Tianjiao should not be provoked!

This is something that all Chinese martial arts practitioners know.

Especially the top ten Tianjiao.

In fact, the ice king's temper is very good.

You know, there have been incidents of Tianjiao destroying the door in history. It's just because of a small matter that provoked the pride of the first ten days, and the whole family was killed overnight!

And the murderer was not punished!

Because this is the world of martial arts.

The law of the jungle!

The ice moved.

He pulled out the sword he held in his left hand and chopped at Lei Peng over there.

It's so fast that there's no time to react.

Mr. Lei was shocked.

He has also practiced martial arts. Although he is fat, he still reacts.

Seeing that the king on the ice actually moved his sword, it's totally killing heart! How dare you have a little hesitation?

"Up! Give it to me Lei Yeh is eager to protect his son and shouts bitterly.

The experts around him immediately jumped to the ice king.

But it's just a face-to-face.


The Zhangjia people here feel that their eyes are shaken by something, so they can't see clearly.


Whew! Whew! Whew! Chi...

a strange voice came out.

Then we can see that the masters who rush to the king on the ice all fall heavily on the ground, rolling and covered with blood.

Look at their arms... They're all gone!

These people's arms... Were all cut off by Junsheng on the ice.


Lei Ye screamed in horror and sat down on the ground.

Wang Xiaoman saw the blood all over the ground and fainted on the spot.

Zhang's eyes were all stupid.

As for Lei Peng, his brain was blank, his face was full of panic, his eyes were huge, his whole body was gently swinging, and he was staring at the king on ice who was coming towards him.

"Is my sword fast?"

On the ice, Jun raised his sword and wiped the blood on it with his sleeve.

People thought he was talking to Lei Peng.

But in fact, he was talking to Lin Yang.

Lin Yang looked at the king on the ice lightly and did not say a word.

The corner of Jun's eye on the ice aims at Linyang, and a trace of war spirit flits through the bottom of his eyes.

Ordinary people can't see the body of his sword, and even the shadow of his sword is very blurred. But for Lin Yang, it seems that this is not the case.

"Well, I'll settle the matter here as soon as possible. Let's start as soon as possible."

Ice Jun light way, carrying the sword to Lei Peng.

"Let go of me! Let me go... "Lei Peng's knees were soft, kneeling on the ground and crying.

"Lord ice, please let my son go! If you want to chop your hands! Then cut off my hand

Lei Ye roared excitedly. He knelt down and reached out his hands.

But he's just finished.


Cut the sword straight.

Lei Peng's hands fell to the ground.

"Ah His face twisted, painful and ferocious roar, intense pain makes him nearly faint.

But he is willing to bear it!

He is such a son. How can he see his son's arms cut off and become a waste man later?

"King Tianjiao on the ice, now... You should be satisfied?" Lei Ye squeezed out a smile and said with a weak face.

"Satisfied with what?" Ice Jun curiously looked at him: "you should not think that I cut your hands, will let your son go?"

"What?" Lei Ye's whole body was stiff: "Lord ice, you... You mean..."

"I said, you can do it yourself, only one arm is broken, I will break two arms! Your son's hand can't hold, so can your hand

On the ice Jun light way, then is carries the sword, cleaves toward Lei Peng.


Lei Peng yelled.

But it didn't help.


The noise came out.

Lei Peng howled directly, fell on the ground and kept rolling. Finally, he fainted in pain.

Lei Ye looks at this scene foolishly, the whole person has lost a little soul.

As for the Zhangjia side, it has been completely frightened.

Many people feel soft legs and sit on the ground upside down. Even more people are scared and faint...

"is this Tianjiao?"

Zhang Zhonghua took a deep breath, looked at the ice king, and then looked at Lin Yang. His deep old eyes faintly flashed by.

"Ray! Mr. Lei... "

Mrs. Zhang kept shouting, and her face turned red and frightened.

But at the moment, Lei Ye is like a dog who has lost his family.

"Shall I call an ambulance for you?"On the ice, the king put away his sword and lit a flue.

"No... don't..." Lei ye came back to God, his mouth was open, his voice was empty and he had no soul.

"Since you don't need it, just get out of here and annoy me in front of my eyes, and I'll have to kill you!" Ice King Road.

Lei Ye trembled all over, looking at the wailing people and his son who almost fainted. He bit his teeth, kowtowed to the king on the ice, and then he parried people to leave.

They walk very slowly, most of them almost climb out.

The scene was particularly awkward.

Many people in Zhangjia are already vomiting.

Many of them have never seen such a picture at all.

Mrs. Zhang was even more frightened, and her face was white with horror.

"The next group of people, right?"

Ice king turned to look at Mrs. Zhang and other people.

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