"Who said I didn't buy a house?"

Lin Yang was angry and glanced at the sales lady.

, Wang Muyan immediately laughed uproarious: "ha ha ha ha, you can afford a woodlouse here? Stop bragging here! Do you add up to a hundred dollars? "

When people around heard Wang Muyan's piercing words, they could not help laughing.

"You said you wanted to buy a house? Yes, I don't ask you to pay down payment. How about a deposit? " The man with big back said with a smile.

"I don't seem to have anything to do with you? What are you doing here Lin Yang asked.

"OK, OK, we don't join in the fun. You buy it, you buy it!" The man with big back shrugged his shoulders and looked at the sales lady.

The sales lady understood, squinted and said with a smile, "this gentleman, I don't know which suite you like?"

"He farts. He's just pretending to be forced here. He's such a pauper. I'm afraid he can't afford to buy a toilet here. You'd better get rid of him as soon as possible. Don't affect everyone's house watching!" Wang Muyan spat.

"If you don't let him go, I won't buy a house." The man with big back also sneered.

"Sir, if you don't make a quick decision and ask for a deposit, we can only take mandatory measures to let you leave." The sales lady is also a little anxious, the professional smile on her face is gradually disappearing, and her tone has become poor.

"Is that the attitude of you in the sales department?" Lin Yang gave birth to the airway.

"You can complain."

"I asked for a change in the service staff." Lin Yang light road.

"No one else has time." The sales lady shook her head.

"Is it?" Lin Yang snorted and looked at a girl in her early twenties: "are you also the seller here? How would you like to pick up my business? "

"Ah... This... I... I'm just a summer job. I just went to work on my first day. I... I don't know a lot of apartment types..." the girl was very nervous and stammered.

"It doesn't matter. Just tell me which house is the most expensive." Lin Yang road.

"The most... The most expensive? It's probably this one... "The girl pointed to a suite in the middle of the model.

The house is located in the center of the building, with the largest area. It is hollowed out and surrounded by river water. It seems that the center of the building is drawn in a circle, and the land is king.

Lin Yang nodded and said, "OK, that's it. You can handle the transfer procedures for me right away."

"Oh, good... Ok..." the girl nodded, a little confused, but still ran down.

"Ha ha ha..."

there was a lot of laughter all around.

"Purple, what are you doing? stop! Do you really think this pauper will buy your house? Don't you know you've been fooled The sales lady here glared at the young girl in anger.

"Sister Wen, I..."

"what are you? Stay away Call Wen elder sister's sales Miss secretly scold way.

"But... Sister Wen, since other guests have made requests, we have to meet them. How can you use this attitude..." the girl called Xiaozi said weakly.

"You..." Wen's face rose red, but she could only bear to see so many guests around.

"The supervisor is not in. I'm sure I want you to look good when the supervisor comes." Wen elder sister secretly toward that small purple way.

Small purple face light change, but did not speak, but quietly ran to prepare procedures for Lin Yang.

Sister Wen stomped her feet angrily.

"What's wrong with your sales department? If you don't solve such a troublemaker, I don't think you want to sell your house! " The man with a big back was unhappy.

"Husband, no, let's change places." Wang Muyan is also angry.

This word can frighten sister Wen. She hasn't opened today. How can she watch the fat sheep run away?

"Two, please wait a moment. I'll call the supervisor right now." Sister Wen ran down to make a phone call.

As long as the supervisor agreed, she asked the security guard to throw the man out.

After all, she has not the right to evict the guests.

"Then hurry up. If you slow down, I won't buy it." Yelled the man with a big back.

"Is... Is..." Wen elder sister accompany smiling face busy way.

Lin Yang didn't have much expression on his face, just sat there silently, waiting for Xiaozi to get the contract.

He ignored all the ridicule and ridicule around him.

Soon, little purple came with a stack of documents.

"Hello, sir, you just need to sign these contracts, and then follow me to the front desk to pay. The current price of this house is 530 million yuan, and the richest man needs at least 100 million yuan to start. If you want to apply for loans, our company will take full responsibility." Purple said with a smile.

As soon as he said this, several people around him couldn't help laughing.Wang Muyan, big back head are a pair of joking expression, looking at Lin Yang.

500 million houses! 100 million down payment? Isn't that bullshit?

Even if it's big back head, they just buy two cheaper houses, and they have to borrow money. Can they have the financial resources?

Many people are watching Lin Yang with a smile and waiting for what excuse he will use to get rid of this later.

However, the next second, Lin Yang suddenly opened his mouth.

"Loans? Can't I pay in full? "

The scene was silent for a moment.

Small purple also muddled, eyes open huge, small mouth light open, the appearance is very lovely.

"But... Yes, of course... Yes..." little purple stuttered.

"Well, when can I pay?"

"Now... It's ok..."

"arrange it for me, I'm in a hurry."

"Ah... Oh... Yes, sir. Just a moment." Small purple quiver way, spin and then ran out.

A moment later, people took a POS machine, and Lin Yang took the card directly.

"Drop! Payment succeeded! "

The sound of mechanization came out, and then saw the machine spit out an invoice, the invoice amount is all zero.

The whole sales department is stupid.

Little purple is also confused.

To be honest, she didn't believe that this person could afford the most expensive suite in the middle. She just followed the professional ethics to serve Linyang, but she didn't expect that... This man is a real hidden local tyrant.

Little purple shivered.

The commission given to her from this bill is astronomical. She is afraid that she will no longer have to worry about tuition fees.

As for the people around me, they were shocked.

Especially big back head and Wang Muyan.

"This... Is this fake? He must be lying. He's a loser. How could he have 500 million? It must be false! " Wang Muyan points to Linyang road tremblingly.

I can't believe it.

At this time, a chubby, bespectacled middle-aged man trotted in from outside, handed Lin Yang a business card, and said with a smile, "Hello, sir, I'm the manager of this Sales Department. This is my business card. From today on, you are the top VIP of our century pride. Please call me if you have any questions."

"No more." Lin Yang raised his hand and directly refused: "I have a bad impression on your sales department. I originally wanted to buy more sets. It's a pity that the quality of your staff here is not very high. If it wasn't for the girl's enthusiasm, maybe I wouldn't have bought this one."

"It's going to happen?" The sales manager frowned and inquired about the general situation of the people beside him. His face changed suddenly. He directly directed at sister Wen and said, "you, pack up your things and get out of here."

"Manager, I..."

"what is the professional ethics in this field? Treat people equally, whether rich or not, they are our guests! Your attitude is not suitable for this line of work. Let's go Sales Manager cold hum.

Wen elder sister hears the voice, looks like dead gray, the heart incomparable regret.

Originally, this order was her...

"I didn't expect you to be so rich, but it's a pity that you have money! I don't care! " That big back head hums a smile, to the manager way: "you come over, introduce me two houses!"

"Good guest!" The sales manager was busy with a smile.

"Slow down!"

Lin Yang called out.

"What else can I do for you, my guest?" The sales manager asked.

"I won't allow you to sell them houses! I don't like these two poor people. If you sell their house, I'll cancel the deal immediately. " Lin Yang light road.

As soon as this word fell, Wang Muyan and big back head's faces changed in horror.

"What are you talking about? You call us poor Wang Muyan was furious.

"You have paid all the money. Do you want to cancel it if you say so?" He hummed.

"Maybe you have a few money, but your spirit is too poor, I have not signed the contract, so at present, this house purchase contract has no legal effect." Lin Yang said.

Big back head's face suddenly changed.

"That... I'm sorry, this guest. Our house is sold out at present." The sales manager said with a smile.

"You..." big back head angry speechless.

You're kidding. Can a 500 million list compare with this 230000 list? Don't say that the big back sells two sets. Even if you buy 20 sets, you can't compare with Lin Yang.

The so-called professional ethics is just to say. At present, the sales manager knows which is more important.

With Lin Yang's words, big back head knows he can't buy a house.

"Let's go!"

"Are you just going? Useless stuff? What are you afraid of him for? " Wang Muyan was so angry that he swore directly at his big back.

"Bitch, shut up!" Big back head upset, a slap in the face of Wang Muyan.Wang Muyan covered her face and looked at him strangely.

Big back head did not say a word and left angrily.

"You wait for me!" Wang Muyan stares at Lin Yang fiercely and turns to leave.

Lin Yang didn't pay any attention and signed the contract directly.

The sales manager is relieved and spits out his breath.

The little purple Leng in situ, obviously thought he was dreaming.

I didn't expect that on her first day at work, she completed a large order of 500 million yuan...

many people were incredible. Only when someone remembered something, they rushed to take pictures of Lin Yang with their mobile phones and planned to show a good show in the circle of friends. But now that Lin Yang has gone out of the door, only his back can be photographed...

however, just as Lin Yang just walked out of the sales department, one of them There's a call.

It's Mahai's...

"can I help you Lin Yang asked.

Ma Hai on the other side of the phone hesitated and said carefully: "Mr. Lin, your father-in-law and mother-in-law... Have an accident...

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