When Lin Yang and Ma Hai arrived at the pharmaceutical factory of Yanghua group outside the suburb, the door was blocked.

A few loaded cars couldn't get in at all.

A large number of wreaths and vans sealed the door, and the sky was covered with yellow paper, and a group of people dressed in sackcloth and filial piety were burning fire pots at the door.

All kinds of crying and swearing were interwoven, and a banner written in blood was opened.

"Unscrupulous enterprises lose all their good nature and kill people for their lives!"

The twelve big characters are shocking and cross the gate of the factory.

"It must be Huang Zhiyong's family who are making trouble!" Ma Hai looks ugly.

"What the hell is going on?" Lin Yang asked.

"Our medicine must be OK. It has been identified by the international health organization. They dare not take our medicine as an article. Otherwise, it would be a slap in the face of an authoritative person. But they wrote a close-up of the environment of our factory. Huang Zhiyong found out the advanced stage of gastric cancer a week ago, but he died in our factory for no reason this morning The autopsy result was cardiac arrest. I have arranged for someone to come to pay for the family members and make corresponding compensation, but the family members still came... "

MA Hai is not a fool. Naturally, he knows why Huang Zhiyong died. I'm afraid he has sold the remaining time for a good price. As for these family members, I'm afraid they have collected another sum of money in addition to Mahai's pension Money, that's why I ran to make trouble.

Lin Yang frowned and was about to go forward, but he saw many reporters with long guns and short guns rushing out of the crowd there. They seemed to have seen Ma Hai and Lin Yang getting off the bus here, and instantly surrounded them.

"Lin Dong is here! Here comes the horse

I don't know who called, and everyone rushed over.

"Mr. Lin, I heard that Yanghua pharmaceutical factory is a sweatshop. Every worker has to work in it for more than 12 hours. Is that true?"

"Huang Zhiyong, a worker who died suddenly today, is it because he can't bear the high pressure load brought by your factory?"

"Mr. Ma, do you have any views on the current system of the factory?"

"After hearing from the family members, you refused to admit that Huang Zhiyong's death was related to the factory, and chose to conceal it. Is it true?"

"Mr. Ma..."

"Lin Dong..."


the reporters asked a lot of questions, and the questions were more subtle and sensitive.

Ma Hai is so angry that his lungs are going to explode!


These family members are completely confusing right and wrong.

But he believed that even if he clarified all this, it was useless. Once the rumors were spread out, even if the truth was told, there would still be stains.

Ma Hai believes that this is absolutely the work of the southern school.

He not only wanted Yanghua to go bankrupt, but also wanted Yanghua to be infamous!

Ma Haiqi's whole body trembled, forgetting to answer the reporter's words.

The reporters immediately took notes and took pictures.

"Mahai is so angry and speechless that maybe the sweatshop is true!"

"It's surprising that Yanghua group is a legendary cannibalism factory. What is the truth behind capitalism?"


journalists are already thinking about the headlines.

And the family members over there rushed to beat two people, but fortunately, Ma Hai called the security guard to control the scene in time.

But the scene is still a mess, boiling sound constantly.

"Stop it all!"

Just at this time, a loud and clear cry of drinking sounded.

Everyone felt that the voice pierced through the eardrum and hit the soul. The boiling crowd was shocked and immediately quieted down.

After a look, he found that Lin Yang had stepped on the top of the car.

He was dressed in a black suit and a top hat. Under the hat was half a beautiful face, but at the moment that half face was full of seriousness.

The reporters came to their senses and took pictures of him with their cameras.

However, Lin Yang said slowly: "Mahai, I ask you! After Huang Zhiyong's accident, did you compensate his family members and promise to make corresponding compensation? "

"It's all done. The contract is still in my hands." Mahai airway.


Lin Yang nodded: "keep all the evidence well and use it in a lawsuit at that time."

"Yes." Ma Hai has some helplessness.

A lawsuit?

What if we win the case? Many people will still think that Yanghua group is so rich that it forges the contract with money to smooth out the family members!

The dirty water has been spilled on the body. It can't be cleaned by washing.

But Lin Yang added another sentence.

"Don't worry, I will ask for a public hearing of this lawsuit! And live broadcast of the whole network. I will ask the best judicial panel in China to make a fair judgment. Every detail will be presented to everyone. Do these people slander us! Everything will come to light! "As soon as the words fell, countless people were shocked.

The faces of those family members changed a lot.

"Live trial?" As soon as Ma Hai patted his head, he was excited.

Why didn't he think of it?

"In addition, we will also release all the monitoring of pharmaceutical production in the factory. Whether the workers in our factory have worked for more than eight hours can be seen at a glance!" Lin Yang said again.

This remark is more shocking than the last one.

"Lin Dong, you can't!" Ma Hai was in a hurry and even called out, "in that case, will our pharmaceutical process be exposed to the public? That's a big secret! In that case, our factory will be finished! "

Publish the pharmaceutical process to prove the working hours of workers?

This is more stupid than killing the chicken and laying the eggs!

The people on the scene were all dumbfounded, and the reporters were even more excited. They believed that the news would surely cause the whole country... No, it would shake the whole world.

However, the next second, Lin Yang again threw a heavy message!

"No, it's not a secret. If it's published, it will be announced! I don't care about cerebral infarction formula and rhinitis formula, because I have developed a more effective cerebral infarction formula and rhinitis formula than that, which are about to be eliminated! We Yanghua group will be on the market a newer, faster and more comprehensive drug! So, I don't care if they're published! "


The scene exploded completely!

Everyone's brains are buzzing and they're shaking.

The hands of reporters holding cameras were shaking.

This is explosive news!

Does Yanghua group still have new drugs?

How can Lin Dong improve the prescription of cerebral infarction and rhinitis?

Could it be said that these two incurable diseases would become more simple than a cold and fever in his hands?


Lin Yang called out.

In shock, Ma Hai came back to his senses: "Mr. Lin."

"Call the police! Then the factory continues to operate and not be affected by these people. "


Ma Hai nodded and dialed the number.

A moment later, several police cars stopped here, and the police dispersed all the people involved in the incident and took away several main responsible persons.

After the farce, Ma Hai and Lin Yang returned to the company.

But Ma Hai is worried. He believes that the southern faction's means are far from here.

However, in just two hours, the incident of Yanghua pharmaceutical factory spread on the Internet.

In the blink of an eye, the key words of Yanghua black heart factory were searched.

As for the promise made by Lin Yang standing on the top of the car, he also boarded the hot search at the first time, but it soon sank.

Lin Yang knows that someone is controlling hot search, and this is obviously a masterpiece of the southern school.

Lin Yang frowned, thinking of countermeasures.

At this time, Kang Jiahao came to the office.

"Lin Dong."

"How are things going?"

"It's tricky, and we've got a message!"

"What's the news?"

"Xiao Yi is going to do it. Tomorrow, he may take someone to check your factory. He has prepared the means!" Kang Jiahao said in a deep voice.

Lin Yang closed his eyes and said nothing.

A moment later, he took a deep breath: "it seems that I have to rely on the strength over there."

"What else can Lin do?"


"What can I do?"

Ma Hai and Kang Jiahao are busy looking at him.

However, just when Lin Yang was about to speak...


The gate was suddenly pushed open, and then a small Zhao in military uniform came in and made a standard military salute to Linyang!

People in the office are confused.

"Who are you?" Ma Hai was stunned.

"Xiao Zhao?" Lin Yang was stunned at first, then relieved.

However, Xiao Zhao said seriously, "Mr. Lin, please put down all your work at once and go with me."

"Good!" Lin Yang's eyes are awe inspiring.

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