Who did Lin Dong call and what did he mean? People around him didn't quite understand.

But the person next to him heard a number on the phone.

Seven billion!

Is it money?

A lot of people's heads are exploding!

Zhang Qingheng, in particular, sat on the ground with almost no legs.

7 billion?

Can we say that Yanghua group still has 7 billion reserves?

If this is the case, the attack of Shangyu group will not pose any threat to them. Maybe Yanghua group will use this huge fund to fight back.

How could this happen?

Zhang Qingheng shivered all over. How could he have thought that Lin Yang's strength was so strong...

"you must be cheating!" He said shivering.

"We are all adults. Lying is not good for me, but it will affect my reputation. Do you think I would do such a boring thing?" Lin Yang put his mobile phone down.

Zhang Qingheng's face turned red and white, and finally turned to go.

He has to report this matter to situ Jing and inform the company of the policy to deal with it.

But just as Zhang Qingheng was about to leave, Lin Yang suddenly called out.

"Wait a minute."

Zhang Qingheng looks at Lin Yang in horror and anger.

"Go back and ask situ Jing or Nanpai for me. Don't feel sorry for provoking me!" Lin Yang said calmly.

This seems to be in response to Zhang Qingheng before asking Lin Yang, heard this, Zhang Qingheng's face instantly gloomy to the extreme.

He bit his teeth, did not say a word, got into the car and left in confusion.

Zhang Qingheng left, Subei and Su Zhen did not dare to stay for a long time, shivering left the scene.

They also had to go back and explain it to Mrs. su.

Next to the small Liu excited straight shudder, looking at Lin Yang's eyes full of worship.

Who could have thought that under such a desperate situation, Lin Yang turned the situation around in just a few words, how terrible.

Reporters once again surrounded the past, constantly sent questions, this moment even many reporters feel that Lin Yang is simply handsome.

And those who sneered at Lin Yang before, also feel very shameless, quietly left.

The trial ended in a hurry in less than two hours.

When Kang Jiahao and Ji Wen came out of the court, the faces of the gang were all confused.

Obviously, they did not expect Fang Shimin to withdraw suddenly!

They are also ready for a bloody battle, but never thought they were ready, the other side slipped away.

When several people came back to the company and learned about this series of things, all their faces were full of shock and surprise.

"Xiao Yi was arrested and Chang Bo fell down. Fang Shimin suddenly left. Is this what Lin Dong did?"

Ma Hai sat on the sofa of the company, staring at the man standing in front of the French window.

At this moment, he looked at this person again, but felt that he was so mysterious and strange.

"The next step is to retaliate against Shangyu group!" At this time, Lin Yang in front of the French window opened his mouth.

"Mr. Lin Dong, Luo Beiming was defeated and Xiao Yi was arrested again. Most of the southern faction will not continue to take the next step. It is very likely that Shangyu group will not take action on our stock market. We need not worry." Mahai returned to Shinto.

"I know."

Lin Yang closed his eyes and suddenly opened them for a moment. A sharp light flashed through his pupils: "but if they don't move, it doesn't mean that we should not move! Find the best operator, find the best economic genius, and take the initiative to attack Shangyu group! "

As soon as Ma Hai listened, he almost didn't fall off the sofa.

"Lin Dong, no way!" He cried out in a hurry.

"Why?" Lin Yang asked.

"Our company is just in its infancy, and many things are not stable. If we have a commercial war at this time, it will be extremely disadvantageous for Yanghua. What's more, Shangyu group is a multinational trading group. They have a solid foundation, sufficient funds and complex network. Compared with them, we are too immature. Mr. Lin, please don't be impulsive!"

Ma Hai is a veteran. From the orderly operation of Ma family, he has a thorough understanding of shopping malls and some large domestic companies.

It's true that Yanghua has a strong momentum and holds two unique prescriptions. The future can be said to be unlimited.

But everything has a gradual process of circulation. How long has Yanghua been established? Just want to keep up with Yu group? That's not looking for death!

However, Lin Yang shook his head and said faintly, "don't worry, just do it!"

"We have no chance of winning!"

"I'm not ready to win."


Ma Hai was so stupid that he thought he heard wrong.

"From the beginning to the end, I didn't intend to win, but for me, as long as I did, I won. Mahai, I don't lack money, I don't lack opportunities. Even if Yanghua is black and blue in this war, I can recover it in a very short time, and even I can make it step to a higher level and reach a higher position. But Shangyu group is not the same. They have been severely damaged and can never recover as quickly as I do. Therefore, I want you to fight and have no scruples Go to war, even if the company goes bankruptLin Yang said coldly.

Ma Hai was short of breath.

He looked at Lin Yang in a daze. Seeing that his expression was serious and his face was particularly serious, he took a long breath and seriously said, "Mr. Lin, please don't worry, this matter... Leave it to me."

Now that the matter has come to this stage, the hatred between Yanghua group and Yu Group has ended. In any case, it is all a dead end. Lin Dong has spoken, and he doesn't need to be afraid...


Lin Yang nodded and said, "what about Xu Tian?"

"I went back and said it was Nancheng." Ma Hai was eager to speak but stopped.

"I see. I'll give it to you. I'll go back first." Lin Yang patted the dust on his body, took out a silver needle and pricked it on his neck. In an instant, his face changed a little. It was not Lin Dong's beautiful face before, but restored to Lin Yang's appearance.

"Mr. Lin."

"Anything else?" Linyang side head.

"Well, Xu Tian said when he went back... I hope you can go to the hospital to see Xu Shuangxuan... He has already known the process of the matter, and has educated Xu Shuangxuan. He apologizes to you on behalf of Xu Shuangxuan. If you can, I hope you can do it..." Ma Hai hesitated and said.

Lin Yang eyebrows slightly move, finally nodded: "just, with a little girl film too much is not interesting, later I will go to the hospital to see that Xu Shuangxuan."

"Hard work, Mr. Lin."

After leaving the company, Lin Yang planned to visit luoqian medical center.

But before the 918 was launched, a phone call came.

Lin Yang glanced at his mobile phone, frowned and connected immediately.

"Lin Yang, where are you?" At the other end of the phone was su Guang's hesitant voice.

"Dad, what's the matter?" Lin Yang asked.

Su Guang was silent for a while and sighed: "Lin Yang, I know you and Xiaoyan are going to divorce, but you haven't got the divorce certificate in the end, so you are still his husband. If you are free... Just come back, Xiaoyan she..."

it seems that Su Guang doesn't know what to say.

Lin Yang understood what it was.

"Don't worry, Dad. I'll go back now."

"I'm sorry..." Su Guang said hoarsely and hung up.

Lin Yang drove to the community where he had lived for three years.

Up the stairs, Su Guang opened the door.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

Seeing Lin Yang enter the room, Zhang Qingyu is furious and points to Lin Yang's nose and swears.

"Sunny, why do you talk like that? Lin Yang is our son-in-law at least. " Su Guang tried to persuade him.

"Son in law? He deserves it, too? My son-in-law is Lin Dong of Yanghua group! It's not him! And if it wasn't for him, my little Yan would be like this? " Zhang Qingyu is excited and takes up the broom next to him to fight Linyang.

But then the door of the room was pushed open.

Wearing a lady's suit, Su Yan came out.

"Mother! Stop it

"Xiaoyan?" Zhang Qingyu was overjoyed: "are you willing to come out at last?"

"Mom, don't embarrass Lin Yang, Lin Yang... You come in... I want to say something to you." Su Yan looked at Lin Yang with pain on her face and said hoarse.

Lin Yang was slightly stunned. He had a bad feeling in his heart, but he finally nodded and entered the room.

The door was closed again by Su Yan www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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