"I have no interest!"

Lin Yang reacted and refused.

"Mr. Lin, Mr. Bao is sincerely inviting you to this banquet. I hope you can give Mr. Bao a face! If you don't come, I think... Master Bao will be very disappointed. "

The tone of the people on the other side of the phone changed slightly, and the way they spoke became more subtle.

"Disappointed? Do I mean threat? " Lin Yang heard a little clue and asked without expression.

"No, no, no, Mr. Lin, we master Bao has no such intention, but he really doesn't like others not to give him face!" The other side is busy to explain, but said with a smile.

Lin Yang frowned.

How inexplicable, this Bao Anshui to find their own?

"What's going on?"

Su Yan asked in confusion.

"Oh, a man named Bao Anshui wants to invite me to dinner." Lin Yang said.

"What? Bao Anshui? " Su Yan lost his voice on the spot.

"Do you know this man?" Lin Yang was quite surprised.

"Is it Bao Anshui, the son of Bao Jiancheng, who does cloth business?" Su Yan asked.

"I don't know. Maybe it's him." Lin Yang said quietly.

"How did you get on with this man?" Su Yan stepped forward a few steps, her body was a little staggered, because she walked fast, all involved in the wound, the pain made her take a breath.

But she did not care so much, her eyes shining at Lin Yang, waiting for his reply.

"Oh, it's not a line! It's like this... "

Lin Yang said what was in the restaurant yesterday.

Of course, it must have been modified by him, at least to make su Yan sound not too abrupt.

"So you're trying to save your friends, and then Bao Anshui will help you out?"

"Yes, he is the owner of the shop."

"It must be! It must be Mr. bao'anshui... "Su Yan flashed a touch of blazing heat from the depths of his pupils and said in a low voice," Linyang! You quickly promise to come down, this dinner party, you must attend


"Are you an idiot? This Bao Anshui is not an ordinary person. If you can get on with him and cooperate with him, you can make endless money! Do you know the background of Bao Anshui? " Su Yan lowered her voice and looked very serious.

"I don't know. What's his background?" Lin Yang shook his head.

"You... Don't mind, promise to come down, I'll tell you later." Su Yan see the phone is still on, even busy way.

Lin Yang thought for a moment and nodded in silence.

Since this Bao'an water is so complicated, he might as well go and have a look at what Bao'an water is going to do.

"What time does the dinner begin?" Lin Yang asked on his mobile phone.

"At seven o'clock this evening, Mr. Lin, please tell us the address and we'll send a car to pick you up." The voice over the phone said with a smile.

There was a touch of pride in his smile.

Sure enough, no one could refuse the invitation of master Bao Anshui.

People on the other side of the phone are laughing.

"Don't pick me up. Give me the address. I'll take a taxi myself."

"In that case, well, sir, the place may be far away, on the top of the stone city, in the Stone City villa!"

"Stone City villa? Not in the boundary of Jiangcheng? "


"Well, it's a little far away, but I'll be there on time."

"Yes, Mr. Lin. we are looking forward to seeing you."

Hang up.

Lin Yang took a breath.

"This is a good opportunity, you must seize it! Do you understand? " Su Yan was particularly serious.

"Xiao Yan, you just woke up, the body has not recovered, this aspect of the matter you do not want to think about." Lin Yang frowned.

"What do you know? Now that I'm ready, where can I get ready? During my coma, the company must be in a mess! If our company can cooperate with Bao Anshui, it will make up a big hole, and will not let the company continue to go downhill! " Su Yan said excitedly.

"Cooperation? You haven't told me about Bao Anshui? Why have I never heard of this man in Jiangcheng before? " Lin Yang asked.

"That must be the Jiangcheng that this person just arrived at recently! This man is from Shanghai! "


"Yes, and Bao Jiancheng, Bao Anshui's father... It's said that it's from there!" Su Yan lowered her voice.

"In there? What do you mean? " Lin Yang is at a loss.

But see Su Yan pointed to a piece of black pattern on the body clothing.


Lin Yang was stunned and suddenly realized something. He said in a low voice, "you mean the biggest...".

"yes! That's it

Su Yan said in a low voice: "Bao family has such a layer of relationship, the market of many industries can occupy very easily! If we can take the line of Bao's family, our company will surely rise rapidly! "Su Yan was quite excited, her eyes were full of longing.

Lin Yang frowned slightly.

"The Bao family may not be able to negotiate. In addition, isn't Yueyan international cooperating with Yanghua? What are you trying to do with the baos? "

"Yanghua... No, Lin Yang, I wake up and chat with my secretary. Yanghua has not been peaceful for a long time, and has made a lot of troubles. At this time, Yanghua has been too busy for himself. How can I add trouble to Yanghua? What's more, Dong Lin has helped me too much. I'm really sorry to bother him again! " Su Yan sighed.

"Is that so..." Lin Yang said nothing.

But see Su Yan suddenly way: "you wait for me." He turned and went back to the room.

"What's the matter?"

Lin Yang is at a loss.

A moment later, Su Yan limped to come and directly stuffed a purse into his hand.

Lin Yang was shocked.

"You go to the street and change your clothes, and I'll call Xiaoyu and ask her to pick you up in the car! You go to the party with Xiaoyu! On behalf of our company! " Su Yan said seriously.

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