The 36 Tiangang and 72 Disha of the ancient sect were thus eliminated by Dr. Lin.

This is the super elite of the ancient school!

The development of the ancient school in these years can not do without these elite, they are like Gongsun Dahuang's right arm, for the ancient school I do not know how many people.

The people of the ancient school shudder and stare at Lin Yang.

Gongsun Dahuang was also flustered. He retreated and his body was shaking gently.

But he did not give up, gritted his teeth and cried, "where is the forbidden guard?"

"I'll wait!"

Once again, a large number of ancient people burst out of the crowd.

These people hold all kinds of weapons one by one. Their eyes are sharp and they are full of murderous spirit. They stare at Lin Yang like beasts.

Ancient guard.

It is responsible for the existence of Gongsun Dahuang.

Most of the guards were trained by Gongsun Dahuang himself, and the guards were all medicine men, and the ancient people increased their bodies with secret prescriptions.

It is said that the pain of the guards was almost gone, and all the drugs were eliminated.

As long as they don't die, they will continue to fight.

"Kill me!"

With Gongsun Dahuang's order, all the guards rushed forward.

One by one, these people are like fierce wolves, fearless of death.

Even though Lin Yang had shown extraordinary strength before, they were still fearless and still rushed forward, as if the man in front of him was not a fierce God who killed countless ancient people, but a prey of them.


some gun holders have pulled the trigger.

The special bullet hit Lin Yang.

Lin Yang's bullets were too dense to dodge.

The bullet touched his skin and exploded immediately. A large number of silver needles were splashed inside the bullet, which seemed to be directed to stab Lin Yang's death.

Lin Yang immediately turned around to avoid the silver needles.

He believed that these silver needles could not pierce their own skin, but they were dead spots, so we should be careful.

However, while he was hiding, the rest of the people were close to him, and all kinds of poisonous swords and weapons saluted him.

These guards were so close that they gave little space for Lin Yang to move.

All kinds of attack and kill fell on Lin Yang like rain.

However, the inborn vigorous body is too terrible. These swords can't help him at all! Even the most special and terrifying blade can only leave a shallow impression on Lin Yang.

The guard looked ferocious, but did not stop.

Gongsun Dahuang did not allow them to stop!

They are absolutely obedient and loyal to Gongsun Dahuang!

Gongsun Dahuang wanted this man to die, so unless they died, they would keep fighting.

"Are you really not afraid of destruction?"

Bearing endless attacks, Lin Yang suddenly raised his head and looked at the people around him.


The more fierce the attack!

Lin Yang is also angry, a wave of both hands, swept around the people.

The ferocious and tyrannical force is like thunder and flood, and it kills people's bodies heavily. Those people's bodies are like withered trees, which are directly broken and twisted, and the scene is terrible.

At the same time, Lin Yang's body gushed out a lot of dark fog, which spread around.

It's poison gas.

The power of the dark body has been completely released!

It's just that... These are all medicine people. Their bodies have a strong ability to avoid poison, so these poisonous gases can't kill them for a while.

"Hum! Doctor Lin, do you really think my guard is a cat and a dog? They are not afraid of your gas. I see how you can kill them Gongsun Dahuang said coldly.

Lin Yang did not speak, and continued to release the poison gas.

After a while, all the guards were gassed.

People can not see clearly the situation inside, can only see some figures wandering in it.

"Mr. Gongsun, we must send someone to support us!"

The people next to him whispered.

"The gas is so powerful, who dares to approach? We are not medicine men! In the past, it was just death

"What should I do?"

"Dr. Lin's inborn vigorous body is too terrible. It's easy to break and hard to break."

People of the ancient school sighed repeatedly.

However, Gongsun Dahuang narrowed his eyes and said in a low voice: "don't panic. This inborn vigorous body is not really invincible!"

"What does Mr. Gongsun mean by this?"

"If congenitally vigorous body wants to be invulnerable, it still depends on its own strength. That is to say, the miracle Doctor Lin maintains the congenital vigorous body, and the honor is his own strength. If his strength is exhausted, the congenitally vigorous body will inevitably become loose. How can he not be killed at that time?"

"Mr. Gongsun, do you mean...""Drag! Hard drag Gongsun Dahuang fixed his eyes and said, "we can only delay now! Until Dr. Lin's strength is exhausted! If there are too many of us, we will drag him to death with the sea of people tactics! He only killed one person, killed ten or hundreds of them. I don't believe he can kill thousands of ancient sects! He is a man, not a god! "

People were shocked.

"But Mr. Gongsun... In this way, is not our ancient sect losing a lot?"

"Yes, now Dr. Lin is like the God of war. No one can eat his move! If you rely on the sea of people tactics to consume his physical strength, I don't know how many people will die! " Next to a senior citizen worried.

"We have no choice! It's worth dying now! He has been making trouble with Dr. Lin to such an extent. Today, either he is dead or our ancient sect is destroyed! If we don't kill him, he will grow stronger in the future, and our ancient school will be destroyed by him Gongsun Dahuang hummed.


people were silent.

"Immediately arrange Lian Ying team, poison breaker and all elite disciples to prepare quickly! If the guard is defeated, they will fight at once Gongsun Dahuang said.

Some of the elders of the ancient school look ugly.

"Mr. Gongsun, playing now is like dying. I'm afraid that this will cause dissatisfaction among many people in the faction, and then something will happen... And the consequences will be serious..." one man said cautiously.

"It's about the survival of the ancient school! If anyone dares to resist it! Kill on the spot Gongsun Dahuang said angrily.

There is no one to advise.

People know that Gongsun Dahuang is going to put all his eggs in one basket!

"All ready to fight!"

"Today, it must be the death of Dr. Lin!"

"Never die!"

"Never die!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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