Through the bamboo forest, is a chic courtyard, the courtyard is quiet, birds and flowers, there is a small pond in the middle, several red and yellow carp swimming in it.

The scene was supposed to be quiet and leisurely.

But by the pond, it was a mess.

On the ground were broken bottles and jars. Chinese medicine and Western medicine were scattered all over the ground. In front of these drugs, there was a chair on which a thin old man was wrapped in a piece of cloth.

His hair was loose, his body was wearing an army coat, his face was extremely pale, and he was shivering. He was just like an old man who was about to step into the dust in his twilight years.

However, who would have thought that this "old man" had just turned 50.

He was Zheng Nantian, the God of war in the Chinese Army ten years ago.

In fact, when Lin Yang just arrived in Jiangcheng, he knew that Zheng Nantian was arranged for rehabilitation treatment in this sanatorium.

Ten years ago, Zheng Nantian was seriously injured because of a secret operation. With the advanced medical level and a series of famous traditional Chinese medicine treatment such as Qin baisong, Zheng Nantian recovered a life, but it was just a life. His strength and even his body were greatly damaged, and his strength was greatly reduced, which was not as brilliant as before.

Lin Yang once heard Qin baisong say that Zheng Nantian was poisoned, and it was strange. If the poison is not cleaned up, it is difficult to recover his body. However, Zheng Nantian has been poisoned for ten years, and the poison has entered the bone marrow. It is impossible to cure again. Therefore, Qin baisong has sentenced Zheng Nantian to death and let him live the rest of his life.

Of course, Zheng Nantian, as the God of war in the army, can be said to be a representative figure. The news of his injury was blocked at the first time, and his convalescent places also went around several places, to avoid being discovered by some people from the enemy countries. After all, if his injury is spread out, it will not only cause great disorder in the military, but also make those strong enemy countries feel that there are opportunities to take advantage of, and then carry out the war against China Harassment has a huge impact.

However, ten years later, the news of Zheng Nantian was gradually spread out.

Some say he's dead.

Some people say that he is actually practicing in seclusion.

There are all kinds of rumors. Of course, the most real news is about his poisoning.

But it doesn't matter anymore.

Zheng Nantian did not come forward for ten years, and there were many young light heroes in the army, and there were even so-called descendants of the God of war.

But his influence in the army will never be low.

Lin Yang was brought in by the two soldiers.

Seeing Lin Yang coming, Zheng Nantian, who was thin and frail, became more angry.

"I don't want a doctor! Get out of here! Get out of here

Zheng Nan had to stand up and smash his surroundings in a hurry, but his body was too thin and weak. As soon as he got up, he was unsteady and sat down again.

"Captain!" Nearby, a young man in uniform helped Zheng Nantian.

But Zheng Nantian suddenly broke free and fell to the ground.


Several people were shocked and hurriedly helped Zheng Nantian on the chair.

Zheng Nantian this time is a fall pain, two skinny only skin and bone legs can not move, can only look at the pain of the people on both sides to help him up.

He closed his eyes and held back his tears.

Can't even stand still?

How pathetic!

In fact, he knows. He knows everything.

He was so resistant to treatment that he just wanted to die.

After all, a man who is known as the God of war in the army has become a bad old man who has no strength to bind a chicken. Even walking has become so difficult. Who can accept this?

Zheng Nantian took a deep breath and calmed his restless heart. Then he opened his eyes and looked at the people who were full of concern. Suddenly, he felt tired.

"Forget it, please call the doctor..."

"good warden!" Next to the small Zhao is anxious to nod, and then to Lin Yang way: "doctor, quickly check and check the body of the guard, to see what happened to the warden in the end!"

"It's not a big problem to spit up blood pressure because of the high blood pressure and disordered blood vessels."

Lin Yang said as he spread the needle.

"That's good." Xiao Zhao is relieved.

"Doctor, how long before I die?" Zheng Nantian asked weakly.

For him, living one more day in this world is suffering...

"I can't die."

Lin Yang replied.

Zheng Nan was full of despair.

But Lin Yang pulled out a silver needle and stabbed it gently into his arm.

The silver needle trembled slightly, but it went straight into Zheng Nantian's arm like a bean curd.

Zheng Nantian shivered all over and then looked at his arm.

Somehow, he felt his arm warm, as if there was a warm current flowing in it.

But look at Lin Yang again, stab in Zheng Nantian's other arm.In an instant, the warm current rose again.

"So comfortable..." Zheng Nantian couldn't help but make a sound.

People around the face of inexplicable.

In the past, shouchang has not cooperated with the treatment. How can he be so docile now?

Lin Yang meticulously applied the needle, and everyone did not dare to breathe.

This lasted half an hour, and Lin Yang stopped after Zheng Nantian's hands and feet were full of needles.

"Young man, I haven't seen you. Are you the new doctor?" Zheng Nan Tian looks at Lin Yang inexplicably.

"I think so."

Lin Yang said.

"There have been TCM doctors who have come to see me before, but their needling techniques and effects are so different from yours. It's hard to believe that you are so young and have such attainments."

Zheng Nan Tiandao.

"Thank you very much."

"It's not a compliment. It's a fact. It's a pity that I'm a disabled person. No matter how good your medical skills are, no matter how strong the needle is, you can't make me recover." Zheng Nantian sighed.

In his opinion, Lin Yang's actions are meaningless.

Lin Yang did not speak, just stood in place, quietly waiting.

A moment later, he reached out and pressed Zheng Nantian's limbs.


ZHENG Nantian's whole body suddenly trembled, a sharp pain made him shiver, and his face was left with bean sized sweat.

"What are you doing?"

Next to the small Zhao anxious, quickly to stop Lin Yang, a push him away.

"I warn you, don't push your luck. If there is something wrong with the warden, I will kill you!" Xiao Zhao angrily rushed to the road.

"That's the way people around you are?" Lin Yang looked at Xiao Zhao strangely and then asked Zheng Nantian.

"Back off!" Zheng Nantian yelled.

Xiao Zhao was stunned and retreated to one side.

"You are looking for people. You have treated me, and you are trying to stop me. What are you going to do?" Zheng Nantian hummed.

"Shou Chang, I..." Xiao Zhao opened his mouth and didn't know what to say.

Lin Yang continues to hold hands and feet for Zheng Nantian.

Zheng Nantian was still shivering with pain.

A moment later, Lin Yang stopped.

"Little doctor, are you tired? If you're tired, go back and have a rest. Just act like you do. I can't cure this disease. Don't waste your time. " Zheng Nantian weak smile way.

Lin Yang still did not speak, but began to pull out the silver needles on Zheng Nantian's hands and feet one by one.

When the silver needle was removed, people could clearly see that the part of the silver needle that had not entered the body was pitch black...

ZHENG Nantian's eyes widened.

"This is..."



"You stand up and try!" Lin Yang light road.

Zheng Nantian's breath was tight. People looked at his hands. He slowly lifted up and then exerted a little force...

Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa...

when he clenched his ten fingers into a fist, he actually made bursts of crackling sound. Although his arms were still skin and bone, there was a force of strength circling in it.

"I... I'm ready?"

Zheng Nan Tian fiercely stands up, the expression is dull.

After a moment, his dull expression changed, slowly became excited, became ecstatic, became distorted, was excited to the extreme distortion!

"I'm fine! I'm ready! I... I'm really OK? Ha ha ha... "

" Captain! "

Next to the small Zhao but extremely worried, immediately forward to help Zheng Nantian.

But look at Zheng Nantian suddenly grasp Xiao Zhao's hand, and then suddenly force.

Xiao Zhao froze on the spot.

Is this... The strength of the warden?

But... Isn't it that the warden is always powerless?

Xiao Zhaomu gaped and looked at his dry arm in disbelief , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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