Xiao Kaifeng took a deep breath and looked at Lin Yang again. There was no arrogance in his eyes. All that remained was vigilance and fear.

"Dr. Lin is worthy of his name! Can use my poison to defeat me! I admire you! But I haven't lost yet. You're so poisonous that I can't do anything about it! "

Xiao Kaifeng looks ferocious and wants to fight again.

This is the battle of Tianjiao.

There were countless people looking around.

He can't fail, let alone shrink.

Otherwise, China will have no other place to stand!

"I advise you to give up! The poison you get will kill you. If you fight it again, you will die faster Lin Yang shook his head.

"Ha ha, I'm poisoned. Aren't you poisoned? At this time, whoever wants to retreat will lose! It's up to you and me to stay longer. " Xiao Kaifeng sneered.

"You poison? It's not worth mentioning

"Brag! I don't believe it

Xiao Kaifeng roared and rushed to Linyang.

But this time Lin Yang didn't come into close contact with him. Instead, he took out the silver needle and pricked it on his body for several times. At the same time, he waved to Xiao Kaifeng.


Two silver lights came.

Xiao Kaifeng dodges in a hurry.

But just avoided these two silver needles, the chest in two silver needles.

It turns out that the previous two silver needles are just a cover up. The killing move is the two silver needles that follow.

Silver needle into the body, but did not damage Xiao Kaifeng's function, also did not use stab dead hole.

But they have greatly urged Xiao Kaifeng's poison.


Xiao Kaifeng immediately vomited a big mouthful of blood, and the pain of tearing heart and lung came from his chest. He was staggering and almost fell to the ground.

If you look at Lin Yang again, he has already cut one of his fingers and forced the poison with a silver needle.

The toxin in his body spilled from the breach of the finger along his arm, and the dark blood dropped to the ground, and Lin Yang's face slowly recovered.

The situation has been reversed.

The people around were stunned.

"Do you want to fight?"

Lin Yang looks at Xiao Kaifeng lightly.

"You... You really can detoxify me?" Xiao Kaifeng could not accept it.

"More words? You see it in your eyes. I said, your poison is not worth mentioning. "

"You... Don't talk nonsense. I won't lose!"

Xiao Kaifeng clenched his teeth and forced himself to stand up and rush toward Linyang.

He can't cure, only poison. He can't detoxify himself like Lin Yang.

What he can do is to force the poison to kill Linyang.

"Xiao Kaifeng, I gave you a chance. Since you insist on doing so, I can only kill you!"

Lin Yang's eyes are ferocious and no longer keep his hands. With a wave of his arms, he releases a silver needle and stabs Xiao Kaifeng.

These needles down, will let Xiao Kaifeng's body full-scale outbreak of toxins.

At that time, Xiao Kaifeng will certainly be unable to return to the sky and die suddenly on the spot.

People were staring at the scene, holding their breath.

No one ever thought that Dr. Lin's medical skills were so superb that even Xiao Kaifeng's poison could be solved.

In fact, they don't know that Lin Yang could not detoxify the poison before, but the present Lin Yang is not the same as before.

He took down Yaowang village and mastered all the secret codes of poison techniques in Yaowang village.

In particular, Yaowang village has a lot of research on Xiao Kaifeng, so Linyang also knows Xiao Kaifeng's strength.

Know yourself and know your enemy, and you will be invincible in a hundred battles.

Because of this, Lin Yang won easily.

Silver needle flying shuttle.

Xiao Kaifeng suddenly stops and wants to resist.

But as soon as his arms were raised, a sharp pain came from his chest.

He shivered all over his body, and his arm was a little slower.


I can't stop it!

Xiao Kaifeng breathes a shudder, stares at the silver needle that flies, the person is already stiff in place, gave up resistance.

These stitches are bound to kill him.

He knows it.

But there's nothing I can do!

Is it over?

Xiao Kaifeng thought, has planned to close his eyes.

But at this critical moment.


A few silver needles suddenly shot from the side, and they hit Lin Yang's silver needles precisely

Ding bell...

the crisp sound spread.

The silver needle flying from Linyang was shot hard and hard.


There was an uproar all around.

Xiao Kaifeng is also confused, hastily side head.

Just found out that it was Gu who sent people to do it!

All the old masters of the ancient school, led by Gongsun Dahuang, came and surrounded Linyang.

Gongsun Dahuang looked at him indifferently.

"This is the battle of pride! Gongsun Dahuang, don't you know the rules of Tianjiao's war? " Lin Yang looked at him lightly."The rules? I understand, but I just want to sabotage. Do you have any opinion? " Gongsun Dahuang said without expression.

How arrogant!

The people around me are in the dark.

But that's the supreme leader of the ancient school. He has crazy capital!

"Gongsun..." Xiao Kaifeng whispered.

"Can you still fight?" Gongsun Dahuang asked.


Xiao Kaifeng hesitated, gritted his teeth and said.

"If you can fight, come with me and wash away your shame!" Gongsun Dahuang light road.


Xiao Kaifeng nodded.

But as soon as he said this, there was a fine sound all around him.

"Hum, the battle of Tianjiao still depends on others!"

"Xiao Kaifeng is really shameless!"

"The ancient school colludes with Xiao Kaifeng. Even if they win, they will not be recognized by the world!"

"That's it

There was a constant murmur.

Many people scoff at it.

Xiao Kaifeng is angry in his heart, but at this moment, he can't control so much.

"Go on, kill this man!" Xiao Kaifeng roared.

Gongsun Dahuang nodded, and then he would wave his hand and bring the ancient school experts to the mountain.

At this time, however, Lin Yang suddenly opened his mouth.

"Since you've got a helper, I'll get a helper too."

"Who can you call? Who dares to help you? " Gongsun Dahuang hums.

Lin Yang said with a faint smile, "prince on the ice! Come out

The sound fell to the ground and shocked the whole world.

"Ice king?" Xiao Kaifeng was stunned.

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