Lin Yang arrived on foot.

Although it is labor-saving to drive, the speed is not fast. At the moment, Lin Yang is running at full speed, and it is easy to exceed 200 yards.

But when he caught up with Gongsun Dahuang's car, it was already empty.

The car was so across the road that the traffic police came.

Lin Yang looked at the car, and then looked at a monitor not far from the eye, and took out the phone to Ma Hai.

"Let's check the monitor on the 209 national highway. I want to know where Gongsun Dahuang is."

"Mr. Lin, wait a moment. I'll arrange it right away."

Ma Hai Hang up the phone, Lin Yang bought a pack of cigarettes in the small shop next to him, lit a cigarette, and waited quietly beside him.

"Doctor Lin!"

My first life came with you on ice.

"Hard, you go back to rest, I will solve the rest." Lin Yang road.

"Doctor Lin, it seems that you must destroy Gongsun Dahuang today?" You can't help but say on the ice.

"Gongsun Dahuang will not die. I will be restless in the future! Now that he is at the end of his tether, he must be uprooted. " Lin Yang's path is grim.

Ice king nodded silently and took a deep look at Lin Yang: "I didn't expect that Dr. Lin's strength was so strong. I challenged him earlier. Dr. Lin should be merciful everywhere. This kindness was recorded by the king on ice."

"You've paid it back. You and I don't owe it."

"Doctor Lin, I want to ask for something."

"What's the matter?" Lin Yang looks at him.

Ice king hesitated to get up, after a moment, he directly clasped his fist and bowed: "Doctor Lin, I want you to take me as a disciple!"

"What?" Lin Yang was stunned.

Next to the first life was also shocked.

"Ice king, what are you doing? You are also the ninth day proud, when my apprentice? Isn't that too unfair to you? If it gets out, I'm afraid it's going to cause gossip. " Lin Yang road.

"Ha ha ha ha, Doctor Lin joked. My king on ice is a man who doesn't care about fame and wealth. What I pursue is absolute martial arts! Today, Dr. Lin fought against the ancient school, which made me understand the gap between myself and you. I know that it's hard for me to catch up with you on my own. So I want to learn from you. If I can get your instruction, it will be a blessing to bingshang king! "

Ice Jun said seriously, quite respectful.

Lin Yang shook his head: "I can't teach you anything. I don't know much about martial arts. I just know some medical skills."

"I can learn medicine."


"does Dr. Lin think that bingshang Jun is too stupid to teach?"

"That's not true. If I really want to learn, I've always been a teacher without class!"


The king on the ice hit the snake and immediately bowed and called.

"It's not so early. Go to Xuanyi school to report first! I'll take you back when I'm done with it! "

"Teacher, I help you kill Gongsun Dahuang!"

"No, you go back first. I'll deal with it alone."

Lin Yang light road.

At this time, Ma Hai called.

He quickly took out his mobile phone to answer. After a moment, his face sank.


"The license plates of those cars should not be wrong!"

"Well, I'll be there now."

Lin Yang Hung up the phone.

"Doctor Lin, do you know where Gongsun Dahuang is?" The chief asked.

"I see! You go first. I'll find him

With that, Lin Yang stopped a taxi directly and left.


in a manor.


Gongsun Dahuang fell directly on the ground, gasping for breath. His face was covered with sweat. He seemed to have no strength, so he collapsed on the ground like a corpse.

Next to the following in a few men with straight suits will look at him.

"Mr. Gongsun, you are also a overlord. Why are you in such a mess today? Tut tut... Even his left arm is broken. It seems that the miracle Doctor Lin is really good! "

A middle-aged man in a white Tang suit came out with his hands down, his face full of smiles.


Gongsun Dahuang sat up panting, staring at the middle-aged man and saying, "you are not timid! You Qing's family has a lot to do with Yanghua. How dare you save Dr. Lin's enemies? Aren't you afraid that Dr. Lin will come to settle accounts with you? "

"Afraid! Of course I'm afraid! But I am more afraid of poverty! More afraid of weakness! What scares me the most is the powerless Qing family Qing Rong smiles.

"What do you want?"

Gongsun Dahuang took a deep breath and asked.

"Everything of the ancient school!"

smiled and said, "I put an eyeliner in the dark dragon pond." my man said, "when you run away, you can give him the old school heritage. Is it true or false?""This..." Gongsun Dahuang was silent.

"There is a private helicopter at the back of the manor, but there is a direct airport, and there are also my private flights in the airport! If you want to, I promise you will appear on a private island in the Pacific Ocean in a few hours. Dr. Lin will never be there! There, you will be absolutely safe! " Qingrong smiles.

"What if I don't want to?" Gongsun Dahuang asked.

"Well, I'll do better. We celebrate our family's capture of the great enemy for Dr. Lin. we just need to give you to Dr. Lin. that's a great achievement. Dr. Lin will reward us well! Although the benefits are not as good as the inheritance of the ancient school, how can we earn all of them, do you think? "

"Qingrong! You cunning old fox

Gongsun Dahuang said coldly.

"Ha ha, I'm just a businessman!"

"Let's go! I will give you all the inheritance of the ancient school! You'll see me off at once

"No problem! Mr. Gongsun , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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