No one believed that.

People around don't believe it.

Xiao Kaifeng didn't believe it.

One man killed Yaowang village?

Are you kidding?

Yaowang village is the existence of even the ancient school.

Lin Yang Yiping Yaowang village has made people feel incredible. Now he tells the world that Yaowang village was solved by him alone.

Who accepted it?

"Ha ha, Doctor Lin, do you want to scare us? You think we're three years old? Would you believe that? Your strength is not enough to destroy Yaowang village. There must be other forces behind you to help you! Dr. Lin, I'll give you a chance to talk about the power behind you. Do you hear me? Otherwise, don't blame me for being merciless Xiao Kaifeng shouts.

However, Lin Yang shook his head again.

"I said, I don't have any strength behind me. Besides, the reason why you think my strength is not enough to kill Yaowang village is because... You don't know me!"

"What do you say?"

Xiao Kaifeng eyes a ferocious, immediately a few steps forward, to give Linyang point to eat.

At this time, Lin Yang suddenly raised his head, weak hands in the body of the acupoints faster.

"Not good!"

Xiao Kaifeng's face changed. He immediately drove his arms and released his poisonous fist.

But this time, Lin Yang is a change of the decline, coagulate a fist, to Xiao Kaifeng's blow to the fist hard hit in the past.


Two fists.

A lot of poisonous fog and venom were blown out.

Lin Yang was once again watered with poison gas and poison, but his veins did not move, and there was nothing abnormal.

It seems that these poisons can't help him...

on the contrary, Xiao Kaifeng retreated repeatedly and his body was shaking.

After standing, the man quietly covered the arm that he had just joined. If someone else looked carefully, he could see that his arm was shaking gently.


Qi Gu sent people to watch.

Four weeks of people are also a exclamation.

"I'm poisoned, but I can still move freely... Dr. Lin, you have two skills, but I don't think you have relieved my poison! If you continue to fight with me with poison body, those toxins will surely soak into your internal organs, blood, flesh and bone marrow. When the toxin completely enters the deep part of your body, you will be helpless and wait for death! If you go on fighting in Vietnam, the faster you will die! " Xiao Kaifeng sneers and squints at Lin Yang.


Lin Yang stopped, raised his hands, looked at the dark palm and arm, silent.

I don't know how long it took.

"Who is more powerful than the poison in Yaowang village?" Lin Yang asked.

"Ah, what is the poison in Yaowang village? Many of my poisons don't even have antidotes! The reason why the superior invited me to join Yaowang village one after another was that he was greedy for some of the most poisonous skills in me Xiao Kaifeng said with a smile.

"Have you ever seen my poison?" Lin Yang suddenly asked.

This words a, Xiao Kaifeng smile stiff.

"Your poison? Hum, OK. I also want to experience the famous doctor Lin's poison technique! See if it's my poison technique or yours Xiao Kaifeng snorted coldly, and with that he put on his posture.

But at this moment, Lin Yang suddenly said, "you did not experience it?"

Xiao Kaifeng was stunned: "what do you mean?"

Lin Yang doesn't speak. His sight only looks at Xiao Kaifeng.

Xiao Kaifeng's eyes are blurred.

Suddenly, he seemed to be aware of something, his face changed in horror, and suddenly pulled his coat away.

Only then discovered that his chest actually appeared like a spider's web like poison mark!

These marks were like green veins, all over his chest, like a hand, covering his heart.


"This is..."

people around exclaimed.

Xiao Kaifeng's face suddenly changed.

He quickly took out a silver needle he had provided and pricked it into his chest.

After pulling out the silver needle, it was found that the silver needle was completely dark.

"Poison has invaded the viscera?" When is the poison of you, and then you stare at me

Xiao Kaifeng has always poisoned others quietly!

When was he poisoned quietly?

Can hide from Xiao Kaifeng!

Lin Yang's method is simply mysterious.

"When you poisoned me." Lin Yang light road.

"When I poisoned you?" Xiao Kaifeng was stunned, obviously unable to understand.

But listen to Lin Yang explain: "poison this thing, this is a double-edged sword! To attack poison with poison can be used as an antidote. To kill with poison is poison! If you poison me, you also need to touch the poison. I think you should take protective measures in advance, so that your poison can't poison you. However, I don't know that I can use the powder in my hand to synthesize your poison, so that the poison which is not effective to you will be swallowed back on you! Now the poison in your chest comes from yourself! Of course, it's different from the poison you use, so your antidote can't get rid of the poison! "Hearing Lin Yang's words, there was an uproar all around.

"It's incredible to use the poison emperor's poison to poison the emperor."

"It seems that Dr. Lin's poison technique is even better."

"Is this Dr. Lin?"

The exclamation continued.

"If you don't get rid of this Doctor Lin today, it will become a big problem for our ancient school in the future." Gongsun Dahuang gazed at Lin Yang and said, "let everyone prepare for it."

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