A taxi was parked in front of a luxurious manor.

"Here we are, sir!" The driver in the front row smiles.

Lin Yang took out two tickets from his pocket and handed them to him. Then he got off the bus quickly.

At the gate of the manor stood two security guards in black suits and a butler in brown robes.

The housekeeper was quite young, with a pair of glasses and a shrewd eye under the glasses.

Xiao Yang, run to see the housekeeper.

"Mr. Lin! Why are you here? Why don't you call in advance? I'll let the owner prepare! Come on, come on... Slow down. " The housekeeper said warmly.

"What about Gongsun Dahuang?" Lin Yang asked.

"Who?" The housekeeper was stunned.

"Gongsun Dahuang." Lin Yang stares at him sideways.

The housekeeper was stunned and puzzled: "Lin Dong, I don't know what you are talking about. What Gongsun Dahuang? I don't know... "

Lin Yang looked at him around and made a big stride towards him.

"Call your master to see me!"

"Yes, yes..."

the housekeeper ran down.

Lin Yang searched around the Qing family, but Gongsun Dahuang was not seen. When he reached the tarmac at the back of the manor, he stepped forward and stroked the position of the engine, frowning.

"Mr. Lin! Why did you come all of a sudden? It's too late for me to prepare Qingrong trotted over, bowing to Lin Yang in a panic, then turned to the housekeeper and said, "quick, quickly call back all the family members, and immediately ask the kitchen to prepare wine and dishes for Lin Dong."

"Yes, master!"

The housekeeper nodded and ran down.

"No need to celebrate! You should know what I'm here for. " Lin Yang looked at him lightly.

"Purpose?" Qingrong was confused, and asked strangely, "Mr. Lin, are you here for something?"

"Where is Gongsun Dahuang?" Lin Yang asked.

"Gongsun Dahuang? Lin Dong, I don't know... "

" has this helicopter just been used? The engine is still hot! If I'm right, it should have just flown to the airport, right? " Lin Yang said quietly.

Qingrong was stunned and said with a smile, "Dong Lin is really powerful. This helicopter has just gone to the airport, but I asked the housekeeper to pick up someone at the airport."

"Not to send Gongsun Dahuang away?"

"Where is Lin Dong? I don't know who Gongsun Dahuang is! How can we talk about delivery? "

"Qingrong, you and I are smart people! You Qing family is a big crocodile in Southwest China. You have been living in this area for many years. It is deeply rooted and has huge energy. Even I have to rely on you in some things! I know you are very ambitious, but I have to remind you that today is a grudge between me and the ancient school! I don't want other people to get involved, let alone my people! I'll give you a chance, if you're willing to confess now! There's still room for recovery, otherwise... You may regret for life. " Lin Yang has no expression and says coldly.

"What happened, Lin Dong? How do you say that? Is it our family where neglect? If so, Qingrong will make amends to you here! " Qingrong busy road, a look of panic.

Lin Yang shook his head.

"Qingrong, it's the 21st century, it's the high-tech era. There are surveillance cameras everywhere. I can call up Gongsun Dahuang and enter your Qingjia! Do you really want me to put the evidence before you before you admit it? "

"Mr. Lin, if you can get it, please bring it out. At least let Qingrong know what happened." Qing melts a pair of indifferent appearance way.

Lin Yang's eyes are awe inspiring.

Looking at Qingrong, there is no doubt that he has disposed of the cameras along the way and concealed Gongsun Dahuang's whereabouts.

In fact, Ma Hai was fast enough, otherwise even the picture of Gongsun Dahuang getting on the qingjiache was almost erased by the Qing family.

"You are going to die and not admit it!"

Lin Yang took a deep breath.

"Mr. Lin, I'm still saying that. Please point out what we did wrong! We apologize to you immediately! " Celebrate the weld.

But just as he said this, Lin Yang suddenly flashed into Qingrong's face, pressed his shoulder directly with one hand, and then made a sudden force.


Qingrong's shoulder is broken instantly.


He let out a sad cry.

"Master of the house!"


Qing's family is in a hurry and shouts.

"What are you doing, Lin Dong?" Qingrong cried out in pain.

"Qingrong, I'll give you one last chance to celebrate your family. If you don't tell me Gongsun Dahuang's whereabouts, I'll... Destroy the gate of your Qingjia!" Lin Yang Sen cold way, the eyes are all killing!

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