After about 50 minutes, Shen Haosheng returned.

He held a jade box in his hands.

It's a box made entirely of jade. It's very delicate. Judging from the pattern on it, it should be some years from now.

"What is this?"

Lin Yang is busy to come forward, hoarse inquiry.

"This is the treasure of Shen family! Xuanling ointment of flaw jade! It is said that this object is not artificial refining, but from the natural essence extracted from some ancient medicinal herbs. This mixture of ginseng water and the ginseng water can be used for the dying people to bring it back to life. Dr. Lin, with this and your excellent medical skills, I think Miss Su Yu will come back from the dead. "

Shen Haosheng squeezed out a smile.

But his heart is bleeding at the moment.

He had intended to leave it to his son, although he did not know whether it was of any use.

However, the current affairs are related to the life and death of the whole ethnic group. He had no choice but to hand it over.

Between his son and the Shen family, he chose the Shen family.

Lin Yang took the jade box and opened it.

However, there are some transparent and muddy things in the jade box. Under the sunlight, they are crystal clear and bright, very beautiful, like crystal.

Lin Yang carefully stretched out his finger and touched it slightly.

However, he felt his fingers cool, as if there was a cool Qi flowing through his heart and spleen, which went straight into his internal organs.

At that moment, people have a sense of sublimation.

It's strange.

Lin Yang was quite surprised.

Then he sniffed carefully and touched the strange object with the tip of his tongue.

For a moment, there seems to be a thunder in Lin Yang's mind.

"This is..." Lin Yang lost his voice.

Shen Haosheng was shocked and looked at Lin Yang in amazement: "Doctor Lin, you... Can't you know this thing?"

Lin Yang did not answer, but took out a simple book from his arms.

It seems to be an ancient medical book.

He kept turning, as if looking for something, the whole person was attentive and meticulous.

After a few minutes, Lin Yang closed the book, put it back in his inner pocket, and took a deep breath.

It's ancient medicine! It is true that raw meat and bone can reverse Yin and Yang, but it is not easy to say that we should rely on it to bring the dead back to life. " Lin Yang said, eyes have been locked in ancient books.

"That... This..." Shen Haosheng's eyes were full of fear and fear. He opened his mouth and did not dare to speak.

"Don't worry. This time I'll let you Shen's family live. Although it doesn't have the effect of directly living the dead, it will be of great help to Su Yu with my medical skills."

Shen Haosheng was overjoyed and glared: "that is to say..."

"you can take your people to roll." Lin Yang light road.

"Good! Good! Let's get out of here! Thank you, Dr. Lin! Thank you, Dr. Lin! "

Shen Haosheng was overjoyed. He nodded and bowed. He was greeting his own people to leave.

But... He walked slowly.

Eyes do not live to look at Lin Yang, the bottom of the eye has a touch of hesitation.

"Master, why don't you go?"

Seeing that Shen Haosheng was still standing still, a Shen family member stepped forward carefully.

"Zeyuan! You do something for me

Shen Haosheng said in a low voice without expression.

"What's the matter?"

"Give orders at once, and let everyone do this!" Shen Haosheng whispered something to the Shen family.

The man understood and soon ran down.

From the beginning to the end, Lin Yang's eyes were on the jade Xuanling ointment.

He was particularly excited.

"I didn't expect that the records in the ancient books are true. There are such magical things in the world. It seems that Xiaoyu will be OK! Not only Xiaoyu, but even Xiaoyan's poison can be solved! Excellent! Great

Lin Yang murmured to himself, and his hands trembled.

"Mr. Lin! Shall we go back? " Xu Tian approached and asked.

"Go back, go back at once! I'm going back to the lab right now! Come on Lin Yang was impatient.

"OK, I'll arrange the car right away."

Xu Tian turns to leave.

But at this time.


A lot of screams broke out.

Then we can see that all the Shen family members who are ready to evacuate fall to the ground, and they seem to have fainted one by one.


Lin Yang frowned.

People around him were also stunned.

"What happened?"

"How did this happen?"

"Shen Haosheng, what have you done?"

People exclaimed.

Yuan Xing asked in a deep voice.

Shen Haosheng was also in a state of consternation. He rushed up and helped up a man. However, he saw that the man was foaming and his eyes were turning white. He could not speak in pain."Is he poisoned? Doctor Lin! I've already given Zhibao to you. Why do you want to poison your hands next time? " Shen Haosheng roared with pain on his face.

"Although I'm not a man of integrity, I don't care to do such dirty things!"

Lin Yang looked at the man and said, "what's more, I don't think it's poisoning when I look at his complexion. It's caused by my own confusion of breath."

"Shen Haosheng, get out of the way and I'll show him."

Lin Yang's light road, straight to this.

As soon as Shen Haosheng listened, his eyes were grim, and his hand quietly touched a knife on his waist , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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