"Xiao Zhao! Come and practice with me

Zheng Nantian released Xiao Zhao's hand and said boldly.

He said this, but almost did not frighten several people beside him.

"Captain, don't be kidding."

"If we hurt you, how can we account to our superiors?"

"Captain, please sit down and rest!"

Several people are busy with smiling face way.

"Get out of here. If you want me to sit down, practice with me! Or I will stand till I die Zheng Nantian shouts.

This voice actually has a feeling of strength rippling, which is quite different from the previous feeling of weakness.

Everyone around me was stunned.

Xiao Zhao was also aware of the change of the commander in chief.

He frowned darkly and thought for a while. He just bit his teeth and whispered, "well, since the captain of the garrison said we should practice, let's start!"

With that, he stepped back about ten steps and opened his posture!

"You've been with me for so many years, and I've given you a lot of advice, but I've never practiced with you. Today I'll see if you're lazy!"

Finish saying, it is a punch toward small Zhao to smash in the past.

Zheng Nantian's body is very thin and frail, and he is a frail old man. But this move, this fist, has a feeling of moving like a rabbit...

people are surprised.

Xiao Zhao is also confused.

However, although the blow was amazing, his body was so weak that even if Zheng Nantian tried his best, he still could not do it in Xiao Zhao's eyes.

He raised his hand and easily blocked Zheng Nantian.

This blow failed, and Zheng Nantian wanted to launch the next attack. He was out of breath.

"Sergeant, you must rest."

Xiao Zhao helped Zheng Nantian to the chair.

"Good! Good

Zheng Nantian was smiling, and he was very cooperative at the moment.

He was busy looking at Lin Yang and said with a weak smile, "young man, what's your name?"

"Lin Yang!"

"Lin Yang? Good! Good! Thank you very much, Lin boy. I didn't expect that you could make me stand up again and let me recover some strength. But I think this should be your limit, right? It can't cure me completely, but even so, it's enough. Lin, I'll thank you very much. " Zheng Nantian said with a smile.

"It's not my limit. I can heal you. In a month, I can make your body fully recovered." Lin Yang said quietly.

As soon as the words fell, everyone was struck by lightning.

Zheng Nantian is even more stupid.

A moment later, he roared at the top of his voice: "no way! impossible! This is the poison made by the first Wizard of East y. it is specially used to deal with my poison... No solution! This is no solution. Even if the poisoner comes here, he can't get rid of my poison. How can you solve it? It's impossible? "

Zheng Nantian didn't believe it.

Ten years!

It's been ten years!

He's been in the dark for ten years!

Now he is told that he can recover!

How can he believe that?

And then it was.


It makes a dull noise.

Xiao Zhao suddenly knelt on the ground and kowtowed to Lin Yang: "Mr. Lin, please! If you can cure the warden well, Xiao Zhao is willing to do a good job for you. Please do. He can't sit down any more! "

Xiao Zhao's eyes were red and he was biting his teeth.

He knelt not for him, but for the country.

After all, Zheng Nantian is so important!

It is a huge loss to his country and his people.

Lin Yang immediately lifted Xiao Zhao up, looked at his young but resolute face and said, "in fact, I noticed the general three years ago, but I didn't know how to cure him at that time. Now, I have absolute means to cure the general. If you can trust me, within a month, the Dragon God of war will reappear in the world!"

Xiao Zhao was trembling with excitement, and her tears could no longer be restrained.

As for Zheng Nantian, he was silent for a long time.

He closed his eyes and clenched his hand.

I don't know how long it took him to speak slowly.

"Mr. Lin, how can you repay your kindness

"You don't have to repay me. In fact, I have one more thing to discuss with you."

"What's the matter?" Zheng Nan Tian Wen.

Lin Yang took out a piece of paper from his arms, on which he wrote a prescription temporarily.

"Let me introduce myself formally. My name is Lin Yang, the chairman of Jiangcheng Yanghua group! I invented the prescription for cerebral infarction and rhinitis. Now, I provide a prescription for strengthening the body for the army. I wonder if you are interested in it


Zheng Nantian slightly a Leng, picked up the prescription to see a few eyes, eyes revealed thick confusion."You can make the test according to this prescription!" Lin Yang road.

Zheng Nantian thought about it and nodded gently: "Mr. Lin's prescription for cerebral infarction and rhinitis shocked the world. Although I was in the old hospital in the suburb, I also heard some. Well, I'll take this prescription to identify it. If it works, I'll contact Mr. Lin again, OK?"

"How many days do you need?"

"It's not a simple thing. It's very strict and prudent when it comes to medicine. I need at least one month!"

"I'm afraid I can't wait that long. I'll give you a day." Lin Yang road.

"That's almost impossible!" Zheng Nantian shook his head: "we can't see anything in a day."

"Well, in a day's time, if you haven't found out how it works, give it back to me. I think there are many people who are interested in it." Lin Yang road.

"Good!" Zheng Nantian nodded.

"Don't worry. Even if you can't accept the prescription, I will come to treat the general in the next month."

Lin Yang said, turning away.

Thank you very much

When Lin Yang left, Zhao was relieved and said with a smile, "Captain, I will report the news to the superior."

"No, don't report! I can't tell you anything until I recover. " Zheng Nan Tian sank.


"Because if the enemy knew that I was about to recover, he would try his best to deal with me, which was not good for me. So during this period of time, the news of Mr. Lin's treatment for me should not be missed. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Captain!"

People stood up straight and cheered.

"What about this prescription?" Someone asked.

"Take it down and test it."

Zheng Nantian said with a faint smile: "I can see that this guy is not only here to cure me, but also to do business! His main purpose is to sell this prescription... "

" but one day is not enough to test. For a prescription of unknown origin, the medicine made can't be used on people first... "

" then let the technician analyze it to see if there are harmful ingredients and see their efficacy. As I said, one day is too tight, but he doesn't Listen, if you can't find anything in one day, you can go back. I can't make fun of my soldier, even if he is my benefactor. " Zheng Nantian said seriously.

"Yes, warden."

Xiao Zhao paid a salute, and then he retreated in a hurry.

After leaving the sanatorium, Lin Yang took a taxi and returned to the company.

And at the moment, Mahai is sitting in the office, dealing with the documents handed in. Seeing Lin Yang, Ma Hai can be regarded as holding on to the straw.

"Mr. Lin! Something's wrong He cried eagerly.

"What's the matter?"

Lin Yang frowned.

"As you said, there is something wrong with our factory." Ma Hai handed over a document and his face was ready to cry without tears.

Lin Yang glanced and frowned.

"The southerners are so fast!"

"Mr. Lin, I've already started the emergency preparation plan and put this matter under pressure for the time being. But I'm afraid it won't last long. Let's shut down the factory first?" Mahai emergency road.

"If we shut down the factory, we can't produce drugs and the goods can't be delivered in time. The contract we signed can directly bankrupt us." Lin Yang shook his head: "so the factory can't be closed."

"We can go on like this again... I'm afraid..."

"find a way to delay until tomorrow. I promise that all crises will be solved by noon tomorrow..."

"how can it be possible?"

Ma Hai didn't believe it.

But just then!


The door of the office was forced to open, and the female secretary rushed in, shouting: "Mr. Ma, Mr. Lin, the factory is blocked!"

"What?" Ma Haizhen was shocked.

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