Leaving the sales department, Lin Yang rushed to the hospital.

To the people's Hospital, Zhang Qingyu has been sent to the emergency room.

Su Guang was wrapped in gauze and groaned in the hospital bed. Several comrades in uniform were questioning them.

Mahai is here.

He is waiting for Lin Yang at the door.

Zhang Qingyu and Su Guang are Lin Yang's parents in law, and Mahai naturally gets a snack.

"What happened?"

Lin Yang asked seriously.

"This morning, Zhang Qingyu and Su Guang drove out to Guanghui intersection, and there was an accident. At present, Zhang Qingyu in the co driver's seat is in critical condition, and Su Guang in the driver's seat is in no danger." Ma Hai said.

"Traffic accident?" Lin Yang was stunned.

Can see Ma Hai that hesitant look, Lin Yang suddenly felt something wrong.

"Ma Hai, is there anything else you didn't tell me?" Lin Yang asked.

Ma Hai hesitated and sighed: "according to the images provided by the traffic police, this is not a simple traffic accident, because the vehicle in the accident has been waiting at that intersection until Su Guang and Zhang Qingyu's vehicle passed by, the vehicle suddenly started up, which hit. According to the statement of the perpetrator, he mistakenly stepped on the accelerator when he stepped on the brake But on the screen, it's not like this. The traffic police suspect that it may be a premeditated retaliatory attack. After all, the driver didn't get much injury. According to common sense, Su Guang and Zhang Qingyu were injured, and he could not be intact. However, there was no evidence from the traffic police, which could only be classified as an ordinary traffic accident. "

Lin Yang frowned, thought for a moment, and asked, "what do you think?"

"The car is the license plate of Guangliu." Ma Hai only vomited.

This sentence fell, Lin Yang's eyes stirred with endless anger, also instantly understand.

"Is it the Revenge of opening a family and Yue family? You go and investigate for me, and I must know who wrote it! "

"Don't worry, Lin Dong. I've asked Gong Xiyun to deal with it. I believe there will be results soon. She has a way to deal with this kind of thing." Mahaido.

"That's good." Lin Yang said coldly.

All of a sudden, he seemed to realize something, and quickly drank: "what about Su Yan? Where is she? "

"When I realized that this might not be an ordinary traffic accident, I sent someone to guard Yueyan international as soon as possible. As long as there are suspicious people, they will be taken away as soon as possible, so as to ensure the safety of Miss Su without affecting her. But Miss Su must have received news about it. She should be on her way here."

"Is it?"

Lin Yang vomited and sat on the chair in the corridor.

"Dad, mom!"

At this time, a shrill cry came from the corridor.

Then he saw Su Yan in a professional suit running towards this.

She rushed into the ward and looked at Su Guang on the bed. The whole person was crying like rain and crying.

This time, Su Yan is extremely desperate.

"Xiaoyan, it's OK, it's OK, dad is very good, and your mother will be ok..." Su Guang comforted.

Small Yan heavily nodded, but the small mouth is tightly pursed, tears are still unable to stop.


At this time, the lights in the emergency room went out and several medical staff walked out.

Su Yan gets the news and rushes in the first place.

"Doctor, what's the matter with my mother? How is my mother? " Su Yan's voice trembled and asked eagerly.

"You don't have to worry about your mother." Said the doctor.

"That's good!"

Su Yan breathed hard for a few times, the man covered his lips, and his shoulder trembled gently.

"However, the patient's condition is not stable and needs to be operated again, but the operation cost is very high. If the patient wants to have the next operation, please pay the operation fee first." Said the doctor.

"How much is the operation cost?" Su Yan asked.

"The preliminary estimate is about four million." Said the doctor.

"What? Four million? " Su Yan was stunned.

"Why is it so expensive? Is your hospital too dark? "

"Is this a robbery?"

"What kind of surgery costs millions?"

People nearby were angry and criticized one after another.

The doctor was helpless, shook his head and sighed: "you may have misunderstood the profession of doctors. The price of surgery is not set by us, but by the consumption, drugs, materials, etc. during the operation, we must use the new drug crovin of M country. The market price of this drug is between 3 million. Besides this, there are miscellaneous drugs In fact, 4 million yuan is a conservative estimate. If you don't believe it, you can go to other hospitals to ask. Hospitals in first tier cities can provide such surgery, but the price will never be as cheap as that! "

As soon as this was said, people were silent.Su Yan is pale, people back.

Four million?

Even if she sold the house and the car, she couldn't raise so much money...

"doctor, when is the latest operation?"

"It's better not to exceed three days."

"Well, I'll go and collect the money right away. Please have the operation as soon as possible."


The doctor nodded and left.

Su Yan took out her mobile phone and called her grandfather.

This millions of money is astronomical for her, but it is not difficult for Zhangjia.

But when she dialed Mr. Zhang's phone, there was no one to answer the phone.

Su Yan was impatient and immediately turned to leave.

"Where are you going?" Lin Yang came and stopped her.

"Why are you still in Jiangcheng? Didn't I tell you to leave? " Su Yan glared at him.

"I'm not going to leave."

"You..." Su Yan Qi's face is green, autumn eyes are full of anger, angry way: "since you don't want to leave Jiangcheng, then don't appear in front of me! Get out of here! Go away

Su Yan said wearily.

"Xiaoyan, I know that you must have encountered some problems. I'm still saying that. You can tell me any problems you have. As for mom, I'll pay for the four million yuan operation expenses!" Lin Yang immediately stopped Su Yan and said in a hurry.

"You come out?"

Su Yan slightly Leng, and then anger extremely counter smile: "you have 4 million? You have a fart. Do you have four hundred dollars all over your body? Luo Qian hasn't paid you yet? Where are you going to get four million? Lin Yang, I don't have time to waste time with you right now. Get out of here! Come on

"Xiao Yan, if you don't believe me, I can show it to you now!" Lin Yang sinks.

"Get out of here Su Yan was upset and pushed Lin Yang away.

Lin Yang frowns, never thought Su Yan's emotion is so excited.

But he didn't want to talk to Su Yan any more. He didn't want to hide any more. He had to drag Su Yan's hand to pay the medical expenses.

At this moment, however, a shout came out.

"What are you doing?"

When the voice fell, a young man in a suit came quickly and pulled Lin Yang's hand away.

Lin Yang frowned.

Su Yan breathed out: "brother Hua?"

"Xiaoyan, are you ok?" The visitor asked Su Yan with concern.

"I'm fine." Su Yan shook her head.

Lin Yang's face was cold, staring at the young man, and asked Su Yan: "Xiaoyan, who is he?"

"It's none of your business. Get out of here!" Su Yan drinks cold.

"I'm your husband!" Lin Yang cheered.

"We'll get divorced soon." Su Yan said without expression.

Lin Yang's face turned black.

"Xiaoyan, I received your message and arrived in Jiangcheng early in the morning. Why? Is something wrong with my aunt? Is it serious? " The man who called Hua Shao said with a smile. His attitude was very kind. But when he looked at Lin Yang, he had a sneer in his eyes.

"My mother needs money for surgery. I... I need about 2 million yuan. Brother Hua... Can you lend me some?"

"Only two million? Yes, yes, yes! I'll transfer it to you immediately! " The man said with a smile, a bold and forthright manner, then directly made a phone call, a moment later hung up the phone and said: "within 10 minutes, two million will be transferred to your card!"

"Thank you, brother Hua! I'll pay you back soon! " Su Yan was ecstatic.

"It's OK, it's OK. In fact, it doesn't matter. After all, we've known each other for so long." Big brother Hua said with a smile.

"Thank you..." Su Yan was grateful.

It is undoubtedly the most moving to send charcoal in the snow.

"Xiao Yan, you are so polite. Go to work. If you have time, can we have a meal? You have rejected me many times Big brother Hua said with a smile.

When Su Yan heard the voice, her small face became stiff, hesitated, or nodded: "good..."

as soon as this word fell, Lin Yang's breath would solidify.

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