Seeing Xiao Yi get out of the car, people's eyes are all over him, and "Mr. Xiao is coming!"

The camera of the reporter shifts again.

People around him were stunned.

Why did Xiao Yi come here?

However, Xiao Yi came with two men in a big stride.

"Lin Dong, you make me easy to find!" Xiao Yi came to Lin Yang and said coldly.

"What's up with Mr. Xiao?" Lin Yang's face did not change.

"What? Of course, there are, and quite a few! let's go! Get in the car and follow me back to the investigation! " Xiao Yi said.

"Investigate what?"

"Well, it's your factory's business, of course."

"Mr. Xiao, we, Mr. Lin Dong, have cooperated with the police to make a record. When there is no summons there, we can refuse any inquiry from anyone." Xiao Liu came forward seriously.

"Not me! Not interrogation! It's confirmation! I suspect that Yanghua pharmaceutical factory is an illegal sweatshop. I will not only close the factory, but also investigate his responsibility! " Xiao Yi said solemnly.

"What?" Xiao Liu was shocked.

"Mr. Lin, please, do you have to ask my people to invite you to the car?" Xiao Yi snorted coldly.

"Don't get in the car, Mr. Lin. I'll contact the office now!" Liu busy way.

"It's no use pulling Kang Jiahao and Jiwen out of it!" Xiao Yi said.

"You..." Xiao Liu was speechless.

At this time, however, Lin Yang suddenly opened his mouth.

"Xiao Yi, are you sure you want to seal my factory?"

"What? Do I have to discuss it with you? " Xiao Yi frowns.

"Who do you think you are? Is Mr. Xiao still unable to move your factory? " Subei can't help laughing.

"You're right. He can't move my factory!" Lin Yang nodded.

As soon as the words fell, bursts of laughter came out of the scene again.

Xiao Yi was so angry that he repeatedly nodded and grabbed Lin Yang's arm: "I'd like to see what you can do to keep me from moving you!"

Finish saying, then want to drag Lin Yang to get on the car.

"Mr. Xiao, what are you doing?" Xiao Liu will rush up to stop.

"Go away, or I'll sue you for obstructing your business!" The man behind stopped Xiao Liu.

Xiao Liu has no choice but to watch Xiao Yi take Lin Yang away.

But just then...


A jeep pulled up on the side of the road.

The door opened and several men in military uniform got out of the car.

"Who is Xiao Yi?" Come and ask.

"Are you?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.

"Take it away!"

The visitor did not say a word and waved directly.

The two men behind him immediately come forward to take Xiao Yi away.

"What are you doing?"

Xiao Yi shouts and pushes people away.

"Who are you?" The people who dragged Xiao Liu also rushed up to drink.

The visitor did not speak, but took out his own ID and presented it to Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi's face changed greatly, and a chill came up.

"Go, do I have to use force?" The visitor said without expression.

Xiao Yi opened his mouth and wanted to say something else.

"If you want to get on the bus."

The man took Xiao Yi's arm and pulled jeep.

It's really vigorous!

Left a group of confused masses.

"What have I done, comrade? Why did the team leader check me out? "

After sitting on the jeep, Xiao Yi couldn't help asking.

"What did you do? You don't know what you've done at this time? "

The man in the driver's seat sneered and said, "do you know whose factory you seized?"

"Isn't it the factory of Yanghua group?" Xiao Yi asked.

"Before that, now he belongs to the pharmaceutical factory directly under the third division!"

"What?" Xiao Yi was shocked.

"This pharmaceutical factory will deliver the most advanced drugs to the army to ensure the combat effectiveness and vitality of soldiers! As a result, you have sealed it, and who are you going to catch? Your name is Xiao Yi, right? Although I don't know who you were shot by, you have suffered this time! "

That person light way, and then a foot gas pedal to go.

When the car started, the reporters shot Xiao Yi's face in the window in time...

reversed so that everyone was shocked.

Including Subei, Su Zhen, and Zhang Qingheng, who is very proud of that toe.

The three were pale with fright.

Is Xiao Yi gone?

"What's going on?"

"Why was Mr. Xiao suddenly taken away?"

"Who are those comrades?"People were talking all around, and reporters began to feature in capitals.

But soon, many reporters received a phone call about this matter can not spread, can not be published.

People are also aware of the seriousness of the matter.

Zhang Qingheng looked at Lin Yang in disbelief.

"This... This is what you did?" Subei trembled.

"How could it be?" Su Zhen exclaimed, "it has nothing to do with Lin Yang. Other people, Mr. Xiao, are just going to come. Don't make a fuss about it!"

"That's right, too!" Subei took a breath and his face returned to normal slightly.

But the next second, Lin Yang opened his mouth.

"I did it

As soon as the voice fell, the hearts of Subei and Zhang Qingheng both jumped out of their throat.

"I... I don't believe it! I don't believe it

Subei shouts tremblingly.

Su Zhen even screamed: "lie, ghosts believe you, you are lying!"

Lin Yang shook his head and was too lazy to explain.

"Look, who is that?"

At this time, the cry came out.

Everyone's eyes were drawn to the past.

People looked at it in unison, but saw a group of people in suits and briefcases coming up.

These people have regular steps, serious faces, and all wearing yellow glasses. They look valiant and imposing.

Seeing these people, Zhang Qingheng was overjoyed.

The reporters took special pictures.

Many people were confused until someone called out.

"This is Fang Shimin's lawyer group from Yanjing!"

This sound, like thunder, exploded.

The whole scene was boiling.

"What? Is Fang Shimin's lawyer group here? "

"My God, is it Fang Shimin's lawyer group that is going to fight against Yanghua group this time?"

"That's one of the three lawyer groups in Yanjing. It's the top lawyer team in China."

"Their winning rate is as high as 95%."

Screams come and go, people all stare at these people.

"See? Lin! You've lost! You have lost Su Zhen pointed to Lin Yang's nose and screamed.

"It's really nice that you have Kang Jiahao in, but compared with the lawyer group from Yanjing, Kang Jiahao is still too immature." Northern Jiangsu recovered and sneered.

Zhang Qingheng did not speak. He just looked at Lin Yang quietly. He wanted to see what wonderful expression Lin would have at the moment.

It's just... Lin Yang seems very calm.

"What? Do you think Kang Jiahao can win? " Zhang Qingheng couldn't help asking.

"I believe this lawsuit will not go on and luobeiming will withdraw the lawsuit." Lin Yang road.

As soon as the words fell, the scene was silent.

Fang Shimin, who was about to walk towards the court, immediately slowed down, looking at Lin Yang.

"Is this Lin Dong? Why are you so sure? Do you think luobeiming was bought by you Fang Shimin asked.

"I haven't had any contact with Luo Beiming these days, and I have no contact with him. I don't even know what evidence he has to prove that my prescription was plagiarized from them Lin Yang shook his head.

"Then why do you say that?" Fang Shimin asked angrily.

"The reason is very simple, because you will not enter this gate!" Lin Yang road.

As soon as this was said, all the serious lawyers could not help laughing.

"Fart, is that?"

Not in this gate?

Everyone knows that Fang Shimin is the most strict, and is a promise!

This time he had promised to win the lawsuit for luobeiming. How could he escape? That would be a very serious blow to his reputation.

He pays great attention to his reputation!

"Well, since you say that, well, I'll go in and show you now!" Fang Shimin was stimulated to the extreme anger..

People around him were laughing.

Lin Yang did not speak.

Fang Shimin went straight to the gate with his briefcase.

But at the moment when Fang Shimin was about to enter the gate...

hum! Buzzing...

Fang Shimin's waist pocket suddenly vibrated.

Did you call?

All the people on the scene were shocked!

"Lawyer Fang!" The person behind me reminded me carefully.

Fang Shimin's face was not natural, but he looked at Lin Yang fiercely and said in an angry voice, "no, I don't answer anyone's phone now! Go ahead and finish the lawsuit! "

Then he went inside.

Zhang Qingheng three people's heart immediately put down, a long sigh of relief.

But just as Fang Shimin stepped forward, an angry roar came from the rear."The people! Stop

As soon as the words fell, Fang Shimin trembled and turned around suddenly. However, he saw an old man get off the car and run towards it angrily.

Fang Shimin's face was shocked and he breathed out: "Dad!"


All the people in front of the gate are dumbfounded , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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