"What? Do you want to know about the Lin family? You've been kicked out of the family. What's this for? Do you want to return to the Lin family? "

On the taxi, Lin Ruo Nan snorted coldly and rushed to Linyang road.

"If you don't say so, please go where you like." Lin Yang said quietly.

That's all Lin Ruonan is worth to him.

Her father Lin Ao is a very special person in the Lin family.

Lin Ao is exposed to information about the Lin family. It is impossible for Linyang to send spies to investigate.

In fact, there are already people sent by Yanghua in the Lin family.

But these people are not surnamed Lin in the end, and they can only wander outside the Lin family and have no access to Lin's internal core secrets.

Therefore, Lin Ruonan is useful to Lin Yang. Moreover, her value is immeasurable. Maybe it is of little value, or it is worth a thousand dollars...

"you... Hum, OK! Anyway, the Lin family has been unkind to me, so I don't need to be loyal to them any more! " "Say it, what do you want to know?" Lin Ruo Nan murmured

"Lin's secret, of course! The more confidential the better! " Lin Yang road.

"I'm sorry, I don't know. I didn't hold any position in the Lin family. How could I get any core secrets?" "If you want to ask, just ask something simple, I don't know about complicated things!" Lin Ruo Nan said with both hands holding his chest and cocking his legs

Lin Yang didn't believe it.

Lin Ruonan is Lin Ao's daughter. Lin Ao's contact with Lin's family secrets will never be less. Lin Ruonan is more or less clear. If you don't know, you just don't want to say it.

Lin Yang frowned, thinking about how to dig out more valuable things from Lin Ruonan's mouth.

However, at this time, Lin Ruo Nan suddenly lowered his voice and said, "what? What do you want to know about the Lin family

"You can say it or not, but I don't need to answer your question." Lin Yang shook his head.

"Oh, you're still playing tricks? Think I don't know? Don't you just want to go back to the Lin family? Get it! If you really want to know something useful about the Lin family, you can do it! I can tell you, but you have to mean it Lin Ruo Nan rubbed his fingers and said with a smile.

"You want money?"

"Nonsense, I have no money now, so I need money! If you can afford it, I can give you what you are interested in! "

"Good, deal!"

Lin Yang immediately wanted to take out a bank card from his pocket, but when he was ready to give it to Lin Ruonan, he hesitated, put the bank card away and just put the cash in his pocket in the past!

"Only 500?"

Lin Ruonan was deeply disappointed.

"If you give me enough useful information, I can add it to a thousand!" Lin Yang road.

"A thousand? Hum, others eat soft rice, you also eat soft rice, how can you even eat soft rice do not understand? Poor as this

Lin Ruo Nan shook his head and put away the money: "do you know about the merger of several large domestic steel plants in recent years? In fact, it is the Lin family who has been purchasing steel and collecting equipment for smelting iron recently. It seems that they are building something! But I don't know exactly what it is! "

"Is it?"

Lin Yang touched his chin and fell into meditation.

A moment later, he seemed to think of something, and asked in a low voice: "in addition to steel, has the Lin family purchased a lot of other materials recently?"

But Lin Ruonan was silent.

Lin Yang immediately took out a few banknotes from his pocket and stuffed them in.

"In addition to steel, there are also stones, but not ordinary stones, but a kind of stone called Yunxuan stone!"

"Yunxuan stone?" Lin Yang frowned.

"I heard from my father when he called that the Lin family was ordering people to go to auctions and chambers of Commerce to buy Yunxuan stone. Although it is rare, the Lin family should have a large demand for it." Lin Ruonan said.

Lin Yang nodded his head gently.

Lin Ruo Nan cast a glance at him and chuckled: "do you want me to give you a move?"

"A move?" Lin Yang looked at her in confusion.

"I'll give it to you! You go to check in advance, find out where there is yunxuanshi to sell, and then find several people to ask for the price. In an emergency, you can clean up those people and help the Lin family to get the yunxuanshi smoothly, so that you can naturally ask the Lin family to return to the Lin family! It's time for the Lin family to employ people. They won't refuse your request! " Lin said with a smile.

Lin Yang's brows wrinkled at the sound.

What a stupid way to do it.

However, hearing this, Lin Yang knows that Lin Ruo Nan thought he was inquiring about these things to return to the Lin family.

If there is such a misunderstanding, there is no need to explain it.

"What else can the Lin family do

"No, maybe, but I don't know."

"So, do you have any other valuable clues?"

"Of course, but..." Lin Ruo Nan rubbed his fingers again.Lin Yang didn't have so much cash on him. Seeing that the time was almost right, he said, "Lin Ruo Nan, otherwise, you can open a price! Let's do it now! You said the number I raise money, when the money is in place, you tell me everything you know! How about saving us so much trouble? "

"No problem! Ha ha, in fact, I think so too

"How much do you charge?"

"Money... Oh, I don't want money!"

"What? No money? " For a time, Lin Yang thought he had heard something wrong.

"Yes, I don't want money. I just want you to do one thing for me, and it's done! What do you ask and what I say, I will never hide anything from you! "

"What do you do?" Lin Yang asked in bewilderment.

However, Lin Ruo Nan approached him and said in a low voice: "I heard that you seem to have some contact with Mr. Lin in Yanghua. In this way, you can introduce me to meet Lin Dong. You just have to do it! I'll tell you everything I know! "

Lin Yang thought for a moment and asked in a low voice, "why do you want to see Lin Dong?"

"This has nothing to do with you. I'll ask if you can do it." Lin Ruonan hummed.

Lin Yang was silent for a moment and nodded.

"Good! I'll arrange it for you! "

"Ha ha, you're a little useful. It seems that it's true that the story is true. Lin Dong really takes a fancy to your wife!" Lin Ruonan was very happy and excited. He also became unobstructed.

Lin Yang glanced at her.

But she didn't pay any attention, humming a little song, very proud.

"By the way, if you arrange for me, when can I see Mr. Lin?" Lin asked with a smile.

"Tonight." Lin Yang light road.

"Today... Tonight?" Lin Ruonan was surprised: "so fast?"

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