
Lin Ruonan was shocked and screamed. He raised his hand to fight back.

Her speed is very fast, although the palm is not big, but the palm strength that erupts is extremely terrifying.

You can fly a person with almost one hand.

Bang Dang!

A figure fell on the next table, the tableware on the table fell to the ground and smashed.


People in the restaurant screamed.

The staff also ran out in fear, and someone had called the police.

But in a moment and a half, where can the scouts come?

Lin Ruonan can only compete with these people with one person's body.

In the end, however, the two fists were difficult to defeat with four hands. However, within one minute of the fight, Lin Ruonan's body was injured in many places and it was difficult to parry.


Lin Ruonan was kicked to the ground and couldn't get up in pain.

She covered her stomach and her small face was covered with sweat. She looked at the people in front of her in panic and looked at Lin Yang again. She called out, "quick... Help me! Get me out of here


Lin Yang nodded and walked directly over to help Lin Ruonan up.

"Boy, who are you?"

"No way to die?"

The head of the party was ferocious and rushed to Lin Yang.

But at this time, a low drink sounded: "all stop!"


The crowd stopped and looked back.

But I saw a handsome man in Tang costume who did not know when he stood at the gate.

"Who is this?"

"Never before!"

Several people whispered, confused.

"Young man, who are you?" The leading man asked the Tang suit man.

However, the man snorted coldly and said, "I am the owner of this shop! My name is Bao Anshui! It's not suitable for you to make trouble in the shop

"Bao Anshui? The Bowers

Several people's faces changed.

"It's Bao Da Shao. It's disrespectful and disrespectful. Bao Dashao, we have a little misunderstanding with this little girl. We don't know that this store belongs to you. How about this? I'll pay double for all the losses in the shop today. As for the little girl, let's take it and deal with it ourselves, OK? " The suit man squeezed out a smile.

But he's just finished.


Bao Anshui suddenly made a brisk step, just like a whirlwind, and hit the man's face with a slap.


The sound of a crisp slap came out.

The man was immediately fanned to the ground and spit out several bloody teeth directly from his mouth.

"Big brother!"

People were shocked.

"What are you? How dare you take my guests away? What do you really think of yourself? "

Bao An is water-cooled.

The man covered his face, trembling and afraid to speak.


Bao An drank the water from his side.

"Big and little!"

Many people came in from the door, all of them were martial arts experts.

"Take these men down and fix them up!" Bao An Shui drinks a way.


The thugs rushed in and pulled the gang out.

"Bao Shao! no Bao Shao

"Give us a break."

The crowd cried, but could not resist.

Soon, people were pulled out of the Chinese restaurant.

Lin Ruonan looked at this scene in disbelief, and Lin Yang frowned.

Bao Anshui?

When did such a character appear in Jiangcheng?

And the thugs who just came to drag these people away are not ordinary martial arts practitioners!

They are all murderous.

I'm afraid that most of the people who have been dragged away will be disposed of...

"are you OK, miss?" Bao Anshui hurriedly stepped forward and asked Lin Ruonan with concern.

"Ah? I... I'm ok, I'm ok... "Lin Ruonan's cheek is slightly red, and he is busy bowing his head.

"It's all right, miss. I'm really sorry to have surprised you. I'm sorry to have such a thing happen in my restaurant. I'm sorry!" Bao An can't help but blame himself.

"It's OK, it's ok..." Lin Ruo Nan waved his hand.

"Well, miss, I think you've also been hurt. If you don't mind, I'll take you to the traditional Chinese Medicine Museum opened by my house to treat the wound."

"This... Don't need to..." Lin Ruo Nan doesn't want to make extra troubles. After all, she is now a fugitive. Now she has been wanted by the Lin family, so she can't run around any more.

"Miss seems to be worried about me. Otherwise, this is my business card. Miss, if you have any difficulties in the future, whether it is money or personal needs, please call me, I can satisfy you!" Bao Anshui took out a business card and handed it to him.Lin Ruonan was overjoyed and immediately took the business card and said with a smile, "thank you, Bao Shao!"

"Don't mention it!"

Finish saying, take a person to turn to leave.

Lin Ruo Nan also quickly took a good mask and said to Lin Yang, "take me to where you live! I'll stay with you for a while

"What? Didn't you come to help me? Why do you want to stop where I live? " Lin Yang looked at her funny.

"All right, all right, I'll admit it, will you? You guessed it right! " Some of Lin Ruo Nan said.

She knew she couldn't hide it.

However, Lin Yang shook his head and calmly said, "you can go to my place to live, but I have to remind you that you should not involve me!"

"Don't worry, I'll hide it. The Lin family won't find you in any way! After a period of time, the wind is not so tight, I will leave! It won't have any effect on you. I will repay you when I get rid of it! "

"I don't mean the Lin family! The Lin family can't find you for a while! "

"What do you mean Lin Ruonan asked in confusion.

"I mean Bao Anshui!" Lin Yang approached a few minutes, hoarse way: "this person, should not be as simple as you think!"

"Bao Shao? What happened to others? You don't want a dog biting LV Dongbin! Here again slander good people Lin Ruo Nan complained.

"Don't you listen! But I want to make it clear in advance! You can live in my place, but there is one condition, you have to satisfy me! "

"What conditions?"

"I want the latest information about the Lin family right now!"

Lin Yang side head, hoarse said: "about Lin family, you know how much, tell me how much!"

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