Fang Shimin shivered all over his body, his delicate face was full of fear, and he bowed his head when he was busy.

It's like a kid who made a mistake.

The visitor is an old man in a white shirt.

He looked serious and angry, staring at Fang Shimin and walking quickly.

When he stood in front of Fang Shimin, he drank again: "raise your head."

Fang Shimin slowly raised his head. How could he have the demeanor of a well-known barrister in China?


A slap in the face of Fang Shimin.

Fang Shimin was beaten back and forth, covering his face. A bright red palm print on his right cheek was very breath.


The people around me were dumbfounded.

Reporters are also confused, all holding a microphone camera, staring at this appalling scene.

Lin Yang watched quietly.

He would have done it.

Because this old man is Fang Hong!

Fang Shimin's father!

At first, he felt familiar when he saw Fang Hong. Later, when he walked out of the sanatorium, he suddenly realized that Fang Hong was from Yanjing. After careful consideration, it was not a coincidence that Fang was from the people's Republic of China.

Fang Shimin is extremely awed by his father, and Fang Hong is extremely strict with his son. If Fang Hong is allowed to come forward, Fang Shimin will stop.

Therefore, Lin Yang informed Fang Hong of Fang Shimin's lawsuit against Yanghua in the first place.

Fang Hong was so angry that he immediately rushed out of the sanatorium and rushed here.

"Dad, you... Didn't you go to see Zheng Bo? Why are you here? " Fang Shimin didn't dare to be angry. He just lowered his head and asked.

"If I were not here, you would have made a big mistake! Listen, you go back to me now. I won't allow you to intervene in this case! " Fang Hong Qi's face rose red, and he pointed to the way.

Hearing this, Fang Shimin's face turned pale. He gave Lin Yang a hard look, then gritted his teeth and said, "Dad, I am a lawyer. Since I have accepted the client's case, I must fulfill my own obligations and responsibilities. I can't leave! Unless the case is over! "

"Do you dare not listen to your father?" Fang Hong was trembling.

"Dad, I've been listening to you since I was young, but I can't this time. If I shrink back, our reputation as a citizen will be ruined! Do I deserve to be a lawyer? I know, it must be something wrong with this director Lin. please stop me, but I have to show my attitude here! Our people will never leave! " Fang Shimin held his head down and said firmly.

From small to large, he never disobeyed Fang Hong, but not today!

If he retires from the public today, can he still be a lawyer?

"You... You... You..."

Fang Hong's whole body trembled wildly, and his old eyes were huge, as if to fall out of the socket of his eyes, and his emotion was incomparably excited.

"Do you really want to listen to your father? Good! Good! Good! In that case, I don't have you as a son! "


Fang Shimin was full of tears and tangled.

But see Fang Hong suddenly body move open, take the head to the side of the iron door in the past.

Fang Shimin was shocked and quickly grabbed Fang Hong.

"Dad, what are you doing?" He cried out eagerly.

"I'd rather die than watch you do stupid things! You think you're safe with your own reputation? What you lose is the face of our Fang family. You want us to be a sinner! " Fang Hong is in a state of emotional excitement and tears.

Fang Shimin was stunned.

He never thought it would be so serious?

I have never seen my father suffer so much and feel so self reproach.


He did not blame Fang Shimin, but himself, as if he felt that all this was his own fault.

What happened to father? Why would he rather die than stop himself?

Fang Shimin can't understand, but he knows that a Lin Dong is not enough for his father to do so.

There is no secret inside!!

Fang Shimin clenched his fist in secret and looked at his father's face, which was suddenly ten years old. He bit his teeth and shed tears on the spot. He said in agony: "Dad, forget it. I'll listen to you and give up this lawsuit."


The scene exploded instantly.

Countless people's brains are suddenly blank.

Screams and consternations were heard.

The reporters sent out frantic questions about photos.

This is explosive news!

Fang Shimin, one of the three lawyers in Yanjing, actually gave up this lawsuit!

"Lawyer Fang! You... How can you do this? " Zhang Qingheng took the lead in returning to God and rushed to ask.

"I'm sorry, I will bear the relevant compensation and legal liability for breach of contract. I'm sorry..." Fang Shimin said hoarsely.Zhang Qingheng was speechless.

"Who wants your compensation?" Su Zhen here suddenly screamed and rushed to bite Fang Shimin.

People nearby stopped her in a hurry.

However, she waved her hands and shrieked: "you are a barrister, you have collected money, you should help us fight this lawsuit! How can you back off? You beast! You son of a bitch, you die! You're going to die with that Lin! "

Su Zhen kept yelling and cursing, her face twisted.

She could not accept this reality, including northern Jiangsu.

Northern Jiangsu looked at Fang Shimin in panic, and then looked at Lin Dong over there. Suddenly, a chill came up. He was cold from head to foot.

"It seems that Fang Shimin didn't even enter the gate, as Lin Dong said

"Although Luo Beiming has sufficient evidence, it can also be forged. Without Fang Shimin's lawsuit, what does luobeiming take to fight Kang Jiahao? I'm afraid this lawsuit is gone. "

"What means did Lin Dong use to make Fang Shimin yield?"

"It's terrible!"

People around him talked and looked at Lin Dong's eyes with fear.

"Stinky boy, you still have some conscience. Come back with me, go back with me!"

Fang Hong knew that his son's heart would be broken, but he had no choice but to pull Fang Shimin's hand and tremble toward the roadside car shop.

Soon, Fang was popular.

The people on the scene have been sensational.

Someone used a mobile phone to transmit this scene to the Internet. In an instant, the network was shocked.

No one expected such a huge reversal.

Some people scold Lin Dong for buying Fang Hong's father and using Fang's father to force Fang Shimin to compromise.

But this conjecture was quickly denied.

Because Fang is the father of Fang Shimin, Fang Hong... That's not an ordinary person. How can money buy it?

Before this happened, people didn't know who Fang Hong was. They only knew that Fang Hong worked in Yanjing and kept a low profile. However, after the fermentation, many people were silent.

Yanjing Deputy Committee retired, old qualifications, loyal to the party and patriotic.

How can such a person be bribed by money?

Even if he has great ability, he can't drive such people!

As a result, the plot becomes confusing.

Luobeiming, who lost Fang Shimin, also collapsed like a hall without pillars and beams.

After learning that Fang Shimin gave up the court session, Luo Beiming sighed and directly chose to suspend the court. However, he knew that there was no chance of winning.

The end is set.

Northern Jiangsu and Su Zhen were out of their wits.

"What? What's my approach? "

Lin Yang looks at these people without expression.

"You... Don't be proud!"

Zhang Qingheng gritted his teeth and said coldly, "although you won the lawsuit, the fraud and squeezing of workers by Yanghua group is not over. Your stock market is in turmoil. We Shangyu group has begun to make efforts. Even if you can't finish, this time will certainly hurt your vitality."

"So, do you really think our Yanghua group is afraid of you Shangyu group?" Lin Yang suddenly said.

Zhang Qingheng was stunned: "how big is the scale of your just started company? How many assets can there be? How to fight us? "

"Although we are just starting, if you want to say that the scale of assets is small, then I will not allow it!"

Lin Yang took out his mobile phone and dialed a number.

"You know it, boy. I'll take care of it." Zheng Nantian on the other side of the phone drank in a deep voice, and there was a strong anger in his words.

Lin Yang said with a faint smile: "with the words of master Zheng, I'm relieved, but master Zheng, I still have something to tell you."

"What's the matter?"

"It's about the grant I refused before. How much is it?"

"This... I'm afraid I can only apply for 7 billion with you!"

"I'll take it." Lin Yang said quietly. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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