The top floor of Jianghua hotel.

A handsome and elegant man in a suit is standing in front of the ground glass window, swaying the glass in his hand, looking at the night scene of Jiangcheng.

At this time, the door was pushed open and Chang Bo came in with a smile on his face.

"Master situ, everything has been done!"

"Very good. When can Yanghua fall down?" Situ's camera did not answer.

"Tomorrow!" Chang Bo narrowed his eyes and said with a smile: "tomorrow morning, Xiao Yi will personally take people to Yanghua Pharmaceutical Group for sealing up. Our people have arranged everything tonight. From tomorrow on, there will be a large number of substandard drugs in Yanghua group. We will take people to test the drugs on the spot, and they will get stolen goods. No matter how fierce he is, he can't argue. I have already bought several The reporter also had a large number of water troops. They immediately spread public opinions, saying that in order to save costs, Yanghua group would use inferior medicinal materials to make pharmaceutical products, and once the factories were closed, we would start from the stock market and take advantage of the situation to attack them, so as to ensure that Yanghua will not recover! "

"Good! Not bad

Situ mirror repeatedly nodded, light said: "but this is not enough."

"Do you have any ideas?" Chang Bo asked.

"I have no idea, but the teacher just called me and told me that he was very interested in the two prescriptions in Yanghua group. The Yanghua group will fall down tomorrow. You can get the right to use the two prescriptions, and we will send them to sell them later. " Situ Jing Dao.

Chang Bo breathed and his eyes were hot, but he shook his head quickly: "master situ, the right to use those two prescriptions is not yours. Which one in the world doesn't want to get? It's a big cake! But how easy is it to think of hands? Even if we snatch it, it's useless. If it's not recognized by law, we can't carry out production and sales! "

"If the law does not recognize it, then let the law recognize it? Chamberlain, I always thought you were a wise man. Now it seems that you are much more stupid than I thought

Situ Jing snorted coldly and walked to the sofa beside him.

He is limping along the way, obviously the last injury is not good.

But it was a miracle that he got out of bed and walked in such a short time under such a serious injury.

"Do you have any good ideas?" Chang Bo asked in confusion.

"I've made a plan for you. Go to luobeiming and ask him to cooperate! Tell Yang Hua Situ Jing took out some pieces of paper from the table and pushed it to Chang Bo.

Tell Yang Hua?

Chang Bo was startled. He quickly picked up the paper on the table and looked at it. A moment later, he looked shocked.

"Master situ, can this be done? The two Fangzi are forced to say? I'm afraid no one will believe it

"I don't care whether others believe it or not. As long as the lawsuit can win, the prescription will naturally belong to us." Situ Jing Dao.

Chang Bo looked helpless and sat down on the sofa and sighed: "young master, do you know who is the lawyer team of Yanghua group?"

"Kang Jiahao!"

"Yes, Kang Jiahao, the first lawyer of Jiangcheng! Famous barrister in China! But... Do you think it's just Kang Jiahao? You are wrong. In addition to him, there is also a group of excellent lawyers that Mr. Lin has collected from all over the world, especially this one. You can't see that he is young and has no experience. In fact, he can't even compare with Kang Jiahao. Kang Jiahao now stays with Ji Wen every day and teaches him everything he can. Ji's literature is very fast, even though he's with Kang Jiahao He didn't have any amazing record in that lawsuit, but according to my investigation, his current level has not lost to Kang Jiahao! Now we can't deal with a Kang Jiahao, but we have to deal with the combination of kangjiahaojia Jiwen. I can say that no one in China can win such a team except the three lawyer groups in Yanjing! "

"What if it's one of the three lawyer groups in Yanjing?" Situ Jing put down his glass and asked.

Chang Bo breathed hard, his heart almost jumped to his throat. After a while, he asked carefully, "who is it?"

"Fang Shimin team!" Situ Jing said.

After Lin Yang left, Ma Hai sat alone in the office, which can be said to be restless.

Kang Jiahao is called back to the lawyer's office by Ji Wen and begins to prepare materials about Xiao Yi.

Things have developed to this point. Naturally, they can not have any scruples, and they have to do something about it.

But Ma Hai knows that even if Kang Jiahao has enough evidence, he can't defeat Xiao Yi. After all, behind Xiao Yi, there is the whole southern faction. If the southern faction is delayed for a few days, Yanghua will have a big crisis.


The door was pushed open.

Xu Tian, covered with bandages, comes in.

"Oh? Why are you here? " Mahai came back from his thoughts.

"I'm here for Lin Dong."

"Lin Dong, he's gone."

"Where have you been?""I don't know. He didn't tell me."


"what's the matter with you?"

Seeing that Xu Tian looks wrong, Ma Hai asks.

"I'm going back to Nancheng!" Xu Tianchen said.

"What happened to Nancheng?"

"My hospitalization was passed to Nancheng. My subordinates can't sit still. Now the old man and my brother are trying to suppress them, but the situation is a little bad. I have to go back to suppress them as soon as possible, otherwise the city will be in chaos." Xu Tian sighed.

"Well... Well, you go back first. You can't help here. When the company's business is finished, I'll tell Mr. Lin about you and see if he can help you."

"No, it's my business. Don't bother Lin Dong. It's embarrassing to say that. I just walked away for a while, and this kind of thing happened to my staff. This is my problem." Xu Tian couldn't help shaking his head and said to Ma Hai: "but then, Ma Hai, do me a favor and talk to Lin Dong for me. If you are free, let him go to the hospital."

"What are you looking at?"

"My niece, of course." Xu Tian sighed, "she hasn't eaten for several days."

Hearing the sound, Ma Hai nodded gently.

Xu Shuangxuan's story has also been heard. He is paralyzed below the head. Who can't accept it, let alone a girl in flower season?

Xu Tian leaves in a hurry.

Ma Hai continues to sit in the office, anxiously waiting for the news.

After sitting for half a night, he finally couldn't carry it, so he fell asleep on the sofa.

However, in the morning of the next day, the talent just dawned...

Dong Dong Dong!

There was a quick knock on the door.

"Mr. Ma! Mr. Ma! Not good

Ma Hai woke up in an instant and opened the door. However, he saw the Secretary rushed in and said anxiously, "Mr. Ma, the phone call just came from the factory, and our factory... Has been sealed!"


Ma Hai's face was white as if the sky had fallen.

"Quick, inform Kang Jiahao immediately, tell them to rush to the factory immediately, arrange a car immediately and come with me!"

"Good... Good general manager Ma!"

The Secretary rushed down to arrange.

After a while, a car was flying at full speed, and the two pharmaceutical factories of Chaoyang Hua were speeding.

When Mahai rushed to the factory in a hurry, the whole factory was in a closed state, many people in uniform were walking in and out, and a large number of workers were gathered.

The factory has been completely paralyzed.

How could this happen?

Ma Hai looks dull, staring at this scene.

At this time, another police car stopped at the gate of the factory.

Two policemen got out of the car.

"Are you Ma Hai, manager of Yanghua group?" A police officer asked.

"It's me, comrade. What can I do for you?" Ma Hai tried to hold his own uneasy mood.

"We have received a report that you are suspected of being involved in the manufacture of counterfeit drugs by Yanghua group. Please come with us and accept the investigation."


MA Hai was shocked and said something, but he was already taken into the police car.

"Mr. Ma!" The Secretary screamed.

"Inform Kang Jiahao and Lin Dong!" Ma Hai yelled, and the car left.

Outside the gate.

A group of people are standing here, watching everything.

"Master situ, are you satisfied now?" Xiao Yi asked with a smile.

"Satisfied, satisfied! But not enough! " Situ Jing's eyes were ferocious and said in a cold voice: "today, I want Yanghua to be completely destroyed! Is Fang Shimin here? "

"It's off the plane already!"

"Well, let's start right now." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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