"You're not kidding me, are you?" Hua manchen had been awake for a long time and asked in a dry voice.

"Hua Shao, when did I joke with you? Mr. Zhou is in ward 318. I don't believe you go and have a look! " The driver cried.

The face was heavy in the morning.

"What's going on?" He asked in a low voice.

The driver immediately said what he had seen.

When I heard it in the morning, I was astonished.

"How could this be possible? How good is he? "

"Hua Shao, Lin Yang doesn't look as simple as we seem. We have to be more careful." Driver's road.

"Well, what about good skill? You think it's ancient? Who is good at Kung Fu? Is he better than a gun? Is he more powerful than me? " A cold hum in the morning.

"What shall we do now, young master?" Asked the driver.

"No one dares to offend Ben Shao like this. Since Lin Yang counterattacks, I have to let him know what's the end of fighting against Ben Shao. Go and call my family and tell my parents about Mr. Zhou's affairs. Especially my father, he and Mr. Zhou are teachers and friends. I can't stand Mr. Zhou like this. Let my father take care of Lin Yang, who has no idea of heaven and earth."

"This... Young master, will it make a big fuss?"

"Don't worry. It's just a waste. Where can it be?" Hua manchen sneered and waved: "go and do it."


The driver ran down.

"What happened?"

Su Yan came out.

"Nothing, just a little thing." Hua manchen smiles.


Su Yan hesitated and said, "brother Hua, there is something I want to tell you clearly."

Suddenly, Huachen realized, "what's the matter of breathing? You say

"It's brother Hua, I know what you mean and what you think, but... I'm a married woman in the end. I don't want people to gossip, so..." Su Yan doesn't know what to say.

Hua manchen was stunned. A touch of malice flashed in the deep of his eyes, but he still had a smile and said gently: "Xiaoyan, I know what you mean."

"In a word, I will pay you back your money soon. Although my company is in its infancy, it has a good prospect. Moreover, I have put my house to an intermediary for sale. Give me three months. No, I will pay you off in one month." Su Yan was busy.

"Xiao Yan, you put too much pressure on yourself." The morning light voice.

Su Yan listened, autumn eyes slightly dark, did not speak.

"It's all caused by your incompetent husband. When the family changes greatly, he doesn't help you. At this time, you have to bear all these things, but he can't do anything. Xiaoyan, you are so aggrieved that you shouldn't bear these, you should have a better life!" Hua manchen said again.

Every word is said to Su Yan's heart.

Su Yan side head, did not speak.

"Although you haven't divorced him yet, I know that sooner or later you will divorce him, Xiao Yan, no matter how long, I will wait for you!"

Huamanchen affectionately said that he wanted to catch Su Yan's hand.

But Su Yan is very clever to hide in the past.

"Please respect yourself, brother Hua." Su Yan said hoarsely.

"Oh, I may be in a hurry. I'm sorry..." Hua manchen apologized slightly.

"Go ahead and get busy. This time, thank you very much."

Su Yan said, spinning and turning into the ward.

Hua manchen squints at Su Yan's beautiful shadow. He licks his tongue secretly, and his eyes gradually become cold.

"What kind of innocence are you, bitch? When I take your blood, I'll see how you still pretend to me

Huamanchen said, then turned to the ward of Zhou game.



in sanatorium.


Lin Yang put away the silver needles one by one, and said to Zheng Nan Tian: "general Zheng's physical fitness is much better than I expected. The recovery of the injury was beyond my expectation. I thought it would take a month. In this way, we can recover completely in two weeks. If we apply a few more needles, we should have no problem."

"Captain, that's great!" Xiao Zhao was overjoyed.

"Yes, good! Good Zheng Nantian's mood is also very excited, even sigh, old eyes burst out bursts of light.

Obviously, he is ambitious!

"Take your medicine on time." Lin Yang put the medicine aside and left.

"Xiao Lin, don't go in a hurry. Stay and have a meal." Zheng Nantian is busy.

"No, general. I have something to do with my family." Lin Yang smiles.

Can I help you Zheng Nantian suddenly said.Lin Yang a Leng, spin and shake his head, then walk toward the outside.

"Oh, Xiao Lin has something on his mind." Zheng Nantian sighed with emotion.

"Although Mr. Lin is young, he has a lot of skills. You don't have to worry, warden." Xiaozhao road.

"If you get so many benefits from others, how can you not serve snacks? Xiao Zhao, go and investigate to see what troubles Xiaolin has encountered. If it's that kind of trouble, let's help. This boy must be a pillar of our country in the future, so we should cultivate it well! " Zheng Nan Tiandao.

"Good captain!"

After leaving the sanatorium, Lin Yang returned to the company.

The company didn't have a bed, so he went to luoqian's Hospital in the evening. As for the century Haoqing's house, the decoration company was responsible for it. Lin Yang planned to buy a set of furniture some time. When the house was decorated, he would take Su Yan to live.

When she saw the house, she should not doubt Lin Yang's words any more?

The next day, Lin Yang went to the furniture market and ordered a batch of high-quality furniture.

However, as soon as people came out of the furniture market, Ma Hai called.

"What's the matter?" Lin Yang asked.

"There's something wrong with Lin Dong. Zhang Qingyu's operation has an accident. Zhang Qingyu's current condition is extremely bad! Life is in danger at any time. " Ma Hai sank.


Lin Yang was stunned.

"Lin Dong, the hospital has issued a notice of critical illness. At present, only you can save Zhang Qingyu. Look..." Ma Hai hesitated and said.

"Arrange for me right now, I'll treat Zhang Qingyu, quick!"

Lin Yang drank low and drove to the hospital immediately.

Ma Hai inquired and arranged in a hurry.

Municipal People's hospital.

"How could that happen? How could the operation fail? "

Su Yan looks pale and looks at the doctor in front of her.

"Doctor, you must save my wife! Please, doctor! I'm on my knees! "

Su Guang on the hospital bed cried excitedly, and he would turn over from the bed.


Su Yan hastily stops Su Guang, but she is already crying into tears.

"Miss Su, Mr. Su, we did not expect this result. No operation is 100% successful, but what we can guarantee is that we can try our best. Although the situation of Ms. Zhang is not optimistic, there is still a glimmer of hope. Please don't give up." The doctor said.

"You said before the operation that this operation will be successful, and now tell me this, asshole, it's all you who do harm to you, all of you!"

Su Guang was so excited that he was so angry that he jumped out of bed and jumped at the doctor.

In the end, his injury did not allow him to do so, and he fell directly to the ground.

"Dad, don't mess with me!" Su Yan choked and helped Su Guang up.

Su Guang constantly wipe tears, the whole person seems to be old countless.

But then a man came in.

"Xiaoyan, don't be sad, Aunt Zhang, I have a way! Make sure she's safe! "

As soon as he said this, Su Yan looked at the sound source in a hurry, only to find that the speaker was Hua manchen...

"brother Hua, is that true? Is my mother really saved? " Su Yan said eagerly.

"Of course." Hua manchen said with a smile.

"Sir, our hospital has cooperated with Miss Anna of the international health organization. The medical equipment used in the hospital is the most advanced. In fact, we don't have much hope here. This is basically the case in all parts of the country. What can you do to make Ms. Zhang's condition stable?" The doctor said angrily.

Hua manchen was smiling, and Gushi said without wave: "I just need to say one person, you will know."

"Who?" Asked the doctor.

"Qin baisong!"

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