Lin Yang read these three words, like a steel needle, tied in the hearts of all people.

King on the ice!

Tianjiao list ranked ninth most powerful generation!

The evil character of the Chinese nation!

Tianjiao top 10, no one can underestimate.

And the ice king and Xiao Kaifeng, who is strong or weak, no one knows.

After all, they never handed in.

Maybe an ice king is not enough to turn around the current situation, but it is shocking why would you listen to the Doctor Lin?

What is the relationship between him and Dr. Lin?

People tremble and look up.

Only to see the crowd behind, slowly came a young man in casual clothes.

The man held the sword in one hand, his look was cold and heavy, and he looked at the people and walked to Linyang.

"It is the king of ice!"

There was a voice from the people who knew it immediately.

"What's the matter? Why would you stand on the ice over there with Dr LIN? "

"It's hard for the ancient people to do this! You are not a general pride on the ice! "

"Now ancient school should continue to pay Lin Shenyi and bingshangjun, why is it difficult. Although Lin Shenyi has no top ten Tianjiao orders, his strength is no less than Xiao Kaifeng, but also the super existence that can rank in the top ten!"

"The old school is going to be in a mess."

People around us talked about it.

The senior members of the ancient school also have a particularly ugly look.

Xiao Kaifeng eyes congealed, silent, toward the grandson of the Dahuang.

The situation at this time has exceeded the control of all people. It is not good for both sides to fight again. Only Gongsun Dahuang can clean up the embarrassing situation.

"Doctor Lin, I said, you will be useful to me!" "Said the gentleman on the ice.

"These people are dealing with it?" Linyang road.

"Xiao Kaifeng has been cleaned up by you, and the rest of them are ancient people. How can I deal with it?" Hum on the ice.

"The ancient people, you don't need to do it, I will solve it. You just need to help me shake other people."

"Oh, that's a dish!" You are especially confident on the ice.

Linyang nodded and said to the grandson Dahuang, "that is the case, then there is no need to speak more. Let's fight!"

"Wait a minute!"

Gongsun Dahuang Li drinks.

"What? Mr. Gongsun, what else should I say? "

"Can Doctor Lin please move the king on ice? It's amazing! Doctor Lin, since things have reached this point, I don't think we need to fight again! If we continue fighting, we will only lose both sides. I suggest that we stop fighting for a while, stop talking about peace and solve the misunderstanding between you and me in a peaceful way. What do you think of Dr. Lin? " The grand sun is the road of Dahuang.

"What? Why did Mr. Gongsun give in at this time? It's not like your ancient style, right

"Doctor Lin, for a few medical books, it is unnecessary to fight for one another!"

"What did your ancient school do before? Shouldn't this account be counted? " Linyang squinted and asked.

"Doctor Lin, there are many misunderstandings before. I can apologize to you in front of everyone." The Gongsun, Dahuang, went on again.

The performance is extremely large.

But many people know that the Gongsun Dahuang is taking retreat as a way forward.

The appearance of an ice gentleman is not enough to scare him.

Gongsun Dahuang is afraid of whether there are other forces, and whether there are many people behind him who do not know the energy!

After all, the village of Yaowang was actually destroyed by Lin Shenyi.

Now, Lin Shenyi can drive the king on ice with a word...

can Gongsun Dahuang not be afraid of it?

"Sorry? Do you think I want an apology? "

"What does Doctor Lin think?"

"It is time to give a confession and give it to me, and the compensation will be paid. Whoever kills someone will give it to me, and pay for life!" Light road, Linyang.

As soon as this came out, the old men of the ancient school were furious.

"Doctor Lin! Don't go too far! "

"When I sent someone to fear you?"

"Since you are not afraid, let's do it."

Lin Yang hoarse way, take out a few blood red silver needles from the waist, and tie them to their joints.

Just a few needles, the breath of Linyang has changed dramatically.

All the ancient people are looking at it.

"Doctor Lin! I would like to give in, not to fear you, but because I don't want you and me to make too embarrassed, you should know, really fight, even if you count on the ice king, you can not win me and so on. The result will only be both failures and injuries, such an end, do you want to see? " Gongsun Dahuang looked at him.

"It won't be like this!"

"Why do you see it!"

"Because you don't know me!"

"I tell you the truth, I deliberately let Lu Lianchao bring the news to your ancient school, and this time, treasure hunt, is also arranged by me!""What?"

People stare.

Exclamations continued all around.

"Do you mean to tempt us here?" Gongsun Dahuang frowned and asked.

"Not bad!"

"Why do you do this?"

"Don't you understand that?"

Lin Yang raised his hand, but saw his arm blue veins burst, a circle of black fog rippling, and his eyes, also full of evil spirit and cold.

"I'm going to gather you here and get rid of them! spare all later trouble! Talk about peace? I never believe this! Since you and I are at war, we will not die! Today, there is only one party between you and me who can get out of this dark dragon pool! "

The breath of the world is frozen.


"Doctor Lin! You are too bold

"You want to kill us? Well, who do you think you are? Are you a God

"This time, all the strong people of the ancient school came here! You alone, even if you include the king on the ice, we are not afraid of you

All the experts of the ancient school were angry.

At the moment, even Gongsun Dahuang couldn't hold on.

He nodded repeatedly.

"Good! Good! Doctor Lin! It seems that I'm giving in, but I'm waiting. Since you want to fight, fight! " Gongsun Dahuang said without expression.

"Gongsun!" Xiao Kaifeng yelled.

"If you don't kill Dr. Lin today, even if you leave alive, you will be ruined! Think for yourself Gongsun Dahuang side head cold road.

Xiao Kaifeng opened his mouth, rotated and bit his teeth. He did not know where to turn out a pill and swallow it into his stomach.

After a while, Xiao Kaifeng's pale face recovered a little ruddy, it seemed that the toxin in the body was slightly suppressed.

He went to Gongsun Dahuang and said hoarsely, "in this case, let's fight!"

"Xiao Kaifeng! It's ironic that people like you can be ahead of me Ice Jun disdain way.

Xiao Kaifeng's face turned red and white. He gritted his teeth and said, "don't be complacent. I just want to experience your means."

"You didn't deserve to fight with me, but Dr. Lin said, I'll cut you off today, and let me further rank!"

The king on the ice said, he would draw out his sword.

However, Lin Yang stopped him.

"Ice king, I didn't say that these people should be solved by me alone!" Lin Yang said without expression.

"What?" You are confused on the ice. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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