"What are you going to do?"

"Stop it! Stop it

"Mahai! How dare you do this to me? Aren't you afraid I'll report to Mr. Lin? "

"Asshole! You bastards! I can't spare you! "

"Stop it

Lin Ruonan panicked, screamed and struggled wildly.

But... It doesn't work!

Several security personnel mercilessly threw her out.

Lin Ruonan is disheartened and refuses to leave. He is crazy and rushes inside Chaoyang Hua company.

Under helpless, Ma Hai can only call the police and take Lin Ruonan away.

When Lin Ruo Nan came out of the Bureau, it was already dark.

She was gloomy and trembling with anger.

From childhood to adulthood, has she ever been humiliated like this?

"Asshole! Asshole

"Good, Lin Yang! Good, you Yanghua! I will never let you go! You wait and see, I must pay you 100 times! come to a bad end! You wait for me

Lin Ruonan roared, a tooth would be broken.

But now she is helpless and wanted by the Lin family. How can she get revenge?

It's too hard to move Yanghua!

"Hum, if so, I'll clean up Linyang first! These are all caused by Linyang! Start with him

Lin Ruonan's eyes shook, suddenly thought of something, took out a business card from his pocket, ran to the roadside store to borrow a phone, dialed the number.

"Hello, is this Mr. Bao Anshui?" Lin Ruonan tries to make his voice soft and sweet.

"Are you?"

"Oh, I'm the guest dining in your restaurant today. My name is Lin Ruonan and Bao Shao. Don't you remember?" Lin Ruonan said.

"It's you, ha ha. How can you not remember? Hello, Miss Lin Bao Anshui's laughter came from the phone.

"Bao Shao, do you have time now? I want to see you. " Lin Ruonan hesitated and said in a low voice.

"Miss Lin, do you have any problems?"

"This... Is not a problem. Can we meet and talk?" As if male, Lin's voice was hoarse.

"No problem, Miss Lin, er... Well, I think it's time for dinner. Let's have dinner together. Where are you now? I'll arrange for the driver to pick you up right away, OK? "

"Bao Shao, is that too much trouble?"

"Why, Miss Lin, we are friends." Bao Anshui said with a smile.

Hearing this, Lin Ruonan was moved and pleased.

She knew that Bao'an water had already caught her hand!

Lin Ruonan immediately told the location.

About 10 minutes later, a limited edition Rolls Royce stopped in front of her.

Lin Ruonan was ecstatic and immediately got on the car.




Lin Yang returned to the company.

Since Lin Ruo Nan refuses to continue to cooperate with himself, he can only give up.

But fortunately, from Lin Ruonan's mouth dug out some useful things.

"It seems that this Lin hero is the biggest killer of the Lin family! I think all the abnormal actions of the Lin family over the years are paving the way for Lin Yingxiong

The purchase of iron and steel works and the bidding of yunxuanshi are all related to Lin Yingxiong.

There are so many treasures in the forbidden area of the Lin family. The people of the Lin family can't put them in the forbidden area for nothing. They will definitely use them on Lin Yingxiong.

With the full support of a strong family like the Lin family and Lin Yingxiong's terrifying talent, his achievements will certainly be terrible.

I hope that this Lin hero will not become a stumbling block at the conference.

Lin Yang congeals the eye, attracts Yi Guilin.

At 12 o'clock that night, Yi Guilin was received by Ma hai to Yanghua's office.

"Mr. Lin, are you looking for me?" Yi Guilin respectfully saluted Lin Yang.

"Help me investigate a man."


"Lin family, Lin hero, and the purpose of purchasing Yunxuan stone."

Lin Yang handed a document to Yi Guilin.

Yi Guilin opened a look, old face dignified a bit.

"Is it possible?"

"There are some difficulties. Such talents must be well protected by the Lin family. It's hard to contact them easily. It's not easy to investigate." Yi Guilin said hoarsely: "it's just what Mr. Lin told me. I'll try my best to finish it."

"I will let the donghuangjiao and the ancient people cooperate with you

Thank you, Mr. Lin

"Go down."


Yi Guilin left.

Lin Yang took a breath, looked at the night, then managed to live in the company for a night.The next morning, he went to Xuanyi school to change Su Yan's medicine.

Su Yan recovered very well, her eyes began to recover her eyesight slowly, and she also began to walk with crutches.

If it goes on like this, it will be cured within a few months.

Lin Yang was relieved and naturally very happy.

"Where is Lin Dong?"

On a lawn in the south of the college, Su Yan, who is undergoing rehabilitation training, suddenly says.

Lin Yang was stunned and said, "isn't it in front of you?"

"Don't make trouble, Lin Yang. The reason why I can recover is because of Lin Dong. You can contact him for me. I want to thank him well." Su Yan glanced at him.

"Don't worry, Xiaoyan. Lin Dong is very busy. After you recover, go back earlier. Don't stay in Xuanyi school. It's not safe here." Lin Yang road.

"Not safe?"

Su Yan looked at him strangely: "what are you talking about? Inexplicable! I just want to say thanks to Mr. Lin in person. Forget it. I'll see him later. I'll say it myself. "

Lin Yang shook his head in secret and did not speak.

At this moment, a phone call came in.

Lin Yang glanced at the number. It was a strange number.

He refused directly.

But just press to refuse to listen, this number called in again.

"Who is it?"

"I don't know. It's a strange number."

"I'm in such a hurry to call you. Maybe it's urgent. You can listen to it." Su Yan said.


Lin Yang nodded and pressed the connect button.

"Hello, is that Mr. Lin?"

There was a polite voice over the phone.

"Are you?"

"Oh, Hello, I'm the bodyguard of master Bao Anshui. You should have met master Bao Anshui? The one in the restaurant yesterday. "

"It's him. I know. What's the matter?"

"It's true that such an unpleasant thing happened yesterday. Master Bao is very sorry. So he held a banquet and wanted to invite Mr. Lin to attend to show his apology to you. He also hoped that Mr. Lin would not refuse." The voice over the phone said with a smile.


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