Lin Yang will never let the tiger return to the mountain.

The potential threat must be eliminated. Otherwise, with the strength of the southern prison with blood, if you stab Lin Yang in the back, it will be impossible to prevent.

Thinking of this, Lin Yang ran all the way, speed to the limit.

Yuan Xing, Cao Songyang and others were encircled.

However, in terms of speed, xuenan prison has the upper hand.

A lot of experts chase, incredibly hard to catch up with!

"Doctor Lin! This bloody prison is proficient in lightness skill! It's hard for us to catch up Cao Songyang side head, low drink way.

Lin Yang frowned, looking at the more and more distant blood South prison, cold hum, raised his hand and waved.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh...

a large number of silver needles burst out of the palm immediately, rushing towards xuenan prison like a meteor.

Xuenan prison felt the silver needle coming from behind, and his face changed with fright. He immediately slapped his back hand, and the blood wind burst out of his palm.


Under the influence of the blood wind, the silver needle flight track of those flying shuttles became loose. When they approached xuenan prison, they could be easily avoided.

However, because of these silver needles, the escape speed of xuenan prison has been reduced a lot.

Yuan Xing, Cao Songyang and other experts took advantage of the situation to pursue.

"Damn it!"

Xuenan prison knows that once caught up, it is bound to die! Immediately a bite of teeth to urge all efforts to continue to run forward.

Lin Yang waved the needle again.

This time he didn't mind.

But he obviously underestimated the power of Linyang silver needle.

Whew! Whew! Chi...

a few silver needles were on his back. In an instant, a tingling sensation like electric current hit the whole body of xuenan prison.

In an instant, the whole body of xuenan prison trembled and trembled violently. He could not run forward.


He let out a cry, the whole person fell to the ground, rolled several laps before stopping.

That's a disgrace!

"Xuenan prison! Now it depends on where you are going to escape! "

Drink and shout.

Yuan Xing strides forward, a clasp xuenan prison's shoulder, intending to take off one of his arms, in order to waste his fighting power.

But xuenan prison suddenly turned around and hit him.


The fist split into countless shadow, just like a surging wave, attacking and killing.

Yuanxing breathed and retreated immediately.

Xuenan prison takes advantage of the situation and wants to flee.

But when he stood there, he found himself surrounded.

It's hard to fly.

"Xuenan prison, give up. You can't leave today." Cao Songyang said without expression.

"Well, it seems that I have underestimated Dr. Lin! Although Dr. Lin is young, he has a lot of methods! This time, I will accept the old devil Xuenan prison said coldly, "but I don't think there is a deep blood feud between us, Doctor Lin! There's no need to kill them all? "

"I don't like to let the tiger return to the mountain! Any potential threat to me is like a stick in my throat, but I'm not happy! If I don't kill you now, and if you retaliate in the future, will I not sleep and eat hard? " Lin Yang came along, expressionless.

"Ha ha, Doctor Lin, I know your worries. In this way, I apologize to you and swear that I will not pursue the killing of my apprentice by you, and I will not avenge my apprentice again! You let me go. It's good for you and for me! " Blood South prison road.

"Good for me, too?" Lin Yang squinted: "killing you is good for me!"

"Ha ha ha ha, Doctor Lin, you don't know me! You really think I'm dead and I'm free? You're wrong! If I die in your hands today, your troubles will only continue, because the people behind me will try their best to find revenge on you, and you will be even more troubled by sleep and food! " Xuenan prison laughs.

"The man behind you? As far as I know, aren't you free? Who will avenge you if you are alone Cao Songyang frowned.

"Have you ever heard of the blood demon sect Xue Nan prison squints and laughs.

"Blood demon sect?"

Cao Songyang and Yuanxing lost their voices at the same time.

The rest of us are at a loss.

"What is the blood demon sect?"

"Never heard of it."

People whispered and confused.

So is Lin Yang.

"What sect is that?" Lin Yang asked.

But see yuan star busy embrace fist way: "return to God gentleman! Blood devil sect is the first evil way! However, it has been hidden for hundreds of years and rarely exists in the secular world. My subordinates don't know much about this sect. However, one thing can be understood: the strength of this sect is extraordinary and extraordinary, which can be understood by many people. Moreover, the blood demon sect is ferocious and frightening, and can not be enemies with it! "

"Our ancient school knows something about the blood demon sect. According to our information, the blood demon sect has always wanted to join the WTO, but it has been suppressed by various forces, so it is so low-key! Otherwise, I'm afraid that there will be a bloodbath in the martial arts circle of China. " Cao Songyang shook his head."How about the ancient school of blood demons?" Lin Yang asked.

"In front of the blood demon sect, our ancient sect is just a firefly flying in front of the bright moon. The blood demon sect doesn't care about our small role at all, otherwise we would have succumbed to them." Cao Songyang said hoarsely.

"Is it?"

Lin Yang's face did not change, but his heart was shocked.

Is the blood demon sect so powerful?

"No wonder the strength of this six armed demon is so vicious and ferocious. It turns out that he learned from the blood demon sect!" Yuan Xing side head, low cry: "God King, you see..."

Lin Yang did not speak, hesitated.

Xuenan prison laughs and complacent.

This is his dependence!

He believed that Dr. Lin was a rational man.

I also believe that Dr. Yilin's energy, no matter how huge, is absolutely impossible to fight against the blood demon sect!

At this time, Lin Yang suddenly raised his head and stepped forward.

"Why didn't you hear that a powerful sect like the blood demon sect would attend the meeting?" Lin Yang Li is in front of xuenan prison, pulling out the silver needle of his birth.

"Didn't you say that just now? Our blood demon sect has always wanted to join the WTO, but it has been blocked by many forces. Otherwise, how can we not attend the meeting? After all, the conference benefits, but everyone covets! But it doesn't matter, Dr. Lin, please let me go. When I go back to the blood demon sect and report this to my ancestor, my blood demon sect has always wanted to find a spokesperson to take part in the meeting in place of our blood demon sect! Doctor Lin, I think you are quite suitable! What do you think? " Blood South prison smile way.


"Yes, our blood demon sect will give you unimaginable benefits and support you! Those who can cooperate with my blood demon sect are the blessings of several generations. Dr. Lin, you should cherish them. Not everyone can have such an opportunity. Ha ha ha Xuenan prison laughs.

He got it. He compromised.

But in the next second.


A strange voice rang out.

Then he saw the right arm of xuenan prison suddenly fly empty, and the blood gushed like a column.

The smile on xuenan prison's face suddenly froze.

People around me were also stunned.

He was stunned to the side, only to find that his right arm was pulled off by Lin Yangsheng , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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