With Liu Er Ye's voice coming out, the air at the scene solidified instantly.

Fu Wu was even more startled and retreated. His eyes widened and he looked at Liu Er ye in disbelief.

After a while, he just shivered and cried: "fart! How could my brother die? Who do you think he is? Don't talk nonsense here

Fu Wu would never believe it, let alone accept...

"Fu Wu, how did you talk to my second uncle?" Blue hair angrily said.

Liu Er Ye raised his hand and motioned to Lanmao not to speak. Then he glared at Fu Wu and gritted his teeth and said, "Fu Wu, can you contact Ku long recently?"

Fu Wu breathed.


Contact a fart!

Don't mention Ku long. He can't even contact one of the people around him. All of these people are missing. Even KTV is closed.

Although Fu Wu realized that something should have happened, he was relieved to think about the energy of Ku long in Jiangcheng.

In Jiangcheng, what's wrong with brother Gan? Don't worry. Don't worry about it!

Fu Wu tried to comfort himself.

But the next second, Liu Er Ye gave an amazing story.

"Since we can't get in touch with each other, we can already explain the problem. Fu Wu, you can put away your little bit of careful thinking. Chang Bo is gone, and Gong Xiyun is already working for Lin Dong. As for your brother Ku long, there should be something wrong with him! There is no one in the gray zone in Jiangcheng! I advise you to apologize to Mr. Lin, or you will bear the consequences! "

Liu Er ye said coldly.

It can be said that all the people's skulls have been shaken out.

Fu Wu is a soft legs, a buttock sitting on the ground.

The three pillars of Jiangcheng grey zone... Are they all gone?


Who can believe it?

But this kind of words comes from Liu Er Ye's mouth!

What he said... Can it be false?

People were panicked and their scalp tingled.

At this time, people knew why the second master of the Liu family was so respectful and afraid of Lin Yang.

However, Liu Er ye took a deep breath, pulled blue hair and stood in front of Lin Yang.

"You, kneel down!" Liu Er Ye rushes to blue hair road.

"Second uncle, you... Do you want me to kneel for him?" Lanmao was shocked.

Liu Er Ye held out his hand, and the man next to him took out an iron bar and handed it to him.

Without saying a word, Liu Er Ye smashed the blue hair's knee.



Blue hair made a painful sound, the whole person directly rolled on the ground, holding his broken knee, crying bitterly.

Liu Er ye took the iron bar again and smashed it hard at the other leg of blue hair.


Another crisp sound came out.

Blue hair fainted directly because of the intense pain.

"Second master!"

The Liu family in the back can't even see it.

However, Liu Er Ye didn't pay attention to it. He looked at Lin Yang and said, "Lin... Lin Dong, are you satisfied with this

Lin Yang calmly gazed at the faint blue hair and shook his head again.

Liu Er Ye didn't dare to hesitate. Knowing that he couldn't, he swung the iron stick and waved it at Lanmao's two arms.



a startling sound sounded.

The faint blue hair was awakened by the pain again and fainted again.

The whole person is no longer human.

"Are you satisfied with Mr. Lin?" Liu Er Ye's hands shaking with the iron bar.

If Lin Yang is not satisfied, he doesn't know where to fight.

I'm afraid the next stroke will kill blue hair...


Finally, Lin Yang made a sound.

This sound, Liu Er Ye spits hard.

He closed his eyes and thought that he had made a decision, that is, he bent his knees and knelt down directly.

Countless people at the scene lost their eyes on the spot.

"Mr. Lin, I'd like to take all the property of the Liu family out on behalf of the Liu family and give it to you. In addition, we Liu family are willing to leave Jiangcheng overnight and swear that we will never return to Jiangcheng in this lifetime! I just hope Mr. Lin can forgive me for my stupidity and ignorance and spare me the Liu family! "

Finish saying, unexpectedly is to Lin Yang heavy knock a head.

Fu Wu opened his mouth and breathed quickly.

Fat people, short hair women and a group of rich second generation, eyes are falling out of the eye socket.

That's Mr. Liu!

Although not comparable to the three giants, but in Jiangcheng is also a prominent figure! But in front of this person, it is so humble and pitifulHow much energy does Lin Dong have?

People are so sweaty that they dare not breathe.

This time, even Fu Wu realized what Liu Er ye said... Even if it was true...

Lin Yang patted the ash on his body, and then gave Liu Er ye a faint look: "where is ancestor worship?"

"I... I'll arrange for the grave to be moved." Liu Er Ye whispered.

"No need." Lin Yang said: "the dead are big and the land is not good. Every year, your Liu family can return to Jiangcheng to worship their ancestors. In addition, half of your Liu family's assets are left to take away, and the other half is donated to me to poor mountainous areas! Tomorrow afternoon at five, this is your deadline, this is your last chance

Hearing this, Liu Er Ye bowed excitedly: "thank you, Lin Dong!"

Lin Yang nodded and looked at Fu Wu.

Fu Wu and the fat man were so scared that they could not stand still.

"Who are the students? Step forward. "

People were trembling. They didn't know what Lin Yang was going to do, but they did.

Lin Yang glanced at Fu Wu's body for several times. He said, "all the students, run 100 laps along Yanjiang Road immediately. You are not allowed to leave until you finish running. You can handle the rest of the people, Liu Er Ye! Don't kill

With that, he went straight to his 918, got on the bus and ignited it.

Seeing Lin Yang leave, Liu Er Ye sits on the ground, gasping.

"Second master!"

The people behind him quickly picked him up.

"Quick, take this animal to the hospital for treatment. Don't treat it too deeply. Just wrap it up and transfer it to other provinces!" Liu Erye was busy.

"Second master, do we really want to leave Jiangcheng?" Some people are reluctant to ask.

"Why not? Do you want to die? Immediately do as Lin Dong said, immediately inform the owner, inform the people, and move out of Jiangcheng immediately... By the way, there are also these people, you stay to supervise, let these students run 100 laps, anyone who dares to be lazy will be thrown into the river to feed the fish! As for these people, break a leg for me Liu Er Ye yelled at Fu Wu and others.


"No! No

"Mr. Liu, what are you doing?"


Those rich second generation who have never seen such a battle, one by one shrieking, running around.

But it was useless. Soon, they were seized by the Liu family and broke their legs one by one.

As for Fu Wu's group, they were running in agony.

A hundred laps. I'm afraid I can't finish it even at dawn?

But if you don't run, those rich second generation with broken legs will end up.

Looking at the miserable appearance of those people, how dare Fu Wu be lazy?



after solving the problem of the Liu family, Lin Yang drove straight to the hospital.

Soon, 918 into the door of the hospital, Lin Yang along the number of Ma Hai said to find Xu Shuangxuan in the ward.

There was a man in black on the chair outside the ward, who was sent by the Xu family to protect Xu Shuangxuan. At the moment, all the people in and out of the ward door came to visit Xu Shuangxuan. Most of them were from Jiangda University, including teachers and students.

In addition, there is also a psychological counselor.

After all, Xu Shuangxuan's affair was her own fault. She had a hidden disease, but she would not listen to her advice. After drinking that cup of wine, she would have such an end. I can't blame anyone.

Lin Yang stood at the door waiting.

At 11 o'clock, all the visitors had left, and he entered the ward.

Xu Shuangxuan's face is very haggard, the whole person lies on the bed as if dead, her eyes are red, her face is full of tears, and she has lost a lot of weight, and she is not as young and beautiful as she was at the beginning.

Her eyes were fixed on the ceiling.

When Lin Yang came, she didn't react at all. It seemed that she was not interested in everything around her...

Lin Yang sat down by the bed, picked up an apple on the head cabinet and peeled it.

Xu Shuangxuan seemed to realize that someone came. After seeing Lin Yang, her pupils shrank and she said hoarsely: "what? Are you here to laugh at me


Lin Yang put the peeled apple in his mouth and took a bite. He chewed and said, "how about it? Xu Shuangxuan, do you regret it? "

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