Good apprentice?

Lin Yang's brow moved: "master Feng, I didn't say I would like to worship you as a teacher! Please respect yourself. "

"What are you talking about?" Feng Qingyu was displeased and snorted: "my lightness skill is the best in the world. No one can beat me. I don't know how many people want to be my teacher. I don't agree with you. I see that you are gifted and can't bear to waste. So I accept you as an apprentice. If you want to give me everything, how can you refuse it?"

"Master Feng, I'm not very interested in such martial arts as lightness skill and body method. You have to make sure that I am a doctor first." Lin Yang light way.

"You... You really don't want to?" Feng Qingyu stares.

"Master, I don't have so much time to learn some lightness skills."

"But... You hurt my apprentice! My apprentice is not likely to be in Jiangcheng, so... So you have to pay for one of my apprentices! " Wind green feather hesitated under, gnawing teeth way.

Lin Yang was immediately shocked.

He thought that Feng Qingyu was a great man in the world, but he never thought that he could speak such shameless words!

It's totally shameless. It depends on Lin Yang.

What do you mean, master

"No more! Boy, either you are my apprentice or... I...

"if we want to fight, we can continue!" Lin Yang said quietly.

Feng Qingyu's face changed slightly. If he really wanted to fight, he could not help Lin Yang, although Lin Yang could not help him.

"You are my apprentice, how can I fight you?" Wind Green Feather Rose red face, half ring just hold out such a sentence.

It seems that Feng Qingyu is a shameless person who wants to be Lin Yang's master.

Lin Yang shakes his head and sighs. He doesn't know why Feng Qingyu is so eager to accept apprentices, but he is not interested in it.

"Master Feng, since you don't want to fight, go to have a rest for a while. I have to ask people to clean up here."

Lin Yang walked to Lin Hengzhi.

Lin Hengzhi's faces are white and shivering behind them. They look at Lin Yang in fear.

"Mr. Lin, what do you want to do?" Lin Hengzhi swallowed his saliva and asked in a low voice.

"The Lin family brought Feng to kill me, didn't you?" Lin Yang asked calmly.

"It's about you and the robber. We Lin family can't control him." Lin Hengzhi said in a low voice: "our main purpose is to find Lin Ruonan again!"

"But if I'm not up against Feng, I'm afraid I'll be dead now. This disaster is caused by your Lin family, so it's useless to say anything!"

Lin Yang shakes his head, his eyes are cold.

"Mr. Lin, this... This... This... We really don't know anything about this matter! It's the decision of the clan... We're just following orders! " Lin Hengzhi is busy.

"I don't care about this. What I care about is that you Lin family has attacked me!"

Lin Yang patted him on the shoulder and calmly said, "but don't be too afraid. I won't kill you! You will not worry about your life! "


The Lin family were overjoyed.

Next second.

Lin Yang spoke again.

"Leave one arm for each and go back."


The faces of the people turned pale.

"Lin... Mr. Lin?"?? This... "

" what? Don't you want to? " Lin Yang side head light way: "can't words, that change the same?"? You can choose for yourself. "

"Your choice? Choose... What? "

"Choose your parts!" Lin Yang said hoarsely.

People are petrified.


What do they mean? Naturally, they know it well...

if we do not lack arms and legs today, they will definitely not be able to walk out of Yanghua building...

"brother Hengzhi, what should we do now?"

"No, I don't want to break my hand! I don't want it


some young people of the Lin family were scared to cry.

Lin Hengzhi clenched his teeth and kowtowed to the wind green feather over there. He called out, "master thief, please be kind and help us!"

"Save you? You are trying to harm my apprentice! I wish I could tear you apart! You want me to save you? A fool talks about dreams Wind green feather hand a shake, cold hum says.

Hearing this, Lin Hengzhi almost vomited blood.

It is clear that Feng Qingyu is a poison to Lin Yang, but now it is on the head of the Lin family!

What's more, Doctor Lin didn't intend to let him be his apprentice at all, but he was shamelessly his master!

Lin Hengzhi has never seen such a brazen person!

But now he has no way.

If you want to live, you can only have the courage to break your hand at this moment...

"Doctor Lin, I'll... Break my hand!"Lin Hengzhi said hoarsely.

"Then do it." Lin Yang said quietly.

Lin Hengzhi clenched his teeth with a ferocious look. His eyes were full of cold and ferocity.

The Lin family sent him here to prove that he had some skills.

At this point, he also has courage!

Sure enough.

Lin Hengzhi grabs a piece of broken glass on the ground, roars fiercely and cuts it towards his left wrist.


The wrist was cut off.

Blood splashed.


The Lin people around them screamed with fear.

Lin Hengzhi was even more in pain, shivering all over his body, and his mouth was humming.

He held the broken hand tightly, his face was pale, and the cold sweat on his face was constantly overflowing.

"Lin Dong, can I go now?"

Lin Heng Zhi asked.


Lin Yang said quietly.

Lin Hengzhi trembled and towering, but his eyes did not have the previous fear, instead, a strong hatred and ferocity.

"The Lin family will remember this humiliation!" He said grimly, turning to go.

"Hold on!" Lin Yang suddenly called out.

Lin Hengzhi stopped.

"What else can I do for you

"No, I just want to have a word with you."

"What words?"

"I have never forgotten the humiliation and debt of the Lin family to me!" Lin Yang said quietly.

Lin Hengzhi was stunned, and his eyes flashed with amazement.

What does that mean?

When did the Lin family owe Dong Lin? Have you humiliated Mr. Lin?

He couldn't understand, but it was useless to say anything at this time.

Without a word, Lin Hengzhi turned and left Yanghua.

As for the rest of the Lin family, they also broke their wrists and left in a howl.

The scene was bloody.

But it will soon be over.

Lin Yang could have killed all these people.

But killing all these people, there is no sense, let them go back injured, on the contrary, can frighten the Lin family!

Especially now that Feng Qingyu is also standing in Linyang, the Lin family is even more afraid to act recklessly.

Lin Yang breathed and was ready to leave.

"Apprentice, where are you going The wind and the green feather call.

"Master Feng, I said, I didn't promise to be your apprentice." Lin Yang looks helpless.

"Good disciple, I said, I will give you all I can, and you will be the strongest descendant of the thief emperor! I promise Feng Qingyu is busy.

But Lin Yang was too lazy to pay attention to him and left Yanghua directly.

"Apprentice! Good apprentice

Feng Qingyu is busy following up.

But the man ran a few steps, he suddenly smelled something, whispered: "if male?"

Lin Yang, who was about to leave, stopped and looked at him. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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