This is Shen Haosheng's last chance.

In fact, he didn't want to attack Lin Yang. After all, he handed over the treasure of his family, so there was no need to make extra efforts and lead to the tribulation of his people.

But... The bloody South prison is not an ordinary person.

That's the famous devil!

If it goes against his will, the Shen family will be doomed and die miserably.

Since both sides are not easy to offend, then simply obey the xuenan prison and cooperate with him to kill Dr. Lin.

In this way, we can not only take revenge, but also wipe out the great sufferings of one's heart!

Thinking of this, Shen Haosheng no longer hesitates. He drags the handle of the knife, breathes and stares at Lin Yang. When he shows his flaws, he is killed.

Must stab the heart!

Must stab the heart!

Shen Haosheng murmured in his heart.

Man is like a snake ready to go.

But after seeing Lin Yang approaching, he crouched down directly, stretched out his hand and groped on the Shen family, as if in some kind of inspection.

Shen Haosheng wanted to make a move, but Lin Yang, who was crouching down, had no place to start his hand. The dagger could not reach the heart.

"His pulse is blocked. He needs to be smooth. I'll help him."

Lin Yang pale way, suddenly picked up a knife next to him, and directly stretched out his finger. He actually took the finger as a knife and chopped it hard on that knife.

In a flash, the blade was cut into several sections by Linyang's fingers.


Shen Haosheng was so shocked that his eyes almost didn't fall out of his eyes.

He clearly felt that Lin Yang didn't use Qi and strength, and he only broke iron by his body...

"why?" Lin Yang looks at him sideways.

Shen Haosheng shivered all over, then squeezed out a smile and said: "Doctor Lin can use his finger as a knife to cut gold and jade... It's really admirable."

"What is that?"

Lin Yang shakes his head, pinches the blade which has been cut open, and cuts several holes in the Shen family's body.

In an instant, a large amount of gas was ejected from the mouth. The Shen family, who was almost unconscious, stopped twitching and lay on the ground, gasping.

Seeing this, Shen Haosheng hesitates and slowly releases his hand holding the knife.

If Lin Yang can break the knife with his finger, it can be seen that Lin Yang's physical strength is extraordinary.

I'm afraid you can't kill Dr. Lin by sneaking in like this.

What to do?

Shen Haosheng's heart was heavy, and his heart had already lost its bottom.

But if you don't, xuenan prison won't do it!

That guy is crafty and cunning. Although he said he was not afraid of Dr. Lin, he would not show up at will when he saw so many strong men.

If you don't want to do it, xuenan prison won't show up. You'll have to settle accounts after autumn, and the Shen family will be finished.

What can we do about it?

Shen Haosheng was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, his face covered with cold sweat.

At this time, Lin Yang suddenly said, "don't you start?"

Shen Haosheng suddenly shudders and looks up at Lin Yang.

And Lin Yang also stares at him, look calm.

"Dr. Lin, what are you talking about? What do you do? " Shen Haosheng smiles.

"I have seen the dagger on your waist! If you suddenly attack at such a short distance, you will have a good chance. But if you are hesitant, don't you miss a good opportunity? " Lin Yang road.

It turned out that his every move was under the eyes of Dr. Lin...

SHEN Haosheng's face was constantly changing. Finally, he gritted his teeth, fell down on his knees and kowtowed to Lin Yang.

"Dr. Lin, it's not Haosheng who wants to attack you. It's really... It's the old fox's persecution in xuenan prison...

" xuenan prison? " Lin Yang eyebrows move: "six arm devil?"

"Good, Shen Haosheng! How dare you betray me! I want you to die without a burial place! "

At the moment when Shen Haosheng confessed to Linyang, a grand voice came out.

Then a wind of blood rushed towards it.


Yuan Xing was angry and jumped up and collided with the blood wind.


There was a dull sound in the air.

I saw the two figures separated in the air.

Yuan Xing fell back and swayed wildly.

And another figure is xuenan prison.

His body is also constantly shaking, and when he stands firm, his eyes stare at Yuan Xing with consternation.

"Who are you? What a deep internal force

"Old man Yuanxing! How dare you hurt God? Can't you die? " Yuan Xing hummed.

"Yuan Xing?" Xuenan prison thought about it, and suddenly his face changed. He lost his voice and said, "are you the supreme elder Yuan Xing of the Eastern Emperor cult?"


"The God King you said... Is it the emperor of the east?"

"Yes! Dr. Lin is the emperor of Donghuang sect Yuanxing cold channel."It's really amazing! It turns out that Dr. Lin has such energy! But Yuanxing, do you think I'm afraid of you? You alone can't stop me! Whoever I want to kill will die! " Xue Nan prison hums coldly.

"Oh? Xuenan prison, are you so good? How do I know? " Another voice came out.

It was Cao Songyang.

"Elder Taishang of the ancient school?" Xuenan prison knew Cao Songyang, and his face became strange again.

A yuan star has been quite difficult, plus Cao Songyang... No wonder Shen Haosheng will bow to Dr. Lin.


Xuenan prison took a breath.

"You are the six armed devil blood South prison."

Lin Yang stepped forward.


"Are you here to avenge your apprentice?"

"Ha ha, Doctor Lin! No one in the world dares to provoke me to the bloody South prison. I admit that you have great energy, but it doesn't matter. Let's wait and see. As long as the old devil I don't die one day! I don't think you will be at peace! "

Xuenan prison was cold and smiling. He turned around and wanted to escape.

"Stop him."

Lin Yang said quietly.

"Come on

"Xuenan prison, tie my hands!"

Yuan Xing, Cao Songyang and other experts all killed in the past.

"Doctor Lin, let's wait and see."

Blood South prison low roar, people again blood wind, run away towards the distance.

"Go? Where can you go? "

Lin Yang's eyes are ferocious, a little pace, and catch up.

There was a burst of killing intent. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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