The power of this slap is so strong that it can't be wielded by a thin man like Lin Yang?

Zhou game's face sank, and the driver had been hiding far away, afraid to approach.

"Fun, fun!"

Zhou Jiyi's old eyes narrowed and said in a deep voice: "I thought I was dealing with a useless sheep this time, but I never thought that I was actually a fierce wolf! Good! Good... It seems that I have some fun on this trip

With that said, Zhou's game directly opened up, and his old face became serious.

But Lin Yang is still that pair of indifferent appearance, the face is expressionless, also can't see what serious.

"It's a pity that you are just a useless sheep in my eyes." He said faintly.

"Young and frivolous! I won the national championship without you Zhou's game is cold.

"If you had met me earlier, you might not have won the championship."

Lin Yang raised his fist.

When the voice dropped, he suddenly opened his eyes, the chill broke out, his feet moved open, and people rushed to Zhou game like an illusion.


How fast!

Zhou game startled, quickly withdraw, arms crisscross in front of.


An iron fist instantly hit his arms staggered position, and the power of tyranny and tyranny instantly acted on the body of Zhou game.

Zhou game madly retreated, his feet clattered. When he stabilized his body, he found that his arms were numb.

What a strength!

If this hit ordinary people, I'm afraid it would have made people faint?

Zhou's game is cool.

"What? Is this the strength of the freestyle champion? It's disappointing Lin Yang shook his head repeatedly.


Zhou Qiaoji is impatient. He has lived so old and failed, but he has never been ridiculed like this, and he is still ridiculed by such a young guy!

How could he bear it?

"I don't know the height of heaven and earth, I want you to look good!"

Zhou game low roar, and then rush to, a fist like a tiger, pounce on.

The strength of Cang Jin is as heavy as hundreds of Jin, which is enough to smash and fly a strong man of 1.8 meters.

But when his fist was about to approach Linyang, Lin Yang suddenly raised his hand and seized the fist.


The sound of fists and palms.

Then the attack of Zhou game stopped suddenly.


Zhou's game has a big eye.

"If you want to break my limbs, can't I break your limbs too much?" Lin Yang light road, and then a backhand hit Zhou game elbow.



The shrill screams resounded through the sky.

Week game game pain full of sweat, cold sweat.

He wanted to fight back, but it was useless.

His fist is no threat to Lin Yang at all...

"then there is the other hand!"

Lin Yang was not polite and smashed in the past.



Zhou game again issued a sad cry.

"Next are your legs."



There was a succession of crackles.

Zhou Jiji's whole person has fallen on the ground like mud, almost fainting in pain. It is extravagant to think about fighting with Linyang again.

The driver behind looked at the terrible scene, the whole person was silly in place.

He knew Zhou's game and knew how powerful the old man was.

Over the years, he has helped Hua man Chen solve many thorny problems. He has dealt with all kinds of thorny problems, both professional fighters and veterans, and he has hardly suffered any losses.

But today.

When he met a son-in-law in this small river city, Zhou Qiai couldn't hold on to two moves, so he lost his limbs...

if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, the driver couldn't believe it...


At this time, Lin Yang kicked the past.

Zhou game's body immediately flew out like a ball, and then fell heavily in front of the driver. The man was still and fainted.

The driver's legs softened and he sat on the ground.

"Take him to the hospital and tell Hua manchen that my wife is not his active one! Go away Lin Yang said faintly.

"Yes... Yes..."

the driver shouldered the weekly game tremblingly and ran forward with fear.

Lin Yang murmured, drilling 918 to continue to the sanatorium.

In the hospital ward.

Su Yan rubbed a problem and wiped Su Guang's face.

Huamanchen stood by with a smile and chatted with Su Guang.The atmosphere is very harmonious.

Su Guang looks at huamanchen's eyes with a smile on his face. The more he looks, the more he likes it.

Especially when he learned that brilliance lent Su Yan two million yuan, Su Guang was filled with emotion.

"Manchen, you said that if you had met my Suyan a few years earlier, my Suyan would not have been such a fate!" He sighed.

"Uncle, don't say that. Lin Yang is very nice." Hua manchen said with a smile.

"Well, Lin Yang is a good boy. He has a good heart and filial piety. But he is just a son-in-law. He has no talent in the end. He knows some dignitaries and has some context, but he doesn't use it. He hasn't made a name for himself. This child may be like this in his life." Su Guang shook his head and sighed.

Can let Su Guang despise, can imagine how many such people waste?

Hua manchen smiles and doesn't speak, but he is full of pride in the bottom of his eyes.

"Xiaoyan, I heard that you are going to divorce Lin Yang. Is that true?" At this time, Su Guang Chao is busy over there Su Yan asked.

Su Yan's face changed and said in a low voice, "Dad, don't worry about it."

"Well, I can't say that. Since you're going to divorce, you're going to get married. You're so young, and you haven't got a job. Xiaoyang has delayed you for three years. This time, you can't delay any more." Su Guang's words are sincere and sincere.

"Dad, what do you mean?" Su Yan looked ugly and asked fiercely.

"Isn't that straightforward enough? If you look at other people's morning, they are sincere to you. You should make good use of the opportunity. " Su Guangdao.

"Dad, you..." Su Yan's face was flushed and her mood was excited.

Hua manchen still wanted to see Su Yan's shyness. Seeing that Su Yan was so excited, he knew that Su Yan had not accepted him. He immediately said, "uncle, emotion can't come by force. Don't force Xiaoyan, let's go with it."

"Well, what a good boy." Su Guang sighed, and his impression of China manchen increased to a new height again.

"I went to pay the hospitalization fee, brother Hua. I will pay back your money as soon as possible!" Su Yan got up, said calmly, and went outside.

And then a nurse came in.

"Which is Zhang Qingyu's family member?" Cried the nurse.

"I'm, nurse. What's the matter?" Su Yan asked.

"Oh, here's your list of operating expenses. Please check it." The nurse said and handed a list to Su Yan.

Su Yan glanced and was stunned.

"Xiao Yan, what's the matter?" Su Guang's astonishment.

"Someone... Paid for my mother's operation!" Su Yan Na said.

"What?" Su Guang was also greatly surprised.

But soon he realized something and immediately looked at huaman morning.

Brilliance was also stunned, but soon he recovered, smiling and silent.

"Did you pay it?" Su Yan asked.

"Four million, not much." The morning laughs casually.

Neither admitted nor denied.

But in the hearts of Su Guang's father and daughter, Hua manchen is the only one with such economic strength...

Su Yan is in a complicated mood.

Su Guang was overjoyed.

"Daughter, you should take good care of it." He whispered again.

Su Yan said nothing more.

But she did not say a word, which is a great good thing for China Mancheng.

"Young master!"

Just as huamanchen was about to open his mouth, a low cry rang out of the door.

Huamanchen looked at someone who was his driver. He said with a smile to Su Guang: "uncle, I'll excuse you for a moment."

"You are busy, you are busy!" Su Guang was busy.

"Xiao Yan, take care of your uncle first. I'll come when I go."

"Well." Su Yan said casually.

Brilliance came out of the ward.

"Is everything done?" Hua manchen sneered and asked the driver.

"This..." the driver hesitated and hesitated for a long time, but did not answer.

"What happened?" Bright morning, the face is slightly Zheng.

"Mr. Zhou... Is in hospital." The driver said in a low voice, "he was broken by Lin Yang, and I sent him back. This mission failed."


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