten of Tianjiao list are monsters among monsters.

I can't afford it.

Lei Ye is busy winking, and intends to take people away.

But Wang Xiaoman and Lei Peng don't do it.

"Dad, what is this for? Is that all it's about? " Lei Peng's face is not willing, angry way.

When has he been so bent?

"There's a big man, and your father can't afford to be provoked. What are you doing when others let us go?" Lei Ye sank.

"So... How can I get rid of this evil breath?" Lei Peng said angrily.

If you want to drag Lin Yang out! Let's go outside and solve it! how? Lin Yang is just a small character. This big man doesn't care about him! This time, we mainly aim at Lin Yang! You can't make him look like that again Wang Xiaoman is busy.

"That's right, Dad. Drag out the man whose surname is Lin. I'll take care of him myself! Otherwise, I will not be in a good mood! " Lei Peng is also gnashing his teeth.

"This is... OK!" Leiye thought, or nodded to agree.

Just a Lin Yang, should not enter the eye of this great man?

Big eagle and others immediately went to Linyang.

"Boy, come with us!"

Big Eagle cold way, a hand does not politely grasp to Lin Yang.

But his hand was just about to touch Lin Yang's shoulder.


A hand knife suddenly cut, it was like a blade of the eagle's hand on the spot.


The eagle covered his broken hand and made a shrill cry, and the man retreated.

The rest of the people were scared to shiver.

Big Eagle

"What's this... What's going on?"

Lei ye and others were shocked and were at a loss.

"Who made you move him?" See on ice Jun light look at Lei ye a crowd, Lenglie asks.

"King Tianjiao on the ice, who is this man?" Mr. Lei's face turned white with fright, and his words were not clear.

"I'm here for him! How dare you touch him? "

Ice Jun cold hum: "it seems that you don't pay attention to me at all!"

As soon as he said this, the whole audience was in uproar.

"What? Is this big man here looking for Lin Yang

"How can Lin Yang know such a person?"

"Is there something wrong?"

People are talking.

But Lei Ye almost scared crazy, he was busy kneeling on the ground, desperately kowtow: "ice king Tianjiao, misunderstanding! It's all a misunderstanding! We don't know that he is your friend! Please forgive me"One person breaks one hand and rolls away, or I cut you two hands, you choose!" Ice Jun calm way.


Mr. Lei is numb.

"No! No! I don't want to break my hand! I don't want to break my hand Wang Xiaoman burst into tears.

"Dad, what are you afraid of him for? With so many of us, we can't deal with him alone? Let's go! I don't believe he has three heads and six arms Lei Peng couldn't stand the insult and stood up angrily, shouting and scolding again and again.

"Shut up! Beast

Lei Ye roared in a hurry.

But... It's too late!

The sword of Jun on the ice has already come out of its scabbard...

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