"Xiaoyan, you are my wife, how can you eat with other men?"

Lin Yang said coldly.

He is also a man. Even if he doesn't have much love for Su Yan, it doesn't matter, because no man wants his wife to eat with other men.

Before Lin Yang was called the green hat king, it was because he was himself, he didn't care.

But he couldn't bear it!

"As I said, we are going to get divorced. What does it matter to you who I eat with? Are you in charge? " Su Yan denounced.

"If I say no, I can't!" Lin Yang cheered.

This kind of thing is not negotiable.

"Lin Yang! You're just a loser in my su family. Why do you manage me Su Yan screamed.

Her voice, the people in the corridor frequently look.

On hearing this, many people pointed out and talked about it.

Ma Hai also frowned, but this is Lin Yang's family affairs, he will not interfere.

Lin Yang didn't know what to say.

Su Yan didn't believe her identity all the time. It seems that she can't accept her identity if she doesn't put everything in front of her...

"forget it, Xiaoyan, or we'd better eat it another day. This is the hospital. If you quarrel with him, it's not good for you, and it's not good for your uncle and aunt, so you'd better not have the same insight with him." Big brother Hua said with a smile.

"You're right. Brother Hua, I shouldn't quarrel with him. I won't eat dinner. I want to take good care of my father and accompany him more during this period." Su Yan said apologetically.

"Yes, go ahead and I'll buy some fruit later."

"Brother Hua, no need."

"Yes, yes, go." Big brother Hua said with a smile.

Su Yan was very moved and said gratefully, "thank you very much, brother Hua!"

With that, he turned back to the ward, and glared at Lin Yang, disgusted in his eyes.

Her impression of Lin Yang is getting worse and worse now.

As soon as Su Yan left, the smile on elder brother Hua's face slowly converged.

He turned his eyes to Lin Yang.

"Are you Lin Yang? I've heard of you. " Big brother Hua said with a smile.

"Who are you?"

"Morning! Your wife's former colleagues. "


"I used to work in your Su's company for two months. At the beginning, I also worked in finance. You may not know. After all, my time in Shenghua group is very short. "

"Is it? How can a person who takes out two million yuan at will run to Shenghua to do things? " Lin Yang frowned.

"Hahaha, what else can it do? Isn't it for your wife Hua manchen squinted close to Lin Yang and said with a smile, "I came to Jiangcheng two years ago and met your wife. I've never seen such a smart woman. At that time, I planned to get your wife. If it wasn't for calling me back, she would have been my girl! Oh, it's said that you have never touched your wife. She is still intact. Tut Tut, it's really exciting to think about it Hua manchen said with a smile, his eyes rippled with fanaticism.

Lin Yang clenched his fist in an instant and wanted to punch him in the past.

But this is the hospital. Zhang Qingyu and Su Guang are still here.

And he also knew that this was huamanchen's words that provoked him intentionally, and the purpose was to make him beat himself.

This huamanchen has a deep mind. The so-called meal just tried to test Su Yan. If Su Yan agreed, it would be better. If he reluctantly agreed, he should think carefully. When Su Yan and Lin Yang had a quarrel, he immediately cancelled the dinner, so as to show his generosity in front of Su Yan.

If Lin Yang beat Hua manchen at this time, Su Yan would know that Su Yan would only hate Lin Yang even more, and at the same time, she would show a great sense of guilt towards China Mancheng. As the ups and downs go on, Su Yan will naturally be taken over by Hua man Chen.

Lin Yang took a deep breath and calmed his excited mood. He said faintly: "as long as there is no divorce, Su Yan is my wife. I advise you to put away your mind and stop playing Su Yan's idea. Otherwise, I can't guarantee what will happen to you in Jiangcheng."

"Ha ha ha ha, what happened? It's up to you? Don't tease me Hua manchen laughed, then squinted and said, "Lin Yang, do you think I don't know you? I know all about you! "

"What do you know?"

"You know Xu family, know Ning family, and even Ma Hai, a senior member of Yanghua group, have some relations with you. Good, very good. Those people say that you are a waste. In fact, they are wrong. You can have a good future with these relationships. Xiaoyan must have misunderstood you, but it's a pity that your interpersonal relationship is nothing in my eyes, you don't know My means! You don't know who I am! You are just a wretch in my eyes And Lin Hua Chen turned down and clapped his voice out of the hospital.Lin Yang stood in place, without saying a word.

"Mr. Lin!"

Mahai came.

"Go, help me pay my mother-in-law's medical expenses, and send someone to solve this Chinese morning!" Lin Yang has no expression.

"Don't worry Mr. Lin, I know what to do."

Mahai nodded and retreated.

Linyang looked at the eye ward, and he left the hospital without saying anything.

The Revenge of home and Vietnam has made him angry. Now he has jumped out of the morning. How can he bear it?

When he returned to luoqian's medical school, it was noon. Luo Qian called for takeaway and ordered a share for Linyang. He sat at the table with Xiaodong for dinner.

Lin Yang has one mouth without one.

"Lin Yang, what's wrong with you?" Luo Qian asked curiously.

"Nothing, right. Have you ever heard of the man Hua Manchu morning?" Linyang asked suddenly.

Luo Qian and Su Yan are good friends. She should know something.

What know Luo Qian listen, face suddenly not natural.

"How do you know the name?"

"It looks like you know." Lin Yang frowned.

"I know, how can I not know? At the beginning, this person quietly smashed a million to your four northern Jiangsu, and then entered the Sheng Hua group of Su family. His purpose was to bubble Su Yan. Xiaoyan didn't mention this person to me. Xiaoyan was almost chased by him, and I picked up her from work at that time, or she would not even go out of the company door. "

"Is it? At the beginning, Xiaoyan didn't tell me about it. "

"What did you look like at the beginning, you should know it yourself, what is the use of telling you? Can Xiaoyan expect you to help her? " Luo Qian did not have good spirit white Lin Yang a glance.

Lin Yang doesn't speak.

"How did you suddenly mention this man?" Ask Luo Qian again.

"He came to Jiangcheng and he also found Xiaoyan." Linyang sink road.

"That's a problem." Luo Qian frowns on the willow eyebrows.

"What? Is this person not in the general background? " Asked Lin Yang.

Luo Qian knows his identity, knowing whether he is not the waste son-in-law Linyang. If it is an ordinary person, it should not be in trouble for him.

"In order to help Xiaoyan get rid of this big trouble, I also asked grandpa to use his relationship to warn the person that he should not harass Xiaoyan. I was warned after grandpa checked it. I didn't know what happened at first. After asking, I knew that this Hua Manchu morning was originally a son from Shanghai family Brother, it is very powerful. Even in Yanjing, it is related. How can people in Jiangcheng break their wrists with him? "

"The people of Shanghai family?" Lin Yang has cold eyes.

"Linyang, I know your skills are not ordinary, but this river city is Jiangcheng, and it is only a small place. You can't take advantage of the family fight over Shanghai. Anyway, you and Xiaoyan will divorce, or you will not interfere with this matter again. This is for you and Xiaoyan..." Luo Qian hesitated and said his ideas.

Linyang smiled, and said: "I have a proper degree, eat."

Luo Qian sighed, knowing that Lin Yang would not stop like this, but also can do it.

At this time, the mobile phone vibrated.

Lin Yang frowned and took out a look. It was Mahai's phone.

"What's wrong?" Asked Linyang.

"Mr. Lin, the action... Failed." The machai road over there.

Linyang heard the sound, and immediately he was stunned.

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