What's the meaning of this? Can Feng Qingyu not hear it?

"You still have your hand?" Wind green feather sink road.

"I only use needles, not poison. I should know that I am a doctor." Lin Yang said quietly.

Feng Qingyu took a breath and nodded.

"It's really the back wave of the Yangtze River pushing the front wave! I am old! This world is your world. " He felt a little.

"Master, don't belittle yourself. Your strength is still beyond the reach of many people. At present, I can't help but you are not?" Lin Yang light road.

"I've lost, I've been injured, and you're in good condition. It's meaningless to continue fighting! It's time for me to go. " Wind green feather road.

Lin Yang said nothing.

Feng Qingyu wants to leave, he can't stay.

This is why Lin Yang respects Feng Qingyu.

The strength of this man is beyond his control.

"Before you leave, Dr. Lin, can you answer me a question?" Wind green feather hesitates next, hoarse says.

"What's the problem? Master, it's OK to say so! "

"I'd like to know, where do you learn from this skill?" Feng Qingyu asked.


Lin Yang was stunned, then shook his head and chuckled: "I don't have a teacher!"

"No teacher? How is that possible? Doctor Lin! How can you learn this skill without the guidance of a strong man? " Feng Qingyu was a little angry: "I have to admit that your current achievements are indeed something that many people can't achieve in their lifetime. However, people should not forget their roots. How can we abandon them if we teach them as parents?"

"It seems that the elder didn't believe me?" Lin Yang is too lazy to explain.

Feng Qingyu frowned: "what? Do you really have no teacher? "

"Some people have pointed me out, but it's not long. If you really want to say it, then those teachers are my teachers."

"Who told you?"

"Wonderful hand Valley, wonderful hand old man!"

"The old man? Oh, Doctor Lin, don't deceive me! I've also been in touch with the old man with wonderful hands. Her needling skills and medical skills are not as good as you. How can I instruct you? "

"I said the truth! If you have to ask my teacher, one of them is the old man with wonderful hands, and there are still several left... "Lin Yang said, without concealing.

These people are respected by him. After all, they have solved their doubts for themselves. If they have to be said, they are indeed their own mentors.

However, Feng Qingyu was angry and said: "these people who sell their first names in the market can't be your mentor? They don't deserve it! Don't deserve it

Lin Yang saw the situation, fog and water.

"Master Feng, what do you mean?"

However, seeing the wind, Qingyu suddenly jumped up from the lower hole and stood in front of Linyang.

His eyes were burning at Lin Yang.

Lin Yang was stunned and alert. He didn't know what Feng Qingyu wanted to do.

However, seeing the wind and green feather several steps forward, the pupil bead seems to want to spurt fire, seriously said: "Doctor Lin! Let me ask you! How can I do better than you? "

"The younger generation can't reach it!"

"How many people in the world can match my speed?"

"I'm afraid no one can compare it!"

"Good! In that case, I ask you... Do you want to learn from me? " Feng Qingyu asked blazing.


Lin Yang is stupid.

But seeing Feng Qingyu's emotion suddenly excited, he said, "Doctor Lin! As long as you are willing to call me master now! I promise to teach you this skill unconditionally! OK? will you Would you like to? "

He even pressed questions, and his tone was a little too hot to contain.

Lin Yang's brain is blank, can't react at all.

"What are you doing, master Feng?"

"What? You don't want to? Even those unknown clowns who jump out of which corner can be your mentor! Why can't I have Feng Qingyu? " The wind green feather is urgent, repeatedly said: "speak! What conditions do you have! Tell it all! As long as you are my good apprentice! I'll satisfy you with any conditions! "

"This..." Lin Yang didn't know what to say.

And the Lin people here are completely confused.

"The situation is bad. Go!"

Lin Hengzhi came back to his senses and gave an urgent cry, turning to run.

Feng Qingyu's eyes were cold and he said, "you guys from the Lin family dare to harm my apprentice? Don't go

After saying that, humanized into a gust of wind, rushed out of the office in an instant, caught Lin Hengzhi and others, and threw them in front of Lin Yang.

"Good apprentice! Come on, what are you going to do with these people? " Wind green feather big voice.

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