"It's done!"

The ancient people around were overjoyed.

Gongsun Dahuang couldn't help being happy, but he didn't have time to be happy. Instead, he cried out, "where is the seventy-two evil spirit?"

"I'll wait!"

Seventy two figures burst out of the crowd!

Each breath is extraordinary, the strength is terrible.

"Kill me!" Gongsun Dahuang shouts.


Seventy two figures burst into Linyang, which was covered with ice.

These 72 people are not holding needles, but holding their hands high one by one, pulling out the Yanyue sword!

These 72 people are not doctors, but real warriors. They are the super thugs of the ancient school!

Every knife in their hands is bright, thick and sharp!

In this night, shining with the halo of cautious people!


The seventy-two men all jumped forward, holding swords in both hands, and fell from the sky and chopped at Linyang in the huge ice block.

The blade is covered with Qi and the luster on the blade can explain that these knives are made of unique materials.

Seventy two knives are enough to cut mountains and seas and crush everything.

I'm afraid the land will be broken by these 72 knives.

Let alone the people in the ice...

"Dr. Lin!" First life screams.

On the ice, the king looked at him in silence.

It's not that he is ruthless, but Lin Yang has said that he is not needed to intervene.

In that case, he doesn't have to step in.

Ice king is a man of strong principle, no one can destroy it.

Seventy two Di Sha hands, this is a must kill.

It is also the most powerful move of the ancient school of 36 Tiangang and 72 Disha!

People were wide eyed and shivering.

Who can stop such attacks?


Seventy two knives went straight into the ice.

The ice broke.

The snow-white fog was splashing all around.

People's eyes are blocked, can not see everything inside.

But in this case, everyone felt that the miracle Doctor Lin must die.

Maybe congenitally vigorous body is really strong, and can't be stabbed, but the sharpness of these 72 knives is even more appalling. Any so-called King Kong is not bad, can not resist these terrible blades.

What's more, Gongsun Dahuang had already shaken Lin Yang's inborn vigorous body, and Lin Yang's strength as a lower body could not be compared with the strength just now.

The blade, even if it can't kill him, must break his means and never fight again!

Gongsun Dahuang fixed his eyes and sneered.

But at this point.


A figure suddenly flew out of the ice fog and hit the crowd heavily.


The crowd collapsed and screamed.

"What?" Gongsun Dahuang had a stiff smile.

"What's going on?"

"What was that just now?"

The crowd looked at the crowd.

Just found the figure that just flew out of the ice and fog... Was a member of the seventy-two Disha!

This man is dead.

The lower part of his body was completely corroded, leaving only a few bones. Although the upper part of his body was intact, there was a small hole in the center of his eyebrow, which was a fatal injury. Looking at the size of the hole, it seemed that he had poked it with his finger.


People around him were shocked.

"How could it be?"

Gongsun Dahuang was also silly and looked into the fog.

However, the sound of shouting and killing was heard in the fog, followed by the sound of sword dancing.

Gongsun Dahuang immediately realized something, and then he called again: "thirty six Tiangang! Quickly support 72 Disha! Be sure to kill the doctor! You must kill him


Thirty six days gang ran into the fog immediately.

But just as they were about to enter the fog, the sound of fighting in the fog suddenly disappeared and became extremely silent.


Thirty six days Gang suddenly stopped, staring at the inside.

People around also noticed something bad, one by one breathing tight, looking at the fog inside.

At this time, a breeze swept by, blowing away the ice fog.

The scene in the fog also appeared in the public's sight.

At one glance, everyone was shocked.

But there was a white haired man who looked like a demon in the fog, and the 72 Disha were all standing beside him, like statues, motionless.

A moment later.

Ba Da Ba Da Ba Da...

the head of 72 Disha fell down from his neck, rolled to the ground, and all died.

Seventy two Disha was destroyed.People forget to breathe and their brains are blank.

Everyone in the ancient school is enveloped in endless fear at the moment.

Even the king on the ice and his first life felt a chill in their hearts...

"Mr. Gongsun!"

Unexpectedly, the leader of the thirty-six screamed.

Seeing this, Gongsun Dahuang yelled: "what are you doing? Who told you to back off? Go! Give it to me!! Kill that man! Kill him for me

"But... Mr. Gongsun..."

"none of you! Who is the traitor of my ancient school! I will make him dead! Destroy his family Gongsun Dahuang roared.

He's out of control, too.

Thirty six days gang had no choice but to rush to Lin Yang.

But they're just getting closer.

"Donghuang Huanyu!"

Lin Yang drank, and the poison gas seemed to come to life, and then condensed into a breath blade and killed the 36 people.

It's so fast, so fast, it's even faster than lightning.

Whew! Whew! Whew! Chi...

before the thirty-six people got close, they were penetrated by the poison gas and stopped in their original place...

second kill!

These two words come out of everyone's mind.

After that, Lin Yang's poison gas dissipated. He looked at Gongsun Dahuang and walked through the body of 36 Tiangang.

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