Hearing Lin Yang's words, Xu Shuangxuan's breath was immediately breathless.

She glared at Lin Yang, and then her pretty face became ferocious, angry and painful.

"You... You shut up! Get out of here! Go away

She cried hysterically.

If her body can move, she will not hesitate to jump up from the hospital bed, grab the next thing to smash Lin Yang.

It's a pity that she can't do anything except her mouth now...

Lin Yang doesn't speak and keeps looking at her.

She can only look at Lin Yang powerless.

Finally, Xu Shuangxuan cried with a cry.

Tears were falling from the corners of her eyes.

Although she has cried many times in the past few days, no one is more cruel than this one.

Because others dare not ask Lin Yang this question.


Xu Shuangxuan's intestines are going to be green.

She had a hidden disease, but in order to take care of the face of the students, in order to stabilize the relationship between the students, she forced to drink that glass of wine, which led to this situation. If she could come back again, she would only pour that glass of wine on the faces of those who encouraged them to drink.

And since the accident, most of the students who advised them to drink did not come to see her, for fear that she would blame her.

At this moment, Xu Shuangxuan understood what human feelings were and what a false friend was...

the ward was full of Xu Shuangxuan's whimpering voice. Lin Yang ate an apple and ignored her.

I don't know how long it took Xu Shuangxuan to stop crying.

"What's the use of regret now?" she sobbed? I'm already like this. If you want to laugh, you can laugh... "

" I'm not a person who likes to gloat. I'm here at the request of your uncle. Xu Shuangxuan, I ask you, if you can recover, get out of bed and walk, and live like a normal person, are you willing to change for this

"I will, but what can I do? There is no hope in my life Xu Shuangxuan said hoarsely, turning and closing his eyes, no longer to see Linyang.

I don't know how long it took. Xu Shuangxuan suddenly felt a slight tingling sensation coming from his neck, as if he had been bitten by a mosquito. Then he felt sleepy and entered his dream.

The next morning, the birds were singing outside the window.

Xu Shuangxuan opened his eyes and stretched his waist as usual.

I'm afraid last night was the most comfortable night she's had in a year.

She walked out of bed and opened the curtains until the sun came into the room. She realized something. The whole person looked at her hands, her feet, and then screamed with joy.

After leaving the hospital, Lin Yang went back to the hospital to sleep.

But the current hospital doesn't feel right for him.

After all, Luo Qian has moved out of the Luo family and lives in the hospital. The two men are facing each other. Lin Yang thinks it's OK for him to be alone. But he is afraid that other girls will have a lot of inconvenience. After thinking again and again, he decides to let Ma Hai arrange a house for himself.

Or, it's time to buy a suite yourself.

With the withdrawal of the Liu family, Gong Xiyun has basically integrated the gray area of Jiangcheng.

Kang Jiahao and Ji Wen also provided all kinds of criminal evidence about Xiao Yi to the above. Xiao Yi had to be stripped off his skin if he was not dead this time. A series of means of attacking Yanghua by the southern faction were all defeated.

And Ma Hai is also according to Lin Yang said, began to launch a crazy attack on Shangyu group.

Shangyu group has suffered a lot, and its market value has shrunk wildly. In recent days, a series of internal management problems have broken out. Four of the core backbones have been eliminated, and all departments have been greatly integrated.

Of course, Shangyu group is not good, and so is Yanghua. After all, Shangyu group is a giant. It's not so easy to wrestle with them. Now Yanghua is totally injuring the enemy by 800 and losing 1000. However, this is Lin Yang's death order, and Ma Hai can only follow it.

The commercial war between Yanghua and Shangyu group also attracted the attention of numerous capitalists at home and abroad.

No one thought that Yanghua would be so crazy. I'm afraid that the chairman of Shangyu group is now upset to death! If they had known that Yanghua group had been so aggressive, how could they have provoked these madmen?

The next morning, Luo Qian opened the door of the hospital and continued to open business.

This is to ask Linyang to see a doctor, but Lin Yang slipped out of the door early and went to the villa area on the Bank of Jiangcheng lake.

This is a newly opened real estate called shijihaoqing. It sells Jiangjing villas with an inch of land and gold. It is said that Mahai has also made a set of villas here, but it is the cheapest villa.

Although Mahai is a well-known celebrity in Jiangcheng, he is not the richest person in Jiangcheng, let alone him, and so are the four big families.

After all, Jiangcheng is also a big city, where crouching tiger, hidden dragon, low-key big man everywhere!On the table, it will never be the strongest.

Lin Yang carried a card in his pocket, which was given to him by Zheng Nantian. There was a subsidy from the top. Ma Hai didn't spend all the money by calling Shangyu. There was also a deposit of more than one billion yuan.

"Would you like to see the house, sir?"

The salesgirl at the door with a smile said to Lin Yang.

Although Lin Yang's clothes are very poor, but her good professional quality is not low enough to let her look down on others.

"Well, is there any good house to introduce to me?" Lin Yang asked.

"This way, sir." The sales lady laughed, but there was still a touch of helplessness and disgust in the bottom of her eyes.

Since the beginning of the century, it has become popular on the Internet because of the high price.

This is the most expensive real estate in Jiangcheng, and even in China, it is rare.

The owner of this building aims to turn this place into the most luxurious residence in China. Therefore, every day, a lot of anchors or ordinary people come here to visit and understand. At first, these saleswomen do not know the purpose of these people, and they will explain them one by one.

However, with more and more people coming to visit and see the excitement, even the sales lady has lost her patience. Therefore, when introducing Lin Yang, she can also be as simple as possible. The price is quoted at the beginning, and almost every set is no less than 20 million yuan.

Lin Yang listened carefully, and his eyes were always on those models of equal scale.

At this moment, however, a harsh voice sounded.

"Ah? Are you not that... Xiaoyan's husband? "

As soon as this saying fell, Lin Yang slightly turned his head, but saw a woman with heavy make-up and a man with a big back, standing beside him.

"I remember you... You are Xiao Yan's friend Wang Muyan? Hello Lin Yang said hello.

"Cut, don't get close to me. I'm friends with Xiaoyan, not with you!" Wang Muyan chuckled.

Lin Yang is not an uninteresting person. Since the other party says so, don't pay attention to it.

"Xiaoyan, who is this man?" The handsome man nearby asked with a smile.

"Honey, don't you know? Lin Yang! It's su Yan's husband in Jiangcheng's su family, who lives in the Su family in Linyang! " Wang Muyan deliberately raised the voice a few degrees.

People around the house looked sideways.

Lin Yang frowned.

The handsome man patted his head and suddenly realized: "Oh... I remember! Is that the soft rice king? It's said that you have to have a wife to support you. What a loser

As soon as this word came out, the sales lady's face suddenly changed.

What kind of house does a soft rice King come to see? That's a waste of her time...

"Hey, what are you doing here? Buy a house? Can you afford it, you poor man Wang Muyan covered his lips and laughed. His eyes towards Lin Yang were full of sarcasm.

But Lin Yang is all ignore him, continue to look at those real estate model.

Seeing this, Wang Muyan was very angry and said, "Lin Yang, I'm talking to you! Don't you hear me

"We are not friends. If you talk to me, why should I pay attention to you?" Lin Yangtou did not return, said calmly.

"You... What do you say?" Wang Muyan was so angry that she doubted her ears for a time.

Su Yan's wimp husband, how dare you refute yourself like this?

"No, my husband helped you?" Wang Muyan immediately turned around and took the arm of the man with big back and said coquettishly.

"Don't worry, baby," he said

With a smile on his back, he turned to the salesgirl and said, "you, I'll send someone to drive this poor man out, and I'll fix you a house right away!"

"It's not very good, sir?" Sales miss some excited, but also hesitated very much.

If she can sell one set, she has a lot of commission, but she has no right to drive away the guests...

"don't worry about public opinion. My aunt is a TV station, and such a small matter can't be on the news! If you do, I can add another one and pay a deposit for two apartments today The man with big back said with a smile.

This word, directly let the people around the cold, exclaimed.

The sales lady couldn't help it. She turned to Lin Yang with a smile on her face and said, "this guest... I have already introduced everything that should be introduced. If you don't buy a house, can you please leave? You will affect other guests!"

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